Assignment In semester 1 you have been asked to consider what is ‘strategy’ and more specifically what is ‘business strategy’. We have emphasized the importance of considering time and space in
strategic thinking and the principle of manoeuvring against an opponent or opponents. This assignment encourages you to apply strategic thinking to your essay. The ambition of the module team for you is to become strategically critical.
Select a company (or organization) of your choice. Investigate this company and its history and identify its key strategic moves over a defined period of time.
You may use any published case-study or build your own case from secondary data, from any
source. Always state your source material through full referencing.
Tip: Don’t try to analyse a multi-national corporate like McDonald’s, Apple, Google and
attempt to analyse everything that has happened everywhere and every-when. If you use such
companies….. fine, but focus your analysis on ‘parts’ of the companies’ operations.
Tip: Using a small company can be as useful as analysing a large and well known
Tip: don’t just pick the company who makes your phone or computer because it’s convenient
and familiar… give the choice of company some thought.
Tip: pick a case where something strategically interesting has happened, failure is as interesting as success. If you pick a case where there has been ten years of stability, what is there to analyse?
There are 5 elements to the answer, but these don not necessarily have to be answered in
discreet sections, they denote only the mark weightings.
You should:
1. Briefly identify the boundaries (strategic space) in which your analysis is taking
place… for instance which markets, which industries, which strategic groups.
Reminder, Markets form the demand conditions a firm sells into, industries form the supply conditions they produce in.
2. Briefly identify the time period, or periods in which you think something
strategically interesting happened. Define those periods as phases, episodes and events and argue why they are important. (5%)
Tip: use a simple timeline chart and map out chronologically the key periods, and you can
then indicate which period/periods you are analysing in-depth. Clearly state the start and end
point of your analysis, gives dates
Whilst parts 1 &2 carry low weighting, if you do these well, the rest of the analysis makes sense. Without this you fall fowl of the everywhere and every-when trap.
3. What were the key environmental challenges the firm was addressing? (10%)
Tip: don’t provide a complete SWOT analysis, focus on the key strategic issues, and
crucially, why they are key.
Don’t struggle too much with internal factors, these are often hidden and difficult to unpick for an outsider looking in.
4. Characterize their competitive strategy drawing on models and ideas of your choice. (30%)
Tip: Think both defensive and offensive,
What was their position in relation to the market, leader or follower?
Could you use military metaphor here to describe it? Tip: Remember strategic groups and positioning.
5. Using the principles of the Ansoff Matrix, identify the moves made, and the methods used for those moves in the chosen time and space. (45%)
The Ansoff matrix is not perfect, use it critically (see the worked example in the lecture).
Tip: Think Chess, nothing strategically interesting happens in one move. Think about ‘strategic manoeuvring’. What did A do, what did B do in response to A, then what did A do
next…… and so on.
Methods can be not just used to take a product/service into a new market, but can also take parts of the value chain to different locations. 2500 words, excluding charts, tables, diagrams and bibliography.
Hand-in date December 20th
Provide all sources of data for your case as well as academic references.
You can use any amount of charts tables and diagrams to supplement your analysis. Leave these in the document, don’t hide them in an appendix. We give great credit for being able to present strategic analysis using charts, tables and diagrams. You are not limited to what we have taught you and what others have used before you. Create your own models if needed. One model may be used in more than one section, but present it once, give it a number, and refer back to it in later sections. Put another way, one worked example in a model can illustrate more than one point.
Building a case study
Draw on any sources of information to build you case, but remember that these must be referenced. There is a distinction between contextual information, (news reports, company reports, articles, video clips etc.) and academic literature, (the theory ideas, concepts…. Tools) you apply to analyse the case. These should be from good credible sources of information (books, journals).
Unsatisfactory (Refer if required)
Very Good
Tutors to create assessment-task specific criteria eg
0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-100
Part 1 Define the strategic space (10%)
There is no clear definition of industry, market or strategic groups defined in the chosen case. Falls fowl of the everywhere and every-when strategic analysis trap. Has some attempt to define the space but blurs boundaries between industries and markets
Reasonably clear definition of industry and market space which shapes the remainder of the analysis. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the key boundaries of analysis, appreciating different geographic, psychographic and demographic dimensions Develops both a mature market and industry analysis, demonstrating critical insight into these definitions May also appreciate space as a position in a global value chain
Achieves deep critical insight evident possibly offering different definitions of the competitive space and drawing on concepts not introduced in the module.
Potentially new definitions of industries markets offered.
Deep critical insight using a significant range of credible literature sources and with some original insights drawn. Demonstrates mastery of the complex nature of competitive space Exceptional mastery of complex and changing strategic space Part 2 Define the key time frames in the case. (5%)
There is no clear definition of time periods defined in the chosen case. Falls fowl of the everywhere and every-when strategic analysis trap.
Some definition of time periods but too broad and vague to make subsequent analysis meaningful Has some attempt to define the time periods but does not fully identify the key phases in a way that makes the subsequent analysis clear.
Lacking use of core tools within each time period. Identifies the time periods then the analysis doesn’t fit within them Clear periods identified and models and ideas used well within each time period. Clear use of models and tools within the analysis.
Advanced use of models to identify multiple, potentially overlapping time periods in different spaces. Moves away from the single linear model of strategy in a single space over time. Achieves deep critical insight evident possibly offering different definitions of the competitive space and drawing on concepts not introduced in the module.
Deep critical insight using a significant range of credible literature sources and with some original insights drawn. Demonstrates mastery of the complex nature of competitive time and space
Exceptional mastery of complex and changing strategic time & space context Part 3 Identify the key environmental challenges (10%) No real challenges for the named company identified. Shows no effort to research and investigate a contemporary problem (or up to the chosen end point of the analysis) Some definition of the key challenges but not presented in terms of opportunities and threats Has presented a laundry list of SWOT factors and not identified the key factors. Potentially misses the industry environment factors Has presented the key factors but not defended why they are key. Provides analysis of both narrow and broad environmental factors Has identified key factors and has provided justification and has used analysis beyond a naïve SWOT, potentially TOWS and LongPEST Achieves deep critical insight evident possibly offering deep and contemporary insight into the chosen context and drawing on concepts not Deep critical insight using a significant range of credible literature sources and with some original insights drawn, potentially showing a take on the challenges for Exceptional mastery of complex and changing strategic environments
and 5 Forces, potentially EFAS
introduced in the module.
the company not obtainable from secondary information Part 4 Identify directions and methods (45%)
No real evidence of understanding strategic manoeuvring offered. Doesn’t demonstrate understanding of strategic process, and doesn’t identify methods used to advance in directions Some basic attempt to identify key market moves, new product developments, but merely states without understanding the implications.
Uses the core principles of the Ansoff matrix to plot the key directions and has some discussion of methods. Uses the Ansoff noncritically and doesn’t fit within the time periods identified in part
2. Develops an understanding of move and counter move by opponents. Shows key moves clearly in time periods and has a solid understanding of the methods and why those methods were used. Advanced analysis and presentation skills to illustrate multiple plays in
multiple periods. Uses Ansoff critically potentially splitting out different dimensions and space and shows and evolving strategy. Achieves deep critical insight evident possibly offering a critique of whether moves were the right ones or not. Offers support for their contentions Deep critical insight using a significant range of credible literature sources and with some original insights drawn, potentially showing a take on the challenges for the company not obtainable from secondary information
Exceptional mastery of complex and changing strategic manoeuvre methods and underpinning reasons, mistakes made and success gained, and why. Part 5 Identify the competitive strategy (30%
No real evidence of understanding that strategy takes place in the context of competitors Some basic attempt to identify competitors but these are not analysed or compared from strengths and weaknesses. Competitors identified and some attempt to perform analysis such as strategic group analysis performed
Develops an understanding of move and counter move by opponents. Shows key competitive responses clearly in time periods. Enters into discussion of whether leadership of follower strategy was being played out potentially drawing on generic strategies Advanced analysis and presentation skills to illustrate that each move analysed in section 4 is made in the face of opposition Achieves deep critical insight evident possibly offering a critique of whether moves were the right ones or not. Offers support for their contentions
Deep critical insight using a significant range of credible literature sources and with some original insights drawn, potentially showing a take on the challenges for the company not obtainable from secondary information
Exceptional mastery of complex and changing Competitive strategy evident

What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?
Prof John Nicholson Prof John NicholsonProf John Nicholson Prof John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John Nicholson
Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School

ObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectives Objectives
• To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy
• To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business strategystrategystrategy strategystrategystrategystrategy
• To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key strategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout history strategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout history strategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout history strategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout history .
Points to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to remember
• Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.
• Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!!
• I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.
• I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.
• Take notesTake notesTake notesTake notesTake notesTake notes Take notesTake notesTake notes
• Read, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and Read, read and readRead, read and Read, read and readRead, read and Read, read and readRead, read and Read, read and Read, read and readRead, read and read…. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have …. I will ask.. “what have you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”.
Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy term
Ancient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient Greece
• Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, strategema strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemafrom from from from from ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, or or or GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralship.
• “Strategiketrategiketrategiketrategiketrategiketrategiketrategiketrategike episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s knowledge knowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledge).
• “Strategontrategontrategontrategontrategontrategontrategontrategonsophia sophiasophiasophiasophia” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ” (general’s wisdom ).
• StrategemsStrategemsStrategemsStrategemsStrategemsStrategemsStrategemsStrategemsStrategemsStrategems….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war ….. Tricks of war
• Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count Arguably not until 1799 when Count GuibertGuibertGuibertGuibertGuibertGuibertGuibertused the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La used the term “La strategique strategiquestrategiquestrategiquestrategiquestrategiquestrategiquestrategiquestrategiquestrategique” was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we was the term strategy used as we understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today. understand it today.
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu
• Sun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forces– the the the the Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and the the the the Qi element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy,
• The The The Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and more more more more more obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious.
• The The The Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, Qi (extraordinary) is indirect, unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox. unexpected, distracting, or unorthodox.
• Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack. Advocates use of both elements in an attack.
• Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between Strategy is the art of choosing between options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options. options, identifying and creating new options.
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu
• Qi does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless ZhenZhenZhenZhengis is is able able able able able to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until decisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struck decisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struck.
• Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience.
• Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao TseTseTse-Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Ho Chi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi Minh
If If you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles. result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a gained you will also suffer a defeat. defeat. defeat. defeat. defeat. defeat.
If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.” in every battle.”
The The The The victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and first fights and afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for afterwards looks for victorYvictorYvictorYvictorYvictorYvictorY
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)
• In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like CeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasar, Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine Pompey, Vespasian and Constantine the Greatthe Greatthe Greatthe Greatthe Greatthe Great the Greatthe Great
• Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European Influential on other great European military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the military commanders like Richard the LionhartLionhartLionhartLionhartLionhartLionhartLionhart and CharlemangeCharlemangeCharlemangeCharlemange CharlemangeCharlemangeCharlemangeCharlemangeCharlemangeCharlemange,
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus(C (C (C 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)
• The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves
“The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in 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and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by 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consequence towards the gaining of a battle. consequence towards the gaining of a battle. consequence towards the gaining of a battle. consequence towards the gaining of a battle. consequence towards the gaining of a battle. consequence towards the gaining of a battle. consequence towards the gaining of a battle. consequence towards the gaining of a battle.
Some Some Some Some should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of 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to prevent its being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.” being pierced.”
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus(C (C (C 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)
• Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary impedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimntiaimpedimentia
• Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, Speaks of reducing baggage trains, camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre.
• Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Arguably, exactly what Easyjet EasyjetEasyjetEasyjetEasyjetEasyjetand lowlowlow-cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done. cost business models have done.
• Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of Also arguably the beginnings of considering considering considering considering considering considering considering considering considering considering considering emergentemergentemergentemergent emergentemergentemergentstrategy strategy strategy strategy strategy strategy strategy strategy
Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli ( Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 -1527)
• Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the Machiavellian policy denotes the use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.
• Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do Pragmatism over ideology, do what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes. what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.what ever it takes.
• Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but Arguably not a strategist but important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to important nonetheless to understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose understand purpose
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)
• Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries
• Learn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the past
• Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are conquered conqueredconqueredconqueredconqueredconqueredconqueredconquered
• It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved. It is safer to be feared than loved.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).
• “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.”
• “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.”
• Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness
1. Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain
2. Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise
3. Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides
4. Aid Aid Aid to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means fortificationsfortificationsfortifications fortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfrtifications
5. Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance Assistance of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people of the people
6. Use Use Use Use of great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forces of great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forces of great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forcesof great moral forces of great moral forcesof great moral forces
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).
• The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’
 That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction.
 Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning.
• The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of warwarwar…. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence. military intelligence.
Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon BoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparte
• The strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central position The strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central position The strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central position
• Concentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of force Concentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of force Concentration of force
• Defeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detail
• Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one deploying the second force to destroy one enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second.
• “I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have lucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalslucky generalsthan good than good than good than good than good than good than good than good than good than good ones”. ones”. ones”. ones”. ones”.
• “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that “Always exaggerate the calamities that every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.” every option generates.”
Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon BoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparte
• Coup d’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeil, meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance eye” or “glance .”
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“A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches “A plan, like a tree, must have branches – if it if it if it if it if it if it is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt is to bear fruit. A plan with a single aim apt to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.” to prove a barren pole.”
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• The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach
• Fighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counter Fighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counter-intuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitively
• Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking
“The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest home.” home.” home.” home.” home.” home.”
• Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in 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• Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer BlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreig BlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreig.
• Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s Guderian’s elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence. elastic defence.
Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military strategystrategystrategystrategystrategystrategystrategystrategy
• Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach
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 A rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land.
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Stimulus for creativityStimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativityStimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativity
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The importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertainty
• The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of The strategist must act in the face of inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future. inherent uncertainty about the future.
• Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain Not only must you act against an uncertain environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful environment, but against a purposeful strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your strategic opponent who will react to your moves.moves.moves.moves.moves.moves.
• Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by Tactics versus strategy can be defined by increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty. increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty. increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.increasing uncertainty.
• Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key Understanding ‘time’ in strategy is key
Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far
• Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm
• Time, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resources
• ManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvre
• Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage Sustainable advantage
• Surprise Surprise Surprise SurpriseSurprise
• Paradoxical thinking Paradoxical thinking Paradoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinkingParadoxical thinking
2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other week week week week week
• Do we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a break Do we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a breakDo we want to take a break
• Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 Or… keep going and finish at 10 to 4…. to 4…. to 4…. to 4…. to 4….
Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor
• We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as metaphormetaphormetaphor metaphormetaphormetaphormetaphor
• What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?
 A thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something elseelseelseelse
 Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understand, make sense of things have less understandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstandingunderstandngunderstandingunderstandingunderstanding
 Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for Most of business strategy is a metaphor for military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key military strategy. It helps to understanding key purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when purposes of military strategy when understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy. understanding business strategy.
Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy
• Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560-562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that 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* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw, E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of , E.H. (2012). 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Origins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategy
• From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term From the mid 1950s, strategy term started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into
• Business policy Business policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policy-business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy
• Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy
• Strategic Management Strategic Management Strategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic Management
• An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy and and and and Structure* Structure* Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure* Structure*
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• “In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object In business as on the battlefield, object of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition of strategy is to bring about the condition most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s most favourable to one’s own side.” own side.” own side.” own side.” own side.” own side.” own side.” own side.” own side.” own side.”
• Kenichi Kenichi Kenichi Kenichi Kenichi Kenichi Kenichi OhmaeOhmaeOhmaeOhmaeOhmae
Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor AnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoff1918 -2002
• Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy
• The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic managementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagement
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• Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to perform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic management perform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic management perform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic managementperform strategic management
• First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities
• Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the Most famous model which endures in the AnsoffAnsoffAnsoff AnsoffAnsoffmatrix. matrix. matrix. matrix. matrix. matrix. matrix. matrix.
• Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’
Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry MintzbergMintzbergMintzbergMintzbergMintzbergMintzbergMintzbergMintzbergMintzberg
• Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure.Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure.
• Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s 5Ps
• Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of strategic emergence over strategic emergence over strategic emergence over strategic emergence over strategic emergence over strategic emergence over strategic emergence over deliberateness. deliberateness.deliberateness. deliberateness.deliberateness.
• Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis Proponent of paralysis by analysis
• Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by Seems influenced by VegetiusVegetius VegetiusVegetiusand and Liddle Liddle Liddle-Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect Hart’s notion of an indirect approach. approach.
Jay BarneyJay BarneyJay BarneyJay BarneyJay BarneyJay BarneyJay BarneyJay BarneyJay BarneyJay Barney
• TheTheTheresource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm
• The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a The VRIN framework, essentially a major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding major contribution to understanding sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage sustainable competitive advantage
• Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of Leads to a greater focus of competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and competences, capabilities and resources. resources. resources. resources. resources. resources. resources. resources. resources.
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• The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing myopiamyopiamyopiamyopiamyopiamyopia
• Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?” “what business are we in?”
• The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘ industryindustryindustryindustryindustry industryindustry’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ marketmarketmarketmarket market’. ’. ’.
Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter
• Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected generic strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategies generic strategies generic strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategiesgeneric strategies.
• Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be chosen from chosen fromchosen from chosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen from
• Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces modelmodelmodelmodelmodel
• Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on industrial industrial industrial industrial industrial industrial industrial industrial industrial industrial clusters clustersclusters clustersclustersclusters
• Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in Major contribution to the disaggregation of value in firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his firms, in his value chain value chain value chain value chain value chain value chain value chain value chain value chain value chain concept conceptconcept conceptconcept.
• Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his Analysed the competitive power of nations in his diamonddiamonddiamonddiamonddiamonddiamonddiamondmodelmodelmodelmodelmodel
How business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taught
 The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on strategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planning strategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planningstrategic planning
 Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools. Introduced as a sequential series of tools.
 SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic 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 More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art. More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art. More science and less art.
 Seductively simple to teach Seductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teachSeductively simple to teach
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• More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning. More likely involved in strategizing and tactical planning.
• How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day How does is help a student to ‘think’ strategically day
• It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox It doesn’t help to see paradox
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Strategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy ContextStrategy Contextcompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacescompetitive spacesThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimension The need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimension The need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimension The need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimensionThe need for an international dimension
• “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed “A strategy; a plan, method or series of actions designed to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.” to achieve a specific goal or effect.”
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• “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important “Strategy. A cohesive response to an important challenge” challenge” challenge” challenge” challenge” challenge” challenge” challenge” challenge” challenge”
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Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management
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STRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES (Where Where Where Where Where Where do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be? do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?do we want to be?What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which is the best place to be?) is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?) is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)is the best place to be?)
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The Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnavThe Strategy satnav
• If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, If you get lost in strategy, think satnav….. think satnav….. think satnav….. think satnav….. think satnav….. think satnav….. think satnav….. think satnav…..
 What What What two pieces of two pieces of two pieces of two pieces of two pieces of two pieces of two pieces of two pieces of information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it information does it need?
 And what does it give you?And what does it give you? And what does it give you?And what does it give you?And what does it give you? And what does it give you? And what does it give you? And what does it give you? And what does it give you? And what does it give you? And what does it give you? And what does it give you?And what does it give you? And what does it give you?And what does it give you? And what does it give you?
 Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with Why do I get angry with satnav’s??? satnav’s??? satnav’s??? satnav’s??? satnav’s??? satnav’s??? satnav’s??? satnav’s???
The module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structure
Semester 1 Semester 1 Semester 1
• Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives
 Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will 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Semester 2 Semester 2Semester 2 Semester 2 Semester 2
• Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives
 Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. 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Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting Strategy in the new economy. Largely revisiting semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be semester one material and showing how it cab be developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy. developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy. developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.developed and adapted in the modern economy.
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My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course
• That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to That you develop the able to think think think think think strategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situation strategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situationstrategically in any situation
• To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key 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hierarchy.. hierarchy.. hierarchy.. hierarchy.. hierarchy.. hierarchy.. hierarchy.. hierarchy..
• To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can To become dialectic thinkers who can identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived identify opportunities in perceived paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes. paradoxes.
Questions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next week
• I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each week. week. week. week. week. week.
• In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment? important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment? important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?important for China at the moment?
• Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Why des Donald Trump want Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland? Greenland?
Offensive strategy and
competitive advantage
Prof John Nicholson
Huddersfield Business School
University of Huddersfield 2019
The Thucydides Trap
• I asked you last week what was a
Thucydides trap?
•How does it relate to China?
•Why does Donald Trump want
Click on book
for link to ebook
Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy term Origins of strategy termAncient Greece ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, strategema from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ….the act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, or or or or or or or or or or
Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu • Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces —— ———————————————————— the Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng element, which fixes the enemy in place, and the the the the the the the the Qi element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the enemy, •••••The Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and
A tactical or strategic plan
• Distinction between ‘plans and ‘planning’
• A strategic plan is a plan which covers a period
beyond the next fiscal year. Usually this is for between
three and five years.
 Develop first. Greater emphasis on scanning and the
internal environment and developing strategic
• A tactical plan covers in quite a lot of detail the actions
to be taken, by whom, during a short term planning
period. This is usually for one year or less.
 Only after the strategic plan has been developed
and agreed should the one year plan be prepared
Minzberg’s 5 Ps of strategy
•Virtually all firms will have a strategy plan or
map Plan
•Specific move to outwit an opponent or
competitor Ploy
•The degree of a firms Pattern consistency over time
•The firms place in the industry relative to any
of its competitors Position
•How executives interpret the competitive
environment around them Perspective
Markets and industries
The market
 Defined by demand conditions
 Based on consumer needs
The industry
 Determined by supply conditions
 Based on production technology
The strategic group (See tutorial 3)
 Defined by the strategic choices of firms
 Based on distinctive capabilities and
market positioning
 Firms within an industry following the
same or similar strategy
Kay, J. (1993), Foundations of corporate success,Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
The Advantage
of terrain
Von Clausewitz
Competitive stance
Higher level objectives &
•Market Penetration
•Market Development
•Product Development
•Sustain current
revenues or market
•Wring short-term
profits from existing
product markets
•Prepare for future
•Exit markets
•Drop products
•Downsize all
•Limit distribution
•Close down in orderly
Marketing plan objectives, strategies and
programs Wood, M. B. (2004) Marketing planning: principles into practice, Harlow: Essex,
FT Prentice-Hall.
Attack strategies/tactics
1. Frontal attack
2. Flanking attack
4. Bypass attack
3. Encirclement
Hooley, Graham, John Saunders, and Nigel Piercy (2004),
Marketing strategy and competitive positioning (3rd ed.). Harlow: Pearson.
1. Frontal attack
2. Flanking attack
4. Bypass attack
3. Encirclement
Military strategy in
• First-mover advantage.
 Preempt rivals and capture demand.
 Build sales volume.
 Move down experience curve before rivals and
achieve cost advantage.
 Create switching costs.
• Disadvantages:
 First mover disadvantage – pioneering costs;
costs an earlier entrant bears that a later entrant
can avoid.
 Changes in government policy.
Timing the attack
Strategies Based on a
Company’s Market Position
Industry leaders
Runner-up firms
Weak or crisis-ridden firms
Strategy Options: Industry Leaders
Stay-on-the-offensive strategy
Fortify-and-defend strategy
Muscle-flexing strategy
Next week
Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 -1831). •“War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent minds.”••••••••••“Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the decisive moment.” ••••••••Six principles of strategic effectiveness of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain 2. Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides 4. Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid to theatre of war by means fortificationsfortifications fortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortifications fortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfrtificationsfortificationsfortifications fortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfortificationsfrtificationsfortificationsfortifications fortificationsfortificationsfortifications5.5.5.5. 5.5.5. 5.5.5.
The timing of innovation
Product Innovator Follower The Winner
Jet airliner De-Haviland
Boeing 707 Follower
X ray scanner EMI GE Leader
Office PC Xerox IBM Follower
Diet cola R.C. cola Coca-Cola Follower
Microwave oven Raytheon Samsung Follower
Instant Camera Polaroid Kodak Leader
Video recorder Sony
VHS Follower
Video games
Atari Nintendo/Saga Follower
Web browser Netscape Microsoft Follower
MP3 music
Sony Follower
Leader’s Muscle-Flexing Strategy:
Objectives (full frontal attack)
• Play competitive hardball with smaller
rivals that threaten leader’s position
• Signal smaller rivals that moves to cut into
leader’s business will be hard fought
• Convince rivals they are better off playing
“follow-the-leader” or else attacking each
other rather the industry leader
Remember the
Thucydides trap!!!!!
Leader Muscle-Flexing: Strategic
• Be quick to meet price cuts of rivals
• Counter with large-scale promotional
campaigns if rivals boost advertising
• Offer better deals to rivals’ major customers
• Dissuade distributors from carrying rivals’
• Provide salespersons with documentation about
weaknesses of competing products
• Make attractive offers to key executives of rivals
• Use arm-twisting tactics to pressure present
customers not to use rivals’ products
• Generally a leader’s strategy
• The metaphor works when considering
exclusive distribution channels
• Close off the downstream retailers,
exclusive distribution contracts
• Close off the upstream material suppliers
with exclusive contracts
• Time up prime locations so competitors can’t
open alternative channels.
Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Boneparte ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••CCCCCCCCoup d’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeildoeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeil, meaning “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the eye” or “glance .”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”••••The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a strategic situation and act    Arguably what is needed in the modern digital economy. An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset mindset . •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••••••••
Bypass attack
• I’m going to hold discussion
of this until semester 2.
Basil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil Liddell- HartHartHartHartHart HartHartHart HartHartHart HartHartHartHartHartHartHartHartHartHart To To To To To To To To diminish the possibility of resistance.” “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he “Even if a decisive battle be the goal,” he says, “the aim of strategy must be to bring about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most about this battle under the most advantageous circumstances . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more . And the more advantageous the circumstances, less, proportionately, will be the fighting proportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fighting proportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fightingproportionately, will be the fighting.” .”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”“A plan, like a tree, must have branches –––––––––––––––––––––––
Basil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil Liddell Basil Liddell———Hart •••••••••••••• The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach • Fighting counterFighting counter Fighting counterFighting counterFighting counter Fighting counter Fighting counter Fighting counter Fighting counter Fighting counterFighting counter Fighting counter Fighting counter————
Generic competitive strategies
• Porter introduced the term ‘Generic Strategy’
to mean basic types of competitive strategy
that hold across many kinds of business
• Competitive strategy is concerned with how
a strategic business unit achieves
competitive advantage in its domain of
• Competitive advantage is about how an SBU
creates value for its users both greater than
the costs of supplying them and superior to
that of rival SBUs.
Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military strategy •••••••••••••••••••••••••Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach Underpins the indirect approach A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A bad road is good. A rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land. rocky shore is a safe place to land.  A night time A night time
Porter’s Generic strategies
Single Focus
Cost leadership Differentiation
Low cost Differentiation
Sources of competitive
Competitive scope
Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical Approach Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachAdvantages (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) identical product offering to competitors, or a Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideas Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideas Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideas Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasthat is equally preferred by buyers.’Points of contention An alternate perspective from Sharp ‘the Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridging Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingbenefits which a firm must provide if it is to Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativity scope. Sharp, B. (1991). Competitive Marketing Strategy: Porter Revisited. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 9Presenting opposite perspectives frame the full Presenting opposite perspectives frame the full Presenting opposite perspectives frame the full Presenting opposite perspectives frame the full Presenting opposite perspectives frame the full Presenting opposite perspectives frame the full set of views that exist on the topicThe Remember…. contrast functioncontrast function contrast functioncontrast function contrast functioncontrast functioncontrast functioncontrast functionmanoeuvre and of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that of opposite ideas is that
The Economic Logic of Cost
• A cost advantage creates more value than
competitors if it offers the product at lower
cost, and achieves the same or slightly
lower benefits, resulting in B-C being greater
than competitors
• If the firm achieves the same benefit it is
said to have benefit parity with competitors
• If the firm achieves benefit proximity, its
benefits are near those of competitors
Cost leadership
• Porter stresses that a firm should pursue this strategy
only if it has the ability to gain, the lowest costs of
production within an industry
• Therefore should only be available to one player in an
• Very different to a low price strategy
• Does not preclude differentiating on any other element
of the mix.
