You are an Informatics Manager for a health plan that needs to submit their HEDIS data to NCQA next month. The health plan’s former informatics manager did not provide the CIO with a report of the HEDIS scores from the prior year. She is interested in the percent of well-child visits in the first 15 months of life (#8940) for babies covered by your plan and all cause readmission rates (#9190). However, as with any public report, the CIO asks you for an analysis of these data before it is submitted to the NCQA.


Please read about the 2 HEDIS measures (Measure 8940 and Measure 9190) we will be exploring in this final project. The links to the NCQA explanations are in the module.

For this final project, each student will create a (1) three slide PowerPoint presentation and an (2) Executive Brief.

Please select a health plan that begins with the first letter of your last name. If your last name begins with F, I, X, Y, or Z then please choose a health plan that begins with the first letter of your first name. For example, I would choose between Geisinger Health Plan, one of the Group Health Cooperatives, or Gundersen Lutheran Health Plan.


Elements to analyze and report on:

  1. You have HEDIS data on 223 plans including yours for the well-child visit measure. You’d like to see the breakdown of how plans are doing overall. You decide to depict this through a vertical bar chart (proc gchart, vbar) depicting the percent (x axis) and frequency (y axis) of the plans for the 6+ visit rate only (variable = six_plus_visit_rate).

How does your plan compare in terms of this measure?

  1. You also want to see if the average 6+ visit rate is different across plan types, if it varies depending on if a plan is an HMO or PPO (variable =ReportingProduct). You decide to depict this through a horizontal bar chart (proc gchart, hbar). The meanrate of the variable six_plus_visit_rate will be across the x axis. This is very similar to your Q3 for PL1, because you’ll have to show the average rate across categories. 

Does the average rate of babies that have had 6+ visits in their first 15 months of life differ between plan types?

  1. You have HEDIS data on the 225 plans including yours for the all-cause readmissions measure. You’d like to see an overall breakdown of readmissions rates for the total population for all plans. You decide to depict this through a pie chart (proc gchart, pie).

How does your plan compare in terms of this measure?

  1. You’d like to create a table depicting the mean (using the proc means statement) readmission rates for females, males, and total for all the plans. You want the variable name, the sample size (N), the Mean, the Standard Deviation, and the Minimum and Maximum values. The variables you’ll use are (var = Readm_F_Total, Readm_M_Total, Readm_Total_Total).  (first check out the module for help with the syntax).

How does your plan compare in terms of this measure?


Create a powerpoint that has the above elements (must be copied from SAS output)

Use template and findings to write a one-page Executive Summary.