Plan and implement high performance training and recovery programs


Plan a training and recovery program to meet athlete requirements.


2.5      Incorporate principles of recovery into training program design.


2.6      Identify and select equipment and resource requirements for each stage of the program.


2.7      Include evaluation methods to monitor training program.


2.8       Schedule and document all aspects of training program.


What is it

Recovery nutrition AIS

Increasing and decreasing blood flow rates



Flushing with ice


Recovery session example


Identify and select equipment

Different clubs and support groups will have different access to gymnasiums, university facilities, laboratories and sports grounds to support the high performance athlete. Access to such facilities should be understood by all parties and may be the subject of agreements through contracts or simple letters. This would include costs and charges and arrangements for borrowing equipment. The coach and the athlete need to know that these are regular arrangements between the organisation and the coach/ athlete and are within the policies and procedures of that organisation.

In the middle of a training schedule they do not want to be arguing about their rights of access or usage of equipment if the management of the facility suddenly changes its mind or has an internal political problem. Such issues can lead to adverse media publicity as well.

Further to these issues the coach and athlete may want access to their own equipment for travel or home use. Here is a “shopping list”:


  • Cardiovascular equipment such as exercise bikes –
  • Free weights or weights tables and systems –
  • Exercise machines with various resistance loading
  • Exercise balls – Bars, steps and resistance bands –
  • Pool-based equipment
  • – Computer equipment
  • – Cameras and video equipment
  • – Timing equipment

A further consideration will be actual competition equipment such as racing bikes, helmets, other protective equipment, bats or whatever is required. Many athletes at this level can gain sponsorships for their main equipment.

Resource requirements will be different for every athlete depending on their sports and their organisational requirements. For high level team sports most resource requirements have separate managers to keep track of all requirements and make sure they arrive at venues in time.


In some circumstances, for example American College Leagues, there will be policies governing numbers of coaching staff per athlete and individual use of equipment.

For some individual sports there may be a team of two – the athlete and the coach. The logistics of travel should be organised by a manager but many athletes have slept in very substandard accommodation as they climb the ladder of success.


The coach needs to be familiar with many kinds of legislation and codes of practice. Ordinary safety legislation, anti-discrimination laws and privacy laws are there to protect players and also to protect players from their own reckless behaviour which can easily lead to ruin of reputation through the media loving to write up bad news. Above all the media loves a drugs and partying beat-up so the coach has a watching brief on all these matters.

This can be complicated by different laws when travelling overseas plus differences in cultural understanding e.g. different attitudes to women in Muslim countries and different attitudes to body exposure.



The best evaluation of success will be sports success however other forms of evaluation should be built in to the training program so that there is reliable data on progress. The kinds of data must be decided between the athlete and the coach and it is within a framework of both having considerable experience by this stage of their career.


Fitness assessments: These are a normal fact for any high level athlete. As well as normal fitness benchmarks, they will be measuring health and likelihood of injury and many codes will include compulsory drug assessments.


Lab assessments: A range of blood and hormonal physiology assessments are now standard for athletes. These should be included in planning to bring as much science as possible to the performance task.


Discussions: We have said that all athletes should have a sports psychologist in the team and regular discussions should be held to maintain positive motivation and survey any problems before they become critical to performance. We have also recommended periodic formal facilitated discussions between the coach and the athlete to review any matters in the relationship.


Motivational Coaching


Eric Thomas


Whats your why


3 cone drill






Training and competition performances:


These should all be logged in detail and should include friendly training matches as well as the real events. Where repetitive practice is required e.g. golf then the number of repetitions plus before and after video should also be part of the program.


Training diaries: There are many styles off diaries from specialised online systems to ordinary old-fashioned notebooks. If the athlete is making a career of their sport then a diary is a record of that career. It also helps to capture fleeting moments of experience for further reflection and discussion later.

schedule and document all aspects of the training program


The training program, training competitions and official competitions should all be logged in a readily accessible place – possibly on the internet so that all authorised people have access at any time. There should be room to log training reports and competition results, times, goals, runs or whatever the main scores consist of.

A special problem is entry schedules and responsibilities. There is nothing worse than missing a date of an entry because one party thought the other had control of the nomination. If there are overseas nominations the matter is further complicated by time differences and even language issues.