• It just means that one firm will have an exclusive
advantage of being able to go to a lower price than
competitors whilst pursuing an differential advantage.
Sharp, B. (1991). Competitive Marketing Strategy: Porter Revisited.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 9(1), 4-10.
Cost leadership
True cost advantage derive from only two sources
1. Having access to cheaper inputs (including
access to patents, licences and cheaper
2. Through operational efficiency
Savings in cost through cutting back on the amount of service or
features given to the market does not give a true cost advantage, it is
an avenue available to all firms.
Sharp, B. (1991). Competitive Marketing Strategy: Porter Revisited.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 9(1), 4-10.
Remember Vegetius
Avoid unnecessary
Building competitive advantage on the basis of
superior cost position is attractive when:
1. Economies of scale and learning economies are
potentially significant, but no single firm is
exploiting them
2. Opportunities for enhancing the product or
service’s perceived benefit are limited by the
nature of the product
3. Consumers are price sensitive and are unwilling
to pay much of a premium for enhanced product
quality, performance, or image
Comparing Cost and
Differentiation Strategies
Competitive Advantage
Lower Cost Differentiation
Broad target Cost
Leadership Differentiation
Narrow target Focus
Standardization Adaptation
Hultman, M., Robson, M.J., and Katsikeas, C.S. (2009) “Export Product Strategy Fit and Performance: An Empirical
Investigation“, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 1-23.
Schilke, O., Reimann, M. and Thomas, J. s. (2009) ”When Does International Marketing Standardization Matter to Firm
Performance?”, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 17 No. 4, pp. 24–46.
Generic strategies and global
Origins of business strategy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832, pp. 560, pp. 560 , pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560 , pp. 560 , pp. 560, pp. 560 , pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560 , pp. 560 , pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560 , pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560———————562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to the general of an armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan army an armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan army an armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan armyan army, the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal ––––––––––––––––––––––
Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategyOrigins of business strategy Origins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategy Origins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategyOrigins of business strategy Origins of business strategyOrigins of business strategy••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••From the mid 1950s, strategy term started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into started to be deployed from military into business.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Business policyBusiness policy Business policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policy Business policyBusiness policy Business policyBusiness policyBusiness policy Business policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policyBusiness policy- business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy Corporate strategy • Strategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic Management Strategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic Management Strategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic ManagementStrategic Management••••••••An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was An important early contribution was Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s Chandler’s (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) (1962) work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy work on Strategy and and and and Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure*Structure**Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler*Chandler, A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. (1962),Strategy and Structure, Massachusetts Institute of , A.D. 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Focus strategies
• ‘A firm selects a segment or
group of segments in the
industry and tailors its
strategy to serving them to
the exclusion of all others.’
•Segmentation Remember
Concentration of
force & Defeat in
Napoleon Bonaparte
Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Ansoff Ansoff Ansoff 1918 —————– —- 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 20022002 2002 20022002 2002 2002 2002 20022002 20022002 • Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy •••••• •••••••••••• ••••• The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic management ••• •••• •••••• ••• •• Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. • Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to perform strategic management•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities First really to speak of firm capabilities •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Mintzberg •••••••••••••••••••Early work of organizational structure. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mintzberg’s 5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps 5Ps 5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps5Ps 5Ps5Ps 5Ps5Ps5Ps•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of Importantly became a proponent of strategic emergence over deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness. deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness. deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness. deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness. deliberateness.deliberateness.deliberateness.
Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney Jay Barney • TheThe TheTheTheThe TheThe TheThe TheThe The The The Theresource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm resource based view of the firm
Defensive strategies,
retrenchment and
Prof John Nicholson
• To understand defensive strategies,
including strategic failure, endgame
strategies and turnaround strategies
• To link together defensive and
offensive actions into a model ‘for’
competitive strategies
• To outline the assignment tasks.
ObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectives• To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy • To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business strategy strategystrategy strategystrategy
Points to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to remember• Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. contextualized in business strategy terms. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a I’m not going to talk about assessments for a few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.few week’s, you’ll just get stressed.•••••••••••I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy. write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy.write about strategy. •••••••Take notesTake notesTake notesTake notesambition of the module team for you ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termAncient Greece •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, strategemastrategema strategemastrategema strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategmastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategema strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemafrom from from from from from from ancient Greek meaning ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the act of a General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Generalship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGenerashipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeeralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu• Sun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forces————–the Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the QiQi Qi QiQi Qi QiQi QiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQi Qielement, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, •••••••••••••••••••
Markets and industries
The market
 Defined by demand conditions
 Based on consumer needs
The industry
 Determined by supply conditions
 Based on production technology
The strategic group (See tutorial 3)
 Defined by the strategic choices of firms
 Based on distinctive capabilities and
market positioning
 Firms within an industry following the
same or similar strategy
Kay, J. (1993), Foundations of corporate success,Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
Advantage of
Von Clausewitz
• Tip: Don’t try to consider a multi-national corporate like
McDonald’s, Apple, Google and attempt to analyse
everything that has happened everywhere and everywhen.
If you use such companies….. fine, but focus your
analysis on ‘parts’ of the companies’ operations.
• Tip: Using a small company can be as useful as analysing
a large and well known multinational.
• Tip: don’t just pick the company who makes your phone or
computer because it’s convenient and familiar… give the
choice of company some thought.
• Reminder, Markets form the demand conditions a firm sells
into, industries form the supply conditions they produce in.
Part 2
2. Briefly identify the time period, or
periods in which you think something
strategically interesting happened. Define
those periods as phases, episodes and events
and argue why they are important. (5%)
• Clearly state the start and end point of your analysis, gives dates.
Tip: Both describe and analyse…. Don’t just list events.
• Whilst parts 1 &2 carry low weighting, if you do these well, the rest of
the analysis makes sense. Without this you fall fowl of the everywhere
and every-when trap.
Time periods
• Stages
• Phases within stages
• Episodes within phases
• Moments, critical incidents, events within
episodes… often defining begging’s and
ends of time periods.
After week 2 tutorial, see if you can
identify key moments in the case and then
identify time periods.
Part 3
3. What were the key
environmental challenges the
firm was addressing? (10%)
• Tip: don’t provide a complete SWOT analysis, focus
on the key strategic issues, and crucially, why they
are key.
Presenting analytical
• You can use any amount of charts tables and
diagrams to supplement your analysis. Leave
these in the document, don’t hide them in an
appendix. We give great credit for being able to
present strategic analysis using charts, tables
and diagrams.
• You are not limited to what we have taught you
and what others have used before you. Create
your own if needed.
• One model may be used in more than one
section, but present it once, give it a number,
and refer back to it in later sections. Put another
way, one worked example in a model can
illustrate more than one point.
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Vegetius Renatus RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus Renatus RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus RenatusRenatus
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusRenatus (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) • Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary impedimentia •••••••• Speaks of reducing baggage trains, camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow down manoeuvre. •••••Arguably, exactly what Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet Easyjet
Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 ——————-1527) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Machiavellian policy denotes the use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and use of ruthless, immoral and devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims.devious means to achieve aims. ••••••••
Minzberg’s 5 Ps of strategy
•Virtually all firms will have a strategy plan or
map Plan
•Specific move to outwit an opponent or
competitor Ploy
•The degree of a firms Pattern consistency over time
•The firms place in the industry relative to any
of its competitors Position
•How executives interpret the competitive
environment around them Perspective
Strategic Posture
Higher Level objectives & Strategy
•Market Penetration
•Market Development
•Product Development
•Sustain current
revenues or market
•Wring short-term
profits from existing
product markets
•Prepare for future
•Exit markets
•Drop products
•Downsize all
•Limit distribution
•Close down in orderly
Tactical and strategic plan objectives, strategies and programs
Adapted from Wood, M. B. (2004), Marketing planning:
principles into practice, Harlow: Essex, FT Prentice-Hall.
Defensive strategies
1. Position
2. Flanking
4 counteroffensive
3 Pre-emptive
Attacker 6
5 Mobile defence
7 Contraction
Hooley, G., Saunders, J. & Piercy, N. (2004) Marketing strategy and
competitive positioning, (3rd ed.),Harlow, Pearson.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780- 1831).1831).1831).1831). 1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831). 1831). 1831). 1831).1831).1831).1831). 1831).••••••••The principle of ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an That each element in a the war machine is an individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. can cause friction. Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of
Characteristics of Industry
• Stronger-than-average to powerful
• Well-known reputation
• Proven strategies
• Strategic concern — How to sustain
dominant leadership position
Strategy Options: Industry
Stay-on-the-offensive strategy
Fortify-and-defend strategy
Muscle-flexing strategy
See last week
See last week
Fortify-and-Defend Strategy:
• Make it harder for new firms to
enter and for challengers to gain
• Hold onto present market
• Strengthen current market
• Protect competitive advantage
Fortify-and-Defend: Strategic
• Increase advertising and R&D
• Provide higher levels of customer service
• Low price business models
• Introduce more brands to match attributes of rivals
• Add personalized services to boost buyer loyalty
• Keep prices reasonable and quality attractive
• Build new capacity ahead of market demand
• Never loose control of costs
• Develop proprietary technology
• Become a platform leader
• Sign exclusive contracts with best suppliers and
Fabian strategy
• I (meant to) asked you last week,
what is Fabian Strategy?
•How does it relate to market
Strategies Based on a
Company’s Market Position
Industry leaders
Runner-up firms
Weak or crisis-ridden
Basil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil Liddell- HartHartHart HartHart HartHart • The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach ••••Fighting counter ———- intuitively intuitively • Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinking Based on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinkingBased on paradoxical thinking “The longest way round is often the shortest home.” home.” home.”home.” home.” home.” home.”home.” home.” home.”home.” home.” home.” home.” home.” home.”home.”home.” • Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both
Paradoxical thinking in military strategy••••••••••••••••••••
What is an End-Game
• Steers middle course between status quo
and exiting quickly
• Involves gradually sacrificing market
position in return for bigger near-term
cash flow/profit
• Objectives
 Short-term – Generate largest feasible cash
 Long-term – Exit market
Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical Approach Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical Approach
Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by Modern definition of strategy by
Has competitive
strengths for
remaining pockets
Lacks competitive
strengths for
remaining pockets
structure for
structure for
Strategies for retrenchment
or divest
Carry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far••••••••••••••••••••••Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm••••••Time, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resources Time, space and resourcesTime, space and resourcesTime, space and resources
Strategic turnaround
Turning retreat into victory
• Turnaround strategy means to
convert, change or transform a
loss-making company into a
profit-making company.
• The main purpose of
implementing a turnaround
strategy is to take the company
from a negative place to a
positive place.
• Often associated with crisis
management, If a turnaround
strategy is not applied to a sick
company, it may close down.
The Crescendo Model
 Create a top team dedicated to renewal
• Simplify
 Remove red tape
 Identification and removal of constraints
• Build
 Settle on vision and direction
 Team building
 Experimentation
• Leverage
 Leveraging advantages and gaining momentum
Baden-Fuller C, Stopford J. 1994. The crescendo model of rejuvenation
in Mintzberg et al.(1998), The strategy process : 776-787
Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy ••••••••Xenophon(1832 , pp. 560, pp. 560 , pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560 , pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560- 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits 562) credits Socrates with observing that analogous to the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of an army , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman must also efficiently allocate resources and effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively organize activitiesorganize activitiesorganize activitiesorganize activitiesorganize activitiesorganize activities organize activitiesorganize activities organize activities , i.e. employ a stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal stratagem, to achieve his goal
Tipping Point Leadership
• Builds on the rarely exploited
corporate reality that in every
organization, there are people, acts,
and activities that exercise a
disproportionate influence on
• Mounting the challenge is about
conserving resources and cutting
time by focusing on identifying and
then leveraging the factors of
disproportional influence in an
Click on link above for
interview with Bill Bratton
Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Ansoff 19181918191819181918191819181918191819181918 1918191819181918191819181918191819181918191819181918191819181918 19181918191819181918———— ———————-20022002 2002200220022002 200220022002200220022002200220022002200220022002 2002• Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategyArguably the father of modern business strategy••••••••The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic • Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental Very influenced by adapting to environmental turbulence. turbulence. turbulence. • Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to Produced the first systematic series of models to perform strategic management •••••••••••••••First really to speak of firm capabilities ••••••••••••••Most famous model which endures in the AnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoff Ansoff AnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoff AnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffAnsoffmatrix. • Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’ Seminally warned of ‘paralysis by analysis.’
