Communication Strategy Plan (PPR)

Create your Communication Strategy Plan by answering the following questions in detail.


  1. What is my purpose? What am I intending to achieve? What is my intended outcome or outcomes?


  1. Who is my audience? How are members of my audience the same? How are they different? How might their goals be the same or different?


  1. How will I adapt to the audience? Be sure to identify different segments of an audience and how you will adapt to each. How will you make your message relevant to them? What potential barriers exist, and how will you overcome them?


  1. What is your thesis? How does your thesis relate to your purpose and your audience?


  1. What are your main points? How will you support them? Does your support relate to your audience? If so, how? If not, why?


  1. If giving a presentation, what should I be aware of in terms of my nonverbal behaviors? What behaviors do I want to focus on? Why?


Practice: Write the document or give the presentation by applying your plan.


Reflect: Seldom are we completely pleased with our writing or presentation, and we tend to be our own toughest critics!  Based on feedback from your instructor and peers, reflect on the experience.


  1. Did I achieve my purpose? What was effective and why? What could have been improved and how?


  1. Did the audience seem to respond as I’d hoped? Did I seem to connect with them? What seemed to work well? What could I have improved?


  1. Was my message clear and easy to follow?


  1. If I gave a presentation, did I achieve my goals for communicating nonverbally? What might I work on in the future?