Requirements for Report

Report Structure There is no such thing as a typical report structure. It will vary depending on the project. However, the following structure is provided as a general guide. If it does not seem relevant to your particular project then adapt the suggested chapter headings.

Page 1: Title Page – including the title of the project, the name of the author, the date, the word count and the statement specified below under report details.

Page 2: Abstract – One page that summarises the report and the main findings or results.

Page 3: Table of Contents – including page numbers of each chapter heading and each appendix. Chapter 1: Introduction – the topic, the background, why the topic is relevant or of interest to you, what you hoped to achieve, the aims and objectives of the project.

Chapter 2: Literature Review and Context – the setting of the project in the context of other relevant work or theories or results. How this setting influenced the project.

Chapter 3: Research/Development Method – the overall approach and rationale. Why the project was tackled in the chosen way, and why other ways were ruled out.

Chapter 4: Data/Findings/Designs – the project outcome. This might be data collected and tabulated or the design of a program, or whatever outcome was obtained.

Chapter 5: Analysis/Evaluation/Testing – assessing or testing the project outcome. If the project is of type 2 are the results plausible? If the project is of type 3 or 4 then any computer code should be tested using a range of inputs.

Chapter 6: Conclusions/Recommendations – as a result of the project. The project does not need to have a positive conclusion. For example, it might prove that some system was not effective or successful. You should indicate to what extent your objectives have been achieved.

Chapter 7: Review/Reflections – this is often missed out by students but is very important. It is an opportunity to, firstly, review on a personal level what you have achieved, how you achieved it, what took the most time, the problems faced, the way in which they were overcome, etc. Secondly, it is an opportunity to reflect on the project with the benefit of hindsight. What might have been done differently? Was the research method adequate? How could the project have been more successful? Examiners like