Bill Bratton
• To become a Tipping Point leader, you must do a number of
 Seek out hot spots and concentrate resources on
 Figure out what activities have the greatest
performance impact but lack the resources
 Find your cold spots and divert resources from them
 Identify resources in surplus and those that are
 Identify whether or not you have a horse trader,
and what you can trade
• The New York Transit Police greatly enhanced officer performance
by assigning clear duties, narrowed in on crimes to focus on and
where, and freed them from administrative hassles
Organizational Hurdles to Tipping
Point Strategy Execution
Opposition from powerful
Vested interest
Limited resources
An organization wedded to
the status quo
Unmotivated staff
Chan Kim W. Mauborgne R. 2003,” Tipping Point
Leadership.”. Harvard Business Review: 60-69
Achieving a Turnaround:
The Strategic Options
• Sell off assets to generate cash
and/or reduce debt
• Revise existing strategy
• Launch efforts to boost revenues
• Cut costs
• Combination of efforts
Liquidation (withdrawal) Strategy
• Wisest strategic option in certain
 Lack of resources
 Dim profit prospects
 May serve shareholder interests
better than bankruptcy
• Unpleasant strategic option
 Hardship of job eliminations
 Effects of closing on local community
• Should there be any small
businesses in and industry
• Why don’t the big firms just win
Strategies considering a
Company’s Market Position
Industry leaders
Runner-up firms
Weak or crisis-ridden
How business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtHow business strategy is taughtThe syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on The syllabus is generally focussed on strategic planning Introduced as a sequential series of tools.  SWOT, PEST, 5 Forces, Generic strategies, Value Chain, Value Chain, Value Chain, Value Chain, Value Chain, Value Chain, Value Chain, Value Chain, Ansoff Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and Matrix, Directions and methods, Mission statements, portfolio analysis, product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF product lifecycle, evaluation and control, SAF criteracriteracritera criteracritera. The inference is….. If you follow these steps in sequence, you will be a strategist.  More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art. More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art. More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.More science and less art.
Strategic Options
for Runner-Up Firms
• When big size provides larger rivals with a
cost advantage, runner-up firms have two
 Build market share (offensive)…may be a
turnaround strategy
 Lower costs and prices to grow sales or
 Out-differentiate rivals in ways to grow sales
• Ally with smaller rivals against leader/ Coopetition,
 Withdraw from market (sell to leader)
Competitive Strategies for Runner-
Up Firms: Building Market Share
• Strategic options for building market share to
overcome cost advantage of larger rivals
 Use lower prices to win customers from
weak, higher-cost rivals
 Merge or acquire rivals to achieve size
needed to capture greater scale
 Invest in new cost-saving facilities and
equipment, perhaps relocating
operations to countries where costs are
lower. Develop a global value chain
 Pursue technological innovations
 Hit em where they aint!!!!
In principle
Runner-up firms should be
cautious in attacking a leader
head-on with an imitative
strategy, regardless of
resources and staying power
an underdog may have!
But remember the Thucydides
trap!!!! The Athenians won!!!
Vacant Niche Strategies
for Runner-Up Firms
• Focus strategy concentrated on end-use
applications market leaders have neglected
• Characteristics of an ideal vacant niche
• (flank attack, bypass attack)
 Sufficient size to be profitable
 Growth potential
 Well-suited to a firm’s capabilities
 Hard for leaders to serve
Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management -STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION ( StrategyWhere Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where are we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we now are we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we nowin in in in in ininin in ininthe market place and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? What resources do we have?) Expertise in STRATEGIC CHOICES (((((((-Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where do we want to be? Specialized knowWhat are the options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which is the best place to be?) Delivering distinctive customer STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION
Superior Product Strategy
for Runner-Up Firms
• Differentiation-based focused
strategy based on
 Superior product quality or
 Unique product attributes
• Approaches
 Fine craftmanship
 Prestige quality
 Frequent product innovation
 Close contact with customers to
gain input for better quality
The module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureSemester 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives
My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking My ambitions for you in taking this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course this course ••••••••
Competitor response profiles
• Needs to answer five questions
1. Against who are we competing
2. What strengths and weaknesses do they
3. What are their objectives?
4. What strategies are they pursuing and
how successful are they?
5. How are they likely to behave and
(especially) how are they likely to react
to offensive moves?
Gilligan, C. & Wilson, R. S. (2003) Strategic Marketing Planning,Oxford,
Competitor analysis
Above Average
Manufacturing skills
Strategic focus
Promotion/public relations
After sales service
Brand recognition
Distribution network
Financial stability
Technology skills
New product innovation
Less than Weak/low
Price levels
Competitive stance
Comp A Comp B
Gilligan, C. & Wilson, R. S. (2003) Strategic Marketing Planning,Oxford,
Competitor response profiles
• Need to ask four key questions about
how a competitor will respond
 Is the competitor satisfied with its current
What future moves is the competitor likely to
 In which segments or areas of technology is
the competitor most vulnerable?
What move on our part is likely to provoke
the strongest retaliation by the competitor.
Categorizing Objectives and
Strategies of Competitors
Strategic Intent Market Share
• Local
• Be dominant
• Aggressive
expansion via
acquisition &
internal growth
• Getting
stronger; on
the move
• Mostly
• Regional
• Overtake
industry leader
• Wellentrenched
• Mostly
• National
• Be among
• Expansion via
internal growth
• Stuck in the
middle of the
• Combination
of offensive &
• Multicountry
• Move into top
• Expansion via
• Going after a
• Aggressive
• Global
• Move up a
notch in
• Hold on to
present share
• Struggling;
losing ground
• Conservative
• Maintain
• Give up
present share
to achieve
• Retrenching to
a position that
can be
• Just survive defended
• Striving for
• Focusing on
market niche
• Pursuing
based on
 Quality
 Service
 Technology
 Breadth of
product line
 Image &
 More value for
the money
 Other
Strategy clock
Source: Adapted from D. Faulkner and C. Bowman, The Essence of
Competitive Strategy, Prentice Hall, 1995
Strategy clock – hybrid
• Seeks to simultaneously achieve
differentiation and low price relative to
• Hybrid strategies can be used:
 to enter markets and build position quickly.
 as an aggressive attempt to win market share.
 to build volume sales and gain from mass
 We will return to this when we later discuss business
model innovation
Five generic competitive strategies
Overall low
cost provider
Best cost provider
Lower cost Differentiation
Market Target
Thompson, A. A., Strickland, A. J. & Gamble, J. E. (2004), Crafting and executing strategy.
The quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases, (14th edn.), New York,
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Best Cost Provider Strategies
• Combine a strategic emphasis on low-cost
with a strategic emphasis on differentiation
 Make an upscale product at a lower cost
 Give customers more value for the money
• Deliver superior value by meeting or
exceeding buyer expectations on product
attributes and beating their price
• Be the low-cost provider of a product with
good-to-excellent product attributes, then
use cost advantage to underprice
comparable brands
How a Best-Cost Strategy
Differs from a Low-Cost Strategy
• Aim of a low-cost strategy–Achieve
lower costs than any other
competitor in the industry
• Intent of a best-cost strategy–Make a
more upscale product at lower costs
than the makers of other brands with
comparable features and attributes
 A best-cost provider cannot be the industry’s
absolute low-cost leader because of the added
costs of incorporating the additional upscale
features and attributes that the low-cost leader’s
product doesn’t have
Mihai Ionescu
Next tutorial
What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?Prof John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School
•To introduce the contextual element of
thinking about strategy
• Where… in what ‘space’ do we think
about and ‘do’ strategy.
ObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectives• To outline the origins of military and business strategy business strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategy business strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategy••••••••••••••••• To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business strategy strategy strategy strategy strategy strategy strategy strategy strategystrategy strategystrategy strategy • To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key To introduce some of the key strategic thinkers throughout historystrategic thinkers throughout history strategic thinkers throughout history strategic thinkers throughout history
Points to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to rememberPoints to remember• Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and Everything in this lecture will be repeated and contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms.contextualized in business strategy terms. •Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!!Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!!Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!!Trust me, I’ve done this before!!!!•I’m not going to talk about assessments for a few week’s, you’ll just get stressed. •••••••••I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and I will prepare you in how to write and write about strategy. •••••••••••••••••••••Take notes What are the relevant boundaries? • Read, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and Read, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and Read, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and Read, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readRead, read and readspace?…. I will ask.. “what have you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”. you read so far”.
Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy term Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient Greece• Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived from the word, strategema strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategmastrategemastrategema strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemafrom from from from from from from from from from from from ancient Greek meaning ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the act of a General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Generalship …………………………………• “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““SSSSSSSSSSSStrategike episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” episteme” (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s (general’s knowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgeknowledgekowledgeknowledge).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).).•““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu• Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forcesSun Tzu postulated two forces——the the the the the the Zheng element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the Qi QiQielement, which flanks or encircles the enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, • The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. obvious. ••••••••
Environmental scanning
• Intelligence gathering: qualitative, relational
and word-of-mouth
•Secondary data. Published info, industry
reports, government data. Environmental
•Primary research. Qualitative or
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu••••••••QiQiQiQiQiQi QiQiQiQi Qi Qi Qigggggggggable able able able able able able able able able decisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struckdecisive blow is struck•••••••—————————————- Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and Tung and HoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi Minh Chi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi Minh Chi Minh Chi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi Minh Chi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi MinhChi Minh present)Marketing strategies and programmes
The resource based view V Market
Resource Based View: Inside out perspective
Proactive quest for markets that allow exploitation of
the firm’s resources
The Value Chain based View
Balancing the two views.
Building sustainable competitive
advantages based on firms
positioning in the value chain
Market orientated view
Adapting the firm’s resources to market
conditions and the competitive environment.
Hollensen, S. (2003) Marketing management: a relationship approach,
Harlow, Pearson.
Fit and drift
• Strategy can been seen as a search for strategic
fit between the organisation and the environment
in which it operates
• Organisations can through large periods of time
where there is a fit between the organisation and
the environment and changes occur perhaps only
incrementally. These processes tend eventually to
lead to strategic drift. This is where a strategy
begins to no longer fit and performance
• The need for change therefore becomes pressing
The The The The victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist
P.E.S.T.….P.E.S.T.E.L.……….. LoNGPEST(EL)
(Micro Environment)
VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiu(C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary impedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentia impedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentia ••••••••••••••••••••••
Includes Laws, Government Agencies, Etc. that Influence
& Limit Organizations/ Individuals in a Given Society
Emphasis on
Ethics &
• Brexit
• China-America
trade war
• Russian trade
• Rise of
across Europe
• Circular
•Changes in exchange rates or interest
•Growth rates, inflation rates (uk and
•Changing levels of disposable income
•Unemployment levels
•Changes in foreign markets
Global Economic
Changes in Income
Changing Consumer
Spending Patterns
Concerns for
Economic Environment
• Developed
• Developing
• Regional
• Peripherality/
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780- 1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831). 1831).1831). 1831).1831).1831).1831). 1831).1831).1831).1831). 1831).• “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent minds.” ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••“Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the
decisive moment.” •••••Six principles of strategic effectiveness 1. Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain 2. Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise Surprise 3.3.
Of Resources
Recycle and
Reduce Waste
Factors Affecting
Ecological environment
• Circular
• Sustainability
• Carbon
•Key trends
Analytics and big data
E-commerce and virtual trading
The internet of things
Machine learning
Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon BoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparte• The strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central position•Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force Concentration of force • Defeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detail•Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while deploying the second force to destroy one enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. enemy, the joining to destroy second. •““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have I’d rather have
how does the environment impact on the
• Environment is constantly changing
• Don’t attempt to fill in all the boxes – some may be
• Look for the linkages – these are not separate
• Special case of technology? Only global?
Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Boneparte •••••••• ••••••••••••• CCCCCCCCCoup d’oeild’oeild’oeil d’oeild’oeild’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeild’oeil d’oeild’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeild’oeild’oeild’oeil d’oeil d’oeil , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the eye” or “glance eye” or “glance.” .” .”.”.” .” .” .” The ability to immediately size up a strategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and actstrategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and actstrategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and actstrategic situation and act strategic situation and act strategic situation and act     Arguably what is needed in the modern digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy. digital economy.  An example would be a digital An example would be a digital mindset mindset mindsetmindset mindsetmindsetmindset mindset mindsetmindset mindsetmindsetmindsetmindset mindsetmindset mindsetmindset mindset mindsetmindsetmindset mindset mindset..•••••• ••Extreme proponent of manoeuvre for Extreme proponent of manoeuvre for Extreme proponent of manoeuvre for Extreme proponent of manoeuvre for advantage.
country market A
market B
market C
structure Competitive
Level of
Price Product
Promotion Channels of
Foreign environment
Structure of
Economic climate
Domestic environment
Analysis of market(s) plural
Political Economic Socio-Cultural Technological
P.E.S.T.….P.E.S.T.E.L.……….. LoNGPEST(EL)
The five forces
Threat of New
Bargaining power of
Bargaining power
of buyers
Intensity of
Grant, R. M. (2002) Contemporary
strategy analysis: Concepts,
techniques, applications, (4th ed.),
Malden Mass., Blackwell.
Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military strategy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Underpins the indirect approach  A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Common Barriers to Entry
• Sizable economies of scale
• Inability to gain access to specialized
• Existence of strong learning/experience
curve effects
• Strong brand preferences and customer loyalty
• Large capital requirements and/or other specialized resource
• Difficulties in gaining access to distribution channels
• Regulatory policies, tariffs, trade restrictions
Competitive Force of Potential Entry
• Seriousness of threat depends on
 Barriers to entry
 Reaction of existing firms to entry
• Barriers exist when
 Newcomers confront obstacles
 Economic factors put potential entrant at a
disadvantage relative to incumbent firms
Competitive Force of
Substitute Products
Substitutes matter when customers are
attracted to the products of firms in other
▪ Eyeglasses vs. Contact Lens
▪ Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners
▪ Newspapers vs. TV vs. Internet
▪ E-mail vs. Overnight Delivery
Diet coke
Product Form
Diet Cola
Soft Drinks
Food and
Fruit Juice
Ice Cream
Market definition:
Levels of Competition
Lehmann, D. R. & Winer, R. S.
(2002) Analysis for marketing
planning, (5th ed.),NY, McGraw-
Carry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so farCarry forward’s from today so far• Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, survival, doing good, avoiding harm ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Time, space and resources ••••••••••••••••••••••••••Manoeuvre •••••••••••••••••Sustainable advantage ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Surprise ••••••••••
The comparative industry structure
adapted from: Johnson et al. (2012) p. 34-35
Time & Space
Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor • We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as metaphormetaphormetaphor•What is metaphor? A thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something elseelseelseelseelseelseelse elseelseelse elseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelse elseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelse Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do Helps us with reference to things we do
Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy • Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832
analysis. Carried over
from last week.
Prof John Nicholson
The five forces
Threat of New
Bargaining power of
Bargaining power
of buyers
Intensity of
Grant, R. M. (2002) Contemporary
strategy analysis: Concepts,
techniques, applications, (4th ed.),
Malden Mass., Blackwell.
Common Barriers to Entry
• Sizable economies of scale
• Inability to gain access to specialized
• Existence of strong learning/experience
curve effects
• Strong brand preferences and customer loyalty
• Large capital requirements and/or other specialized resource
• Difficulties in gaining access to distribution channels
• Regulatory policies, tariffs, trade restrictions
Competitive Force of Potential
• Seriousness of threat depends on
 Barriers to entry
 Reaction of existing firms to entry
• Barriers exist when
 Newcomers confront obstacles
 Economic factors put potential entrant at a
disadvantage relative to incumbent firms
Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy term Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient Greece•••••••••••Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategemafrom from from from from from from from from from from ancient Greek meaning ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the ….the act of a General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, General, or GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship Generalship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralship. •“SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Diet coke
Product Form
Diet Cola
Soft Drinks
Food and
Fruit Juice
Ice Cream
Market definition:
Levels of Competition
Lehmann, D. R. & Winer, R. S.
(2002) Analysis for marketing
planning, (5th ed.), NY, McGraw-
Supply chain bargaining power
• Limited raw material sources
• Limited downstream distributors/buyers
• Price giving and price taking
• Asymmetrical power
• Captive supply chain argument’s
• Lead firms
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu••••••••••••••••••
does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless Zheng able able able able able able able able able to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until
Prof John Nicholson
• To be picked up in sem 2
• A 6th force?
• Industry or between industries competition
• Ecosystems, clusters and networks.
The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Vegetius RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRnatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)• In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Ceasar , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio, , Scipio,
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Vegetius Renatus RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus RenatusRenatus Renatus RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus(C (C (C (C (C (C 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD) 390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic 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Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some Some should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings should be posted in rear of the wings and some near the center , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly , to be ready fly
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Vegetius RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus Renatus(C 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)•••••••••• Avoid unnecessary impedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimntiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpdimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiaimpedimentiimpedimentiaimpedimentia••••••••••••••• Speaks of reducing baggage trains, camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. down manoeuvre. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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The resource based view
• Fit vs. Stretch
• Matching strategic capabilities
to opportunities in
environment:- The “Outside –
In” view of Strategy
– Strategic Fit
• Leveraging strategic
capabilities for competitive
advantage:- The “Inside – Out”
view of Strategy
– Strategic Stretch
Assumes that
advantage is
achieved from
retaining and
and resources
rather than
adaptation to
Strategic Capability
• Tangible resources – physical assets of an organisation
• Intangible resources – non-physical assets of an organisation
• The activities and processes through which an organisation
deploys its resources effectively
Strategic capability is the adequacy and suitability
of the resources and competences of an
organisation for it to survive and prosper
Resources + competences + capacity = capability
Carl von Clausewitz (1780 -1831). 1831). ••••••••“War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent minds.”minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.”minds.” minds.” •••••••••••••• “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the decisive moment.”decisive moment.” decisive moment.” decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.” decisive moment.”•••• Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness 1. 1. 1.1. Advantage Advantage Advantage of terrain of terrain of terrain of terrain
When analyzing an organization, an important first step is to really get to
grips with what the organization has by way of resources.
Conventionally, 4 categories:
• Physical resources – building,
machines . .
• Financial resources – capital, cash,
borrowing capabilities .
• Insert into here all lessons from your
Finance modules
• Human resources – skills, knowledge,
mix of employees . . .
• Intellectual capital – brands, patents,
customer databases, distribution networks,
business systems . . .
Distinction between threshold and unique
Threshold resources: minimum needed to
compete in a given market, and survive.
Unique resources: those resources that
underpin competitive advantage, and are
difficult for competitors to obtain or imitate.
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., & Scholes, K. (2011). Exploring corporate strategy:
text and cases (9th ed.). Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Competences: “the skills and abilities by
which resources are deployed effectively
through an organization’s activities and
Threshold competences: Activities and
processes needed to meet customers’
minimum requirements and therefore to
continue to exist.
Core competences: Activities and processes
that underpin competitive advantage and
are difficult for competitors to imitate or
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., & Scholes, K. (2011). Exploring corporate strategy:
text and cases (9th ed.). Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Core/Threshold competencies
Competencies Resources
Same as competitors
or easy to imitate
Better than competitors
and difficult to imitate
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., & Scholes, K. (2011). Exploring corporate strategy:
text and cases (9th ed.). Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Core rigidities
• Over-reliance on any source of
competitive advantage for too long
• The dominant paradigm
•Working out the formula that has
worked in the past and stinking to it
• Reproduction
• To the question Why do we do that?”
get the answer “Because we always
Intangible resources
• Examples
 Intellectual property rights
 Trade secrets
 Contracts and licencing
 Information in databases
 Relational capital
 Organizational reputation
 Culture
• Where is the line between intangible resource
and competence????
The strategic assets of a firm
• Firm specific capabilities
 a set of firm specific resources and competences
• Firm addressable capabilities
 those resources/competences that are accessible to
the firm through association with other external
organisations and therefore logically an element of a
firm’s strategic asset base.
Shoemaker, P. J. H. & Amit, R. (1997), “The competitive dynamics of capabilities: developing
strategic assets for multiple futures.” in Day, G. S., Reibstein, D. J., The Wharton School &
Gunther, R. (Eds.) Wharton on dynamic competitive strategy. John Wiley: pp. 368-394.
Sanchez, R. & Heene, A. (1997), “Competence based strategic management: concepts and issues
for theory, research, and practice.” in Heene, A. & Sanchez, R. (Eds.) Competence-based
strategic management. NY, John Wiley & Sons: pp. 3-42.
Assessing Sustainability of Resources and
Capabilities: Four Criteria (VRIN)
• Can the product/Non Substitutable service be substituted
• Physically unique
• Path dependency (how accumulated
over time)
• Causal ambiguity (difficult to
disentangle what it is or how it could
be recreated)
• Social complexity (trust, interpersonal
relationships, culture, reputation)
Immitatable? (Difficult to
Rare • Not many firms possess
• Neutralize threats and exploit
Is the resource or capability . . . Implications
Based on Barney, J. B. (1991), “Firm resources and sustained competitive
advantage.” Journal of Management, Vol. 17, No.1: pp. 99-120.
Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military
Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachAdvantages (this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)1.Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideas Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideas Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideastwo firms are alikePoints of contention Resource immobility, that they Stimulus for bridging Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridging Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridging Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingone firm to another
“Change is coming, and the only viable
option is to understand that it is
uncontrollable and must be embraced
at speeds never before seen by
humankind. Accepting this is also
accepting that failure is part of the
process. Every idea that reached
success after years of being
dormant once felt like a failure”.
Ashutosh Kumar, Joao Ribeiro, Jose Carvalho, and Kay P. Hradilak
Dynamic capabilities
• “The term dynamic refers to the capacity to renew
competencies so as to achieve congruence with the changing
business environment; certain business responses are
required when time-to-market and timing is critical, the rate of
technological change is rapid, and the nature of future
competition and markets difficult to determine.”
• “The term capabilities emphasizes the role of strategic
management in appropriately adapting, integrating and
reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills,
resources and functional competences to match the
requirements of a changing environment.”
• Increasingly dynamic capabilities govern the speed of change
Teece, D.J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic
management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533.
Dynamic Capabilities
Therefore, in search of long term, sustainable advantage
the concept of Dynamic Capability has become
Teece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic
Management Journal, 18(7), 509-533.
This being “the firm’s ability to integrate,
build, and reconfigure internal and
external competences to address rapidly
changing environments”.
Dynamic Capabilities
Teece suggests three generic types of
dynamic capability:
• Sensing – Opportunities and Threats
• (strategic position)
• Seizing – Opportunities
• (strategic choices)
• Re-configuring – Managing threats and
• (enacting strategies)
Teece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. (1997). Dynamic capabilities
and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7),
Ordinary versus dynamic
• Ordinary capabilities allow for the performance of activities
needed to meet current objectives
 Sufficiency, possibly excellence in a well delineated task
• Dynamic capabilities involve higher level activities that can
allow an enterprise to upgrade its ordinary capabilities
 Doing the right things at the right time
• The dynamic capabilities framework is a model through which
organizational processes can be identified alongside
managerial traits that can help the enterprise find and calibrate
latent customer needs, and promising technological
opportunities, then orchestrate the resources needed to
innovate, or co-innovate, products and services that address
Teece, D.J. (2016). Dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial management in large
organizations: Toward a theory of the (entrepreneurial) firm. European Economic
Review, 86, 202-216.
Teece, D.J. (2012). Dynamic capabilities: Routines versus entrepreneurial action.
Journal of management studies, 49(8), 1395-1401.
Sense making
• To what extend does this replace
environmental analysis in complex
 Sensitivity to initial conditions
 Knowing without being taught
• Increasingly I’m convinced
disruptive capability is a facet of
heightened sense making ability in
the context of ecosystems and the
digital environment. JN Personal
Nordin, F., Ravald, A., Möller, K., & Mohr, J.J. (2017). Network management in
emergent high-tech business contexts: Critical capabilities and activities. Industrial
Marketing Management.
Pattinson, S., Nicholson, J., & Lindgreen, A. (2017). Emergent coopetition from a
sensemaking perspective: A multi-level analysis. Industrial Marketing Management.
“We can no longer
afford to wait for
significant evidence
to filter in, analyze
it, form a consensus
and then act. We
can’t even afford a
truncated version of
the same. In this new
age of big data
analytics and the
Web of things,
information comes at
us real time and so
does the
Kenichi Ohmae
Coup d’oeil,
“a stroke of the eye”
or “glance.”
The ability to
immediately size up
a strategic situation
and act
Sensing: Breaking the dominant logic
• Focus on the next practices
 Getting away from best practices and industry benchmarking and focussing
on next practices
 Learning from the past to shape the future only works if change is
 Emerging market firms have less to forget
 New economy firms don’t carry legacies.
• Experimentation
 Identifying discontinuities, and conducting small scale experiments as to how
it effects the company
• Looking beyond the borders of industries
 Disruptive innovation invariably comes from outside ‘the’ industry. Flaw in 5
forces analysis. Inter-industry innovation. We will return to explore
relatedness in sem 2.
• Looking beyond geographic borders.
Prahalad, C.K. (2004). The blinders of dominant logic. Long Range
Planning, 37(2), 171-179.
Time orientation
• Future orientated
• Past (tradition) orientated
• Long-term orientation
• Short-term orientation
Sensing: Global Mindset
• Sensing international opportunities
• International bridging social capital
• International ambidexterity
(exploiting and exploring
international opportunities)
 Increased dynamic capability needed for
exploratory internationalization…. .
Tian, Y., Nicholson, J.D., Eklinder-Frick, J., & Johanson, M. (2018). The
interplay between social capital and international opportunities: A
processual study of international ‘take-off ’ episodes in Chinese SMEs.
Industrial Marketing Management, 70, 180-192..
Nordin, F., Ravald, A., Möller, K., & Mohr, J.J. (2017). Network
management in emergent high-tech business contexts: Critical capabilities
and activities. Industrial Marketing Management. IN PRESS
Sensing: Digital Mindset
• is not merely the ability to use
technology. Rather, it is a set of
attitudes and behaviours that enable
people and organizations to foresee
• Highly individualistic and anarchic
• Geoff Bezos, the ideal is the “two
pizza team:” if a team couldn’t be
fed with two pizzas, it was too big.
Swati Kamath.
Evegny Káganer, Sandra Sieber and Javier Zamora
Sensing: peripheral vision
• “Each time you turn your head to look at it, you
create a new‘ periphery’. When you shift your
business model in a new direction, you create
new blind spots in other directions.” 1
• It is a by-product of a focus on what we deem to
be important.
• “Traditionally, there is built-in distain for this
more ‘‘circuitous’’ approach toward
apprehending the environment. The instinctive
preference remains one of direct apprehension,
confrontation and engagement.” 2
• Identifying the weak signals
• Non-Obvious areas of high leverage (Peter
1 Day, G.S., & Schoemaker, P. (2004). Peripheral vision: sensing and acting
on weak signals. Long Range Planning, 37(2), 117-121.
2. Cunha, M.P., & Chia, R. (2007). Using teams to avoid peripheral
blindness. Long Range Planning, 40(6), 559-573.
Boundary spanning capability
• Boundaries
 Function
 Firm (collaborative, co-opetitive)
 Sector (recombinant opportunities)
 Nation (global mindset)
 Culture (migrant entrepreneurship)
 Techological
• Bridging agents
• Multi-level bridging
• Gatekeeping
• Open competencies
Zhao, Z.J., & Anand, J. (2009). A multilevel perspective on knowledge transfer: evidence from the
Chinese automotive industry. Strategic Management Journal, 30(9), 959-983.
Khan, Z., & Nicholson, J.D. (2015). Technological catch-up by component suppliers in the Pakistani
automotive industry: A four-dimensional analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 50, 40-50.
Nicholson, J.D., & Orr, K. (2016). Local government partnership working; a space odyssey or
journeys through the dilemmas of boundary spanning actors Policy and Politics, 44 (2), 269-287.
Seizing: Absorptive capacity
• The ability of a firm to assimilate the
knowledge it receives.
• The link between sensing and seizing
 Potential absorptive capacity
 Realized absorptive capacity
• The translation effect in boundary spanning
• Innovative capacity
• Commercialization capability
Todorova, G., & Durisin, B. (2007). Absorptive capacity: valuing a
reconceptualization. Academy of Management Review, 32(3), 774-786.
Co-specialization & resource
Firm addressable
Firm addressable
Firm specific
Wallin, J. (1997), “Customers as originators of change.” in Heene, A. &
Sanchez, R. (Eds.) Competence-based strategic management. NY, John
Wiley & Sons: pp. 112-125.
Confusion of terms
• Significant blurring and interchangeability of terms resource,
competence and capability (don’t get too bogged down in
this). Try this
• Resources
 the tangible and intangible assets of a firm which are
possessed by, or can be addressed by the firm to achieve its
• Competences
 a firm’s ability to processually deploy said resources to achieve
tactical and strategic gain. Core competences are those that
meet VRIO criteria.
• Capability
 resources & core competences & organized capacity
• Dynamic capabilities
 The ability of a firm to uses its competences to deal with rapid
change and adapt them to sustain advantage in a turbulent
Nicholson 2019
Problems I’ve encounteredProblems I’ve encounteredProblems I’ve encounteredProblems I’ve encounteredProblems I’ve encountered Problems I’ve encounteredProblems I’ve encountered Problems I’ve encounteredProblems I’ve encountered••••••••It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy It doesn’t leave a student with an understanding of what strategy
The TOWS Matrix
List strengths
List weaknesses
List opportunities
Use strengths to
take advantage of
weaknesses by
taking advantage of
List threats
Use strengths to
avoid threats
Identify threats due
to internal weakness
Probable Impact on Corporation
High Medium Low
Probability of Occurrence
Issues Priority Matrix
External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS)
Factors Weight Rating
Score Comments
1 2 3 4 5
Total Weighted Score
External Factor Analysis Survey
Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Summary (EFAS)STRATEGIC POSITION (((((((((((((((((((((((((((–Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where are we now Weight each factor from 1.0 (Most Important) to 0.0 (Not in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? What resources do we have?) Rate each factor from 5 (Outstanding) to 1 (Poor) in STRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES STRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICESSTRATEGIC CHOICES (((((4.Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? do we want to be? 5.What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the What are the options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which is the best place to be?) Add the weighted scores to obtain the total weighted STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION STRATEGY INTO ACTION (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there? 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How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there? How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?How are we going to get there?a benchmark or as comparator to other SBUs
External Factor Analysis (EFAS)
Maytag Example
External Factors Weight Rating
Score Comments
• Economic integration of
European Community
• Demographics favor quality
• Economic development of Asia
• Opening of Eastern Europe
• Trend to “Super Stores”
• Increasing government
• Strong U.S. competition
• Whirlpool and Electrolux strong
• New product advances
• Japanese appliance companies
Total Scores
Acquisition of
Maytag quality
Low Maytag presence
Will take time
Maytag weak in this
Well positioned
Well positioned
Hoover weak globally
Only Asian presence is
1 2 3 4 5
The module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureSemester 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••Foundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectivesFoundational perspectives Foundational perspectives Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to have an understand of from strategy module… what they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it. they learned when did it.  With a With a With a With a With a With a With a With a With a With a
What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy? What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?Prof John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business SchoolHuddersfield Business School
• To outline the importance of being values led
• To provide a case for an infinite mindset
• To develop an understanding of objectives in the
linear process of strategic planning.
ObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectiesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectives••••••••••••••••••••••••••• To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and To outline the origins of military and business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategybusiness strategy business strategy business strategybusiness strategy••••••To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy To understand how military strategy can be used to understand business can be used to understand business can be used to understand business strategy strategystrategystrategystrategy
Mission Statements
Mission and visions
➢Communicates the
organization’s reason for
being, and how it aims to
serve its key stakeholders
➢Often integrates a summation
of the firm’s values
➢Mission statements tend to be
longer than vision statements
➢A future-oriented declaration
of the organization’s purpose
and aspirations.
➢Addresses what a firm wants
to become
➢Vision statements tend to be
relatively brief
Vision Statements
Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy term Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termAncient Greece •••••••••••••••Derived from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemastrategema strategemafrom ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ….the act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a General, or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship
Current Mission, Vision, Values, & Goals
Mission Vision Values objectives
“Why does
*** exist?”
What is our
“What must we
become in order
to accomplish
our fundamental
“How must we
behave to create
the business that
will achieve our
“How will we
know if all of
this is
making a
Organizational Values
Our values guide our decisions and tell the world how we interact with our staff, board,
volunteers, clients, donors, partners, stakeholders and other constituents.
Examples of Values:
Integrity Honesty Quality
Fairness Empowerment Professionalism
Fun Balance Trustworthy
Loyalty Accountability Respect
Creativity Communication Inclusivity
Teamwork Diversity Safety
Responsibility Growth Optimism
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu• Qi Qi Qi Qidoes not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless does not work, though, unless Zhen ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is able able able able able able able able able able able able able able able able able able able to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until to hold the opponent in place until decisive blow is struck ……..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. Advocates the extreme virtue of patience. ••••Proposes and advocates guerrilla warfare, influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao influenced leaders like Mao
Mission, vision and values
Our Values in practice
United we will be: positive, professional and passionate:
•Willingness to help
•Showing empathy and support for others
•Trust in the hospice and other people
•To search for solutions when dealing with a problem
•Open to ideas and other people’s perspectives
•To encourage and give praise
•Approachable and willing to listen objectively to help out another person
•Showing respect for all persons and the hospice
•Following hospice values
•Being polite and considerate
•Champion of the hospice
•Going the extra mile
•Being enthusiastic and committed
Vision Statements
➢This is the place to dream
➢Imagine the organization
was wildly successful,
with unlimited resources
and no barriers
➢If you achieve your vision,
how would the world be
Vision Statements
A good vision is…
➢Focuses on serving the
key stakeholders
➢Is very ambitious
➢Describes the ideal
result you want to
Your vision checklist:
❑ Does it excite you?
❑ Does it tell the world
about the good you
want to do?
❑ Is it bigger than you?
❑ Is it simple?
❑ Is it clear?
❑ Is it about what you
can give and not about
what you’ll get?
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Vegetius RenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus (C 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)•••••••••••••••••••The importance of strategic reserves ““““““““““““““““““““““““““The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in the rear of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts
The infinite mindset
• “Because they are playing with and end point
in mind, finite minded players do not like
surprises and fear any kind of disruption,
things they cannot predict or cannot control
could upset their plans and increase the
chances of loosing. The infinite minded
player in contrast, expects surprises, even
revels in them, and is prepared to be
transformed by them.”
Sinek, S. (2019). The infinite game: Penguin
Random House.
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469——–1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)• Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries ••••••••••• ••••Learn from the pastLearn from the past Learn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the past Learn from the past•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are
SMART objectives
• “It is unacceptable to use directional terms
such as decrease, optimize minimize as
objectives because it is logical that unless
there is some measure or yardstick against
which to measure a sense of locomotion
towards achieving them, they do not serve
any useful purpose.”
McDonald, M. (2002) Marketing plans: how to prepare them, how to use
them, (5th ed.),Oxford, Elsevier.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780••“War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”••••••••••••••••1.1. 1.1. 1.1. 1. 1. Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Attack Attack Attack Attack from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid Aid to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means to theatre of war by means
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780- 1831).••••••••The principle of ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’  That each element in a the war machine is an individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element individually acting unit, each of which element can cause friction. Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of Arguably the first written appreciation of strategic emergence against strategic emergence against strategic emergence against planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. planning. • The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of The fog of war …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective …. Countered by effective
• Objectives should be
 Hierarchical
 Going from most to least important
 Quantitative
 Needs to have specific criteria against which performance can be
 Realistic
 Are they achievable? Are they based on an objective view of
opportunities, threats and competitive capability
 Consistent
 Is it possible to go for high growth while increasing marginal
contribution per unit sold
S situation (where are we now?)
O objective (where do we want to go?)
S strategy (how do we get there?)
T tactics (what steps do we take?)
A actions (how do we implement them?)
C control (how do we know when we’ve
Smith, P., C. Berry, and A. Pulford (1997),
Strategic marketing communications. London:
SOSTAC planning framework
Approaches to strategy creation
Emergent Strategy
“Unplanned responses to
unforeseen circumstances.”
6 steps for strategy
Awareness Continuous
– people
– structure
Step Description Components
1 Why do we want to go somewhere? (Infinite game) Value and vision
2 Where are we now? Situation analysis (SWOT)
Competitor analysis
Industry analysis (5 Forces)
Market analysis
Environmental analysis
Internal capability analysis
3 Where can we go? Option generation
4 Where do we want to go?
When do we want to get there? (Finite game)
Scenario plans
Direction (Ansoff Matrix)
5 How do we get there? Methods
6 Who will lead us there? Strategic Leadership and change
7 How do we know we’ve arrived? Metrics, controls
Nicholson 2019
The expanded strategy satnav
Strategic directions
and methods: an
Prof John Nicholson
• To understand what is meant by
strategic methods and direction
• To place an understanding of
direction and methods in an
international context.
The Ansoff matrix
penetration or
New Existing
Existing New
Origins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy termOrigins of strategy term••••••••• from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, strategemastrategemastrategema strategemastrategemastrategemastrategemaancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning ancient Greek meaning act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a act of a or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Generalship Generalship Generalship Generalship Generalship GeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship GeneralshipGeneralshipGeneralship Generalship GeneralshipGeneralship •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Product/Service Development
Deliver modified or new r new products to
• Deliver modified or new
products/services to existing markets
• Follow changing customer needs
• Short product life cycles
• Exploitation of core competences
With existing
• Change of emphasis in customer
• Change in Critical Success Factors
With new
• Expense, risk and potential
• Unacceptable consequences of not
developing new products/services
Market Development
products in
New market
segments with
similar CSFs
New users
for existing
Some product
adaptation and
Must meet
CSFs of
new market
CSF= Critical success factor
Diversification – related and un-related
Related diversification: “corporate development beyond current
products and markets, but within the capabilities of the value
network of the organisation.” Exploring Strategy (2012)
Forms of related diversification usually classified as:
 Vertical integration (either backwards to suppliers, or forwards to
 Horizontal – move into activities which are complementary or
adjacent to existing activities (e.g. printed books and audio books,
Outsourcing: subcontracting work to external suppliers
Unrelated diversification: Development of products or services
beyond current capabilities or value network.
[Often referred to as a ‘conglomerate’ strategy’]
Diversification and integration
Diversification and integration options: car manufacturer example
you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and you know the enemy and yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the yourself, you need not fear the
The The The The The The victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusVegetiusVegetius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetius
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Vegetius Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus (C (C (C (C (C (C (C (C 390 AD) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The importance of strategic reserves “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““ The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in The method of having bodies reserves in the rear of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the infantry and cavalry, commanded by the
Segmenting consumer
Consumer segmentation
Benefits sought
Purchase occasion
Purchase behaviour
Perceptions and beliefs
Behavioural Psychographic Profile
• Not that useful for multiple moves (every
time you effect a move…. New becomes
• Only really considers offensive options
• Blurrs markets and segments
• Fails to consider market creation and
scales of newness (new to the company or
new to everyone.. Including consumers)
• Fails to consider preparedness/capability
• Fails to distinguish between new domestic
market and new ‘international’ market.
The Ansoff matrix (a worked
New Existing
Existing New
Mkt 1
Seg 1
Prod 1
Seg 2
Seg 3
Seg 4
Prod 1
Mk 2
Prod 2
Mkt 1
Mkt 3
Prod 3
Mkt 3
When did
we get
relative to
Remember the time
Period 1 . Period 2
Period 3: Market 2 Period 3: Product 1
P2 P1
P1 P2
S1 S2
S2 S2-5
& 3
Start: 1 product, 1 market. Multiple products, segments and
So break down for single products and markets for each period.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780——1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).••••••••••••••••••“War is a dual between two independent minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”minds.”•“Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the “Always be strong, first overall and later at the decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”decisive moment.”•Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Six principles of strategic effectiveness Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage Advantage 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Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack Attack from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides from several sides
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780——1831). •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of ‘strategic friction’ 
The Ansoff matrix
penetration or
New Existing
Existing New
But where are the defensive options?
Has competitive
strengths for
remaining pockets
Lacks competitive
strengths for
remaining pockets
structure for
structure for
Reminder/ Strategies for
or divest
BoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparteBoneparte•••••••oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup d’oeil, meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning
Key questions
• SO!!!
Where we go is considered
When we travel in that direction
 Next we need to consider ‘how’
 Remember the strategy compass: Do we travel
N,S,E,W ? (direction) and then by what method of
transport (method)
Basil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil Liddell- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach Fighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counterintuitively •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Based on paradoxical thinking“The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”• Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and GuderianGuderianGuderian…………………….• Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer Influenced the development of Panzer BlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkrigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlizkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreigBlitzkreig………………………….•••••Guderian’sGuderian’sGuderian’sGuderian’sGuderian’sGuderian’sGuderian’s
Mode of entry
• The beachhead strategy
 How do we design the optimum method (how) of
getting into the foreign market, and timing (when to
enter), that overcomes any LOF
Methods and modes
End User
Home Overseas market 1
End user
market 2
Cust Sale
market 3
Timing of Entry into new markets
The ‘when’ question not covered by Ansoff
First-mover advantage.
Preempt rivals and capture demand.
Build sales volume.
Move down experience curve before rivals and
achieve cost advantage.
Create switching costs.
First mover disadvantage – pioneering costs;
costs an earlier entrant bears that a later entrant
can avoid.
Changes in government policy.
Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachAdvantages (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) (this will shape the second semester) Dr.Range of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasRange of ideasto remark, the last refuge of the Points of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contention Points of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contention Points of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionPoints of contentionindustry in the mantle of national Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridging Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridging Stimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingStimulus for bridgingeconomically dispossessed. In Stimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativity Stimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityStimulus for creativityinterest is the declining cottage industry of those who have been bypassed by the global economy.”Presenting opposite perspectives frame the full set of views that exist on the topicset of views that exist on the topicset of views that exist on the topicset of views that exist on the topicset of views that exist on the topic set of views that exist on the topicset of views that exist on the topicThe The The The The
The timing of internationalisation
your global
expansion in
Stay at
niches in
for a
Industry Globality
Local Potentially global Global
Solberg, C. A. (1997). A framework for analysis of strategy development in
globalizing markets. Journal of International Marketing, 5(1), 9-30.
Solberg’s Nine Strategic
Global Industry?
The importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertaintyThe importance of uncertainty
The Ansoff matrix (a worked
New Existing
Existing New
Mkt 1
Seg 1
Prod 1
Prod 1
Mk 2
Direct Export
Year 3
Year 5
Year 7
Born global firms
“A firm that from its inception
derives competitive advantage
from the use of resources and
the sale of outputs in multiple
Oviatt, B. and P. McDougall (1994), “Towards a theory of international new
ventures,” Journal of International Business Studies, 25 (1), 45-64.
‘Organic’ versus ‘born global’
External environment Internal environment
Decision to internationalize
Home market
Export market A
Export market N
Born global
Home market
Export market A
Export market N
Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy • Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832 Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, pp. 560, 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efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities organize activities , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a stratagem, to achieve his goal –––––––––––– –––––– ––– ––––––––––––– ––––––– whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether whether victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or profit*profit*profit*profit*profit* profit*profit*profit*profit*profit*profit** Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw * Shaw* Shaw, E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of the concept to development of a conceptual framework. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30(1), 30—————————————————————-55.
Theories of internationalisation
The stage model
• The Uppsala internationalisation model.
The stage model
 A study of Swedish manufacturing firms
found that the following stages could be
 Stage 1: No regular export activities
 Stage 2: Export via independent
 Stage 3: Establishment of a foreign sale
 Stage 4: Foreign production/manufacturing
Johanson, J. & Wiedersheim-Paul, F. (1975) The internationalisation of the firm:
Four Swedish cases. Journal of Management Studies, 12 (3), 305-322.
Dynamic capabilities
•Opportunity development
•Internationalization capability
•Networking capability
•Operational capabilities
Commitment decisions
•Change of coordination
Network position
•Inter-organizational network
•Intra-organizational network
•Network power
•Trust building
Vahlne, J.-E., & Johanson, J. (2013). The Uppsala model on evolution of the multinational business enterprise –
from internalization to coordination of networks. International Marketing Review, 30(3), 189-210.
The Uppsala model
Modes of international market entry
Low High
Resource deployment
Indirect Exporting
Joint venture
Production in home market Production abroad
Direct Exporting
Indirect Exporting
 For the seller, resembles a domestic transaction
 Export management companies perform all the
transactions relating to foreign trade for the firm
and are independent agents working for the firm
in overseas markets, going to fairs, and
contacting distributors
 The advantage is that the firm avoids the
overhead costs and administrative burden
involved in managing their own export affairs
 The disadvantage is that the skills and know-how
developed through experiences abroad are
accumulated outside the firm, not in it
Johansson, Johny K. (1997), Global marketing. Foreign entry, local marketing & global
management. Chicago: Irwin.
Indirect Exporting
• Export buying agent
 Resides in the producers home market buts
acts on behalf of overseas buyers
• Export broker
 Often category specific. Works on a
commission base.
• Export management companies
 Act effectively as an outsourced export
department in the home market.
• Trading companies
 A legacy of European colonialism. Undertake
all facets of export. Often involved with counter
trade in developing countries.
Foreign Direct Investment
•FDI usually regarded as
being anything above
20%of total ownership
•Can apply to resources
committed as part of, direct
exporting, JVs and WOSs.
Scope of interfirm alliances
Contractual arrangements
Equity arrangements
contracts No creation
of new firm
Creation of
Dissolution of entity
Joint venture
Unequal JV
Equal JV
Merger or acquisition
Minority equity arrangement
Cross licensing
Equity swaps
Arms-length buy-sell
Standard setting or
R&D consortia
Arrangements to access
mutually complementary
skills or assets
Joint R&D, manufacturing
Strategic alliances
Kale, P., & Singh, H. (2009). Managing strategic alliances: what do we know now,
and where do we go from here. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(3), 45-
Joint Venture
• In most definitions involves the
transfer of capital, equity,
manpower and technology from the
foreign partner to an existing local
• In exchange for:-
 Tacit knowledge about a market
 Specific competences
 Access to a network
 Holistic market entry
Partner to partner relationships in Joint Ventures
Weightings of factors leading Firm
A to cooperate and value of
strengths giving Firm A bargaining
Weightings of factors leading Firm
B to cooperate and value of
strengths giving Firm B bargaining
Partner to
The bargaining
The competitive environment of the child
Joint Venture
The Child
Alliances: Evolutionary pattern A B
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Lorange, P. & Roos, J. (1992), “Strategic
Alliances. Formation, implementation and
evolution,” London, Blackwell.
• Pro:
 Quick to execute.
 Preempt competitors.
 Possibly less risky.
• Con:
 Often produce
disappointing results.
 Overpay for firm.
 Too optimistic about value
creation (hubris).
 Culture clash.
 Problems with proposed
• Pro:
 Can build subsidiary it
 Easy to establish
operating routines.
• Con:
 Slow to establish.
 Risky.
 Preemption by aggressive
Acquisition Greenfield
1. HORIZONTAL: similar product
lines and markets found from
both the acquired and acquiring
2. VERTICAL: the acquired firm
becomes the supplier or
customer of the acquiring firm
Hollensen, S (2004), Global Marketing: a decision-orientated
approach, 3rd edition, FT Prentice Hall, London, Pg 343
3. CONCENTRIC: the acquired firm has
the same market but different
technology, or the same technology but
different markets
4. CONGLOMERATE: the acquired firm is
in a different industry from that of the
acquiring firm
Hollensen, S (2004), Global Marketing: a decision-orientated
approach, 3rd edition, FT Prentice Hall, London, Pg 343
• A contractual arrangement whereby
one company (the licensor) makes an
asset available to another company
(the licensee) in exchange for
royalties, licence fees or some other
form of compensation.
• The licensed asset may be
–trade secret
–company name
Keegan, Warren J. and Bodo B. Schlegelmilch (2001), Global marketing management.
Harlow: Prentice-Hall.
Elements of Strategic Management Agreement where licensor grants rights to STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION STRATEGIC POSITION ((( (( ((((((((((((( •Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where are we now Reduces development costs and risks of establishing foreign ininininininininin inthe market place and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? What resources do we have?) Unfamiliar or politically volatile market.STRATEGIC CHOICES ((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((( Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where do we want to be? Disadvantages:What are the options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which options? How do we find out which is the best place to be?) CrossSTRATEGY INTO ACTION (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((How are we going to get there? Creating a competitor.What do we need to do? What do we need to do? What do we need to do? What do we need to do? What do we need to do? What do we need to do? What do we need to do? What do we need to do? What do we need to do?
• A form of licensing, which goes far
beyond conventional licensing.
The franchisor provides the
franchisee with an extensive
company concept, which
comprises a successful product
and marketing concept as well as
the fundamentals of managing the
Keegan, Warren J. and Bodo B. Schlegelmilch (2001), Global marketing management.
Harlow: Prentice-Hall.
Global strategy
Multidomestic Low
De-internationalization Internationalization
Interdependence between
Hollensen, S. (2004) Global marketing: A decision orientated approach, (Harlow, Pearson).
Upstream and
Key questions
Where we go (Direction)
When do we travel in that direction
How (Method)
With what? (product/service/ value
adding activity)
What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?What is Strategy?Prof John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonProf John NicholsonHuddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School Huddersfield Business School
University of Huddersfield 2019
• Provide and outline of Porter’s value
chain in a global contemporary
• Link GVC to matters of value interest
and power
• Outline the principles of product
portfolio analysis
Global value chains and supply
• We have discussed outward internationalization,
that is selling the product/services of the firm in
to international markets
• Inward internationalization includes buying in
products/services from overseas
• Need to introduce terms like
 Outsourcing
 Integration
 Off-shoring
 Re-shoring
 Carbon footprints
 Value capture in emerging markets
 Catch-up
 Spillovers
The post-modern tribal warrior Antiglobalization
2019: Protest
Jan: Amsterdam
Feb: Rome
March:Hong Kong
April: Nairobi
May: Mexico City
June: New York
Frequent Flyer discounts available from Emirates.
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Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term
Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces Sun Tzu postulated two forces — ———-the the the the the the the element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and element, which fixes the enemy in place, and QiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQi QiQiQielement, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the element, which flanks or encircles the enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, •••••••••••••• The The The The The The The The Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and Zheng (ordinary) force is direct and more more more more more more more more more more more more more more
Links in the chain
• Core competences are likely to be more robust if
they are a result of linkages between activities
within the value chain.
• Leverage is a measurement of the improvement
in performance gained through the management
of separate resources and activities.
• Links to generic strategies, each link can be
examined for, cost reductions or differential
Johnson, G. & Scholes, K. (1999) Exploring corporate strategy,
(5th ed.), London, Prentice-Hall.
The Value Chain System for
an Entire Industry
Value Chains
A Company’s Own
Value Chain
Forward Channel
Value Chains
Costs, &
Margins of
Allies &
Costs, &
Costs, &
Margins of
Buyer or
End User
Boeing 787
Phillipines India
Customer Service
Value Tariffs

Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Vegetius Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) (C 390 AD) • • ••••• ••••••• ••• ••••••••• •••••• In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman
Hulavington, UK
Manufactruing Malaysia
(2002), Philippines,
Singapore (2019)
Globally dispersed
Outsourced to
Kinaxis 2018
HQ to
Singapore 2019
Hint: Could you use this diagram in your
assignment for your own company ?
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiuVegetiusVegetiusRenatus (C 390 AD)
Intangibles and value chains
• Google paid £67 million in the UK last on estimated sales
of sales of £1.4 Billion in the 2018 year.
• Estimated that if that value added could be grounded in the
UK, would have been £1.5 Billion.
• Facebook made an estimated £1.6 Billion in 2018 and paid
£25million in taxation in the UK.
• The GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) tax.
France. Proposed 3%
• Planned Digital Service tax on companies with a revenue
of over £500 million of 2%
Graham Hiscott Daily Mirror, April 7th 2019, Jeff Parsons, Metro,
14th October 2019
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 – 1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527) 1527)1527)•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries• Learn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the past Learn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the past Learn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the pastLearn from the past•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are
• The international form of outsourcing
• Call centres
• In the last 15 years, much of the call centre
operations for major service sector organizations
have moved to India, Bangladesh, West Indies,
South Africa and the Philippines. e.g. HSBC, BT.
• Why these countries?
• What is the value chain logic in doing this.
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780- —– —– 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). 1831). • ••••••••••••••• •••••••• “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent “War is a dual between two independent minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.” minds.”
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).• •••• •••• ••••• •••• ••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••• ••••••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••• ••• •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••• The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of
Counter arguments
• ‘Sweat shops’ may allow workers to live
above average lifestyle in high
unemployment environment
• May be below Western standard but above
local standard.
• Allows for technologically spillovers
• Social upgrading
• GTECH and Clarks shoes bringing manufacturing back from
China to the UK
• LeCoqSportif bringing back production from Vietnam to
• In 2018, the number of U. S. companies reporting new
reshoring and foreign companies reporting FDI (foreign direct
investment) was at the highest level in recorded history, up
38% year-over-year to 1,379 companies. Reshoring job
announcements remained strong, at more than 145,000 jobs,
reaching the second highest annual rate since we started
tracking these numbers in 2007—second only to the over
170,000 jobs announced in 2017 *1.

Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Boneparte ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup oup d’oeil , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the “a stroke of the eye” or “glance .”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”.”••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a strategic situation and act Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern Arguably what is needed in the modern digital economy. An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital An example would be a digital mindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindsetmindset
Four sub-dimensions of country of origin
Insch, Gary S. & McBride, J. B. (1998) ‘Decomposing the Country-of-
Origin Construct: An Empirical Test of Country-of-Design, Country-of-
Parts and Country-of-Assembly”, Journal of International Consumer
Marketing, Vol. 10 No.4, pp. 69-91.
Lets Make Yorkshire
great again
However, Figures show that
the number of West
Yorkshire jobs in textiles has
risen from 10,780 in 2008 to
13,570 in 2017
Yorkshire’s textile industry
The dark satanic mills of Yorkshire, employed millions in the textile industry
up to the 1950’s. Pulled in two huge waves of immigration first in the 19th
century with German/Irish workers and second in the 20th century from
modern day Pakistan and India. From fifties onwards, the industry
collapsed. Second wave in the 90s saw offshoring to China and SE Asia.
Basil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil LiddellBasil Liddell- Hart HartHartHart•The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach The indirect approach ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Fighting counterFighting counterFighting counterFighting counter-intuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitivelyintuitvely intuitivelyintuitivelyintuitively•••••••••••••Based on paradoxical thinking “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest “The longest way round is often the shortest home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.”home.” home.”home.”home.”• Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Written in the aftermath of WW1, “The Decisive Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both Wars of history” was influential on Generals both sides of WW2, Including Patton, Rommel and GuderianGuderianGuderianGuderianGuderianGuderianGuderian……………………….•••••••
• Are China the new colonial overlords?
• Legacies of European colonialism
• Western liberal values driving
transparency and responsibility (and
often having limited impact)
• Vs Chinese resource seeking strategy,
(and often unlocking economic potential)
• Which has the ethical highground? You
decide (see the clips on brightspace)
Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military Paradoxical thinking in military ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Underpins the indirect approach A bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. bad road is good. A A A A A A A
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Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical Approach Taking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachTaking a Dialectical ApproachAdvantages (this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)(this will shape the second semester)foreign investment Range of ideas Intentional knowledge transferPoints of contention Supplier development strategiesStimulus for bridging Unintentional spillovers Stimulus for creativity KnowledgeSocial innovationKhan, Z., & Nicholson, J.D. (2014). An investigation of the cross-border supplier development process: problems and implications in an emerging economy. International Business Review, 26(3), 1212-1222.
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defeat. lessen the chances of defeat. lessen the chances of defeat. lessen the chances of defeat. lessen the chances of defeat. lessen the chances of defeat.
The Irish backstop
• Essential understood through GVCS
• Designed to prevent a Tariff boundary between Ireland and
Northern Ireland.
• Maintains in whole of the UK in the Common customs
arrangement of the EU until and agreement on the Irish
border is reached (on the assumption it ever could be).
• Options include a hard boarder down the Irish Sea,
essentially creating a border inside the UK.
• What happens if there a second referendum on Scottish
Independence, which leads to succession.
• Will there be two customs borders inside the UK?
Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far Carry forward’s from today so far • Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, Objectives…. Winning, not loosing, survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm survival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harmsurvival, doing good, avoiding harm•••••••••••••••Time, space and resources •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••ManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvre ManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreMnoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvre ManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvreManoeuvre••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Sustainable advantage •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••SurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurprise SurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurprise SurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurpriseSurprisSurpriseSurpriseSurprise••••••••••••••••
2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other 2 hour lectures every other
Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor • We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as We use here military strategy as metaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphor metaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphor metaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphormetaphor•••••••••••••••••••••••••• What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor? What is metaphor?What is metaphor? What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor? What is metaphor?What is metaphor? What is metaphor? What is metaphor?What is metaphor?What is metaphor?A thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something of something elseelseelseelse elseelseelseelseelseelseelseelseelse elseelseelseelseelseelse elseelse elseelseelseelseelseelse
Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy Origins of business strategy •Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Xenophon(1832Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to Socrates with observing that analogous to the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of the general of an army an army an army an army an army an army an army , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman , the businessman must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and must also efficiently allocate resources and , i.e. employ a , i.e. employ a stratagem, to achieve his goal – whether whether whether whether whether whether victory or victory or victory or victory or victory or profit*profit*profit* * Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw * Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw* Shaw, E.H. (2012). Marketing strategy: From the origin of the concept to development of a conceptual framework. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 4
Disaster Sequence
The case of an unbalanced portfolio
High Low
Market growth rate
Market share
Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy Arguably the father of modern business strategy ••••• The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic The first recognized text book on strategic managementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagement managementmanagementmanagementmanagementmanagement
Henry Henry Henry Mintzberg•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. Early work of organizational structure. • •••••••••••• Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s Mintzberg’s 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps 5Ps • ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••
• Problems of cash flow
• High marketing investments in high
growth markets are a pre-requisite to
build or hold market share
• NPD costs need to be funded &
• Problems of high growth can be
problematical – need for high borrowings
• Negative cash flows can be problematic
for development – can be
• Question marks can become cash traps
• High development costs must be capped
• Question marks are costly in
management time
• Can question marks be ‘turned around’?
Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt Theodore Levitt • The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing The principle of marketing myopia •••••••••••••••••••••Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… Focussed on the question… “what business are we in?” •••••••••••••••••••The railroad ‘The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘The railroad ‘The railroad ‘The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘The railroad ‘ The railroad ‘The railroad ‘The railroad ‘The railroad ‘The railroad ‘industry ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the ’ versus the transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘ transportation ‘transportation ‘ transportation ‘
Weaknesses of the BCG
• Four-cell matrix hides fact that many
businesses are in “average” growth rate
markets and have “average” relative
market share positions
• Misleading simplification to categorise
businesses into just four types
• Matrix doesn’t identify which businesses
offer best investment opportunities
• Being a leader in a slow growth market
doesn’t guarantee cash cow status.
Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter Michael Porter ••••Porter’s work involved a deep analysis of successful firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected firms from which he generated his well respected generic strategies…..••••••••••••• ••••••••• ••••• Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be Often incorrectly seen as a series of options to be chosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen fromchosen from chosen fromchosen fromchosen from chosen fromchosen fromchosen from• Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial Developed a deep understanding of industrial competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his competition, encapsulated in his 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces 5 forces modelmodelmodelmodelmodel modelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodel modelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodelmodel modelmodelmodelmodelmodel••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on Later developed into seminal work on
Product Life Cycle (Whole Industry
Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
D Jobber (2001) 10
PLC and an extended form
of the BCG matrix
• Introduction Stage
• Growth Stage
• Maturity
• Decline
• Infants – negative cash flow
• Stars
• Question Marks
• Cash Cows
• Dogs
• War Horses
• Dodos
Extended Life Cycle Stage Growth Share Types
Product lifecycle portfolio
Negative cash flow
War horses
Positive cash flow
Modest positive or
negative cash flow
Cash cows
Large positive
cash flow
Problem children
Large negative
cash flow
Modest positive or
negative cash flow
Low Negative cash flow
Market Growth
Relative Market share
Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context Strategy Context
General Electric’s Business Screen
Winners Winners
Strong Average Weak
Business Strength/Competitive Position
Source:Adapted from Strategic
Management in GE, Corporate Planning
and Development, General Electric
Corporation. Used by permission of
General Electric Company.
Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management Elements of Strategic Management policy matrix/DPMSTRATEGIC POSITION (((((((((((((((((((Attractiveness and Business Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where Where are we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we noware we nowmeasures of potential in in ininin ininininininin inin inin inin ininininininthe market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place the market place and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? and in the external environment? What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?) What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?) What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?) What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?) What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?) What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?) What resources do we have?)What resources do we have?) competencies.
McDonald’s 4 box Directional Policy Matrix (DPM)
Market attractiveness
Business/Company strength
Maintain Manage for cash
McDonald, M. (2002) Marketing plans: how to prepare them, how to use them,
(5th ed.), Oxford, Elsevier.
The module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureThe module structureSemester 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Foundational perspectives Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you to Will cover what your future managers will expect you 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Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives Contemporary perspectives   Strategy in the new economy. 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appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in To be able to appreciate the key tools in
Questions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next weekQuestions for next week• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something think I want to give you something 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discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each about and discuss with you each week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. week. ••••••••••••••••••••In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a In strategy terms….what is a Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap Thucydides trap and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this and how is this
Using the DPM.
• Step 5. Analyze and draw conclusions from
the relative position of service in the market
• Step 6. Draw conclusions from the analysis
with a view to generating objectives and
• Step 7. Should position the circles on the
box assuming no change to current policies.
An audit of the current situation
• Step 8. Redraw the portfolio to position the
circles where the organisation wants them to
be. The strategic objectives
McDonald, M. (2002) Marketing plans: how to prepare them, how to use them,
(5th ed.), Oxford, Elsevier.
Using the DPM
• Step 9. Detail the strategies to obtain the
• Step 10. Detail the appropriate financial
consequences in terms of growth rate by
product/service for market and return on
 See McDonald (2003) Pages 216-221
McDonald, M. (2002) Marketing plans: how to prepare them, how to use them,
(5th ed.), Oxford, Elsevier.
McDonald’s 4 box Directional Policy Matrix (DPM)
Industry/market attractiveness
Business/Company strength
McDonald (2003)
UK Alcoholic beverages
Free House Draught
Male 40+
Alcopop. Off
Bottled Lager Off-
Re-position sale Male-18-30
Maintain Manage for cash
Corporate Strategy
Portfolio Analysis
 Top management evaluates each of
firm’s businesses individually
 Use of externally-oriented data to
supplement management judgment
 Raises issue of cash flow availability
 Facilitates communication
Parenting-Fit Matrix
Edge of
Low High
FIT between parenting opportunities
and parenting characteristics
Value Trap
Corporate Parenting
• Views the corporation in terms of
resources and capabilities that can
be used to build business unit value
as well as generate synergies across
business units.
• Strategic factors
 Those elements of a company that
determine its strategic success or
• Performance improvement
• Analyze fit
Corporate Parenting
• Parenting-Fit Matrix
 Summarizes the various judgments
regarding corporate/business unit
fit for the corporation as a whole.
• Parenting-Fit Matrix
 2 Dimensions
• Positive contributions parent
can make
• Negative effects parent can
Stakeholders and
Professor John Nicholson
• To outline the principles of
interest and power to add to an
understanding of mission and
• To outline the types of power in
an organization that constrain
strategic freedom.
Strategic determinism and
strategic choice.
• Strategic Choice
 The degree to which strategy is governed by the
choices we would like to make.
 Belief in agency in contrast to actual agency
• Strategic Determinism
 The degree to which strategy is determined by
external and indeed internal powers and
• The agency versus structure debate.
• Constraining and enabling forces.
Child, J. (1997). Strategic choice in the analysis of action, structure, organizations
and environment: retrospect and prospect. Organization Studies, 18(1), 43-76.
Powers and potentialities
• In the discussions of mission, values and visions, we
must consider the influence of powerful persons and
• In SWOT analysis, constraining and enabling forces
are at play
• What is strategically enabling and what is
strategically constraining
• Belief that structures can be changes through
agency, rather than a fixed un-challengable entity.
Nicholson, J., Tsagdis, D., & Brennan, R. (2013). The structuration of relational space: Implications for
firm and regional competitiveness. Industrial Marketing Management, 42(3), 372-381.
Nicholson, J.D., Brennan, R., & Midgley, G. (2014). Gaining access to agency and structure in
industrial marketing theory: a critical pluralist approach. Marketing Theory, 14(4), 395-416.
Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Origins of strategy term Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient Greece Ancient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient Greece Ancient GreeceAncient GreeceAncient Greece ••••••••••••••••••••••••••Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived Derived from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, from the word, strategema strategema from from from ….the act of a act of a act of a or GeneralshipGeneralship Generalship GeneralshipGeneralship •••••••••••••••••••••
Stakeholder Analysis
Identifies the stakeholders of an organisation:
• identifies their stake in the organisation
• identifies their criteria for judging the performance of the
• decides how the stakeholders influence the organisation
• judges how important the various stakeholders are
• asks what the organisation needs from each
Sun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun TzuSun Tzu••••••••••••
Coping with stakeholder power
• Typical stakeholders:
• –Owners: wanting a financial return
• –Employees: wanting high salaries and wages
• –Customers: buying quality goods and services
• –Creditors: assessing the creditworthiness of the
• –Suppliers: wanting payment
• –Local community: wanting safety and local contribution
to society
• –Government: needing compliance with law and also a
contribution to society
Uses of Stakeholder Analysis
• See who can block/facilitate issues.
• See which stakeholders need to be
• See which stakeholders need to be
encouraged to stay where they are.
• Overall, get a feeling for the
acceptability of different possibilities.
The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist victorious strategist only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after only seeks battle after the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined whereas he who is destined FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat FOR defeat first fights and afterwards looks for
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusVegetiusRenatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus Renatus (C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)(C 390 AD)••••••••••In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman In the final days of Roman empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s empire. An attempt to restore Rome’s greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great greatness by examine the great Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like Roman General’s like CeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasarCeasar, Scipio,
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves The importance of strategic reserves ““““““““““““the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear the rear of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice of the army, composed choice supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts supernumerary lieutenant generals, counts and tribunes, is very judicious of great and tribunes, is very judicious of great and tribunes, is very judicious of great and tribunes, is very judicious of great and tribunes, is very judicious of great and tribunes, is very judicious of great and tribunes, is very judicious of great and tribunes, is very judicious of great
Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius Flavius VegetiusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatusRenatus390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD) 390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)390 AD)Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary Avoid unnecessary ••••••••••••••••••••••camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow camp followers and things that slow ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Category B – Keep Informed
Low power individually, but high
Must be kept informed
May influence more powerful
Act collectively & gain power
Crucial allies or may reposition
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)1527)Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries Never trust mercenaries Never trust mercenariesNever trust mercenaries Never trust mercenaries Never trust mercenaries••••••••••••••Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are Win over those that are
Questions to Ask
When determining purpose and strategy
•Whose expectations need to be prioritised?
•Who are the key contrainers and enablers
of strategy?
•Will stakeholder positions shift according to
the issue/strategy being considered?
•How might the power/interest balance
•Might there be coalitions between
Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780 Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780 ——
Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780Carl von Clausewitz (1780—-1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831).1831). •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of The principle of ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’ ‘strategic friction’
Power based on the threat of punishment
Drawing on one’s right to influence
Reward Promise of monetary or non monetary compensation
Relying on one’s superior knowledge
Based on the presentation of persuasive material or logic.
Personal Depends on individual characteristics – personality.
Charismatic May be seen as a projected character trait (probably closely related to
the use of referent power)
Referent Based on target’s identification with influencing agent
Sources of Power
Adapted from Raven et al (2006) –
Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon BoneparteBoneparteBoneparte•••••••••The strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central positionThe strategy of the central position•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Concentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of force Concentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of force Concentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of force Concentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of forceConcentration of force••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Defeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detail Defeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detail Defeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detail Defeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detailDefeat in detail•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while Deploy a small army to hold one while
Political Strategizing
Strategy makers need to be skilled at:
 forming coalitions
 blocking interference
 managing the image of change/strategic
 organisational ‘magic’
Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Boneparte•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoup d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil d’oeil , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning , meaning “a stroke of the eye” or “glance eye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glance eye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glanceeye” or “glance.” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” .” •The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a The ability to immediately size up a strategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and actstrategic situation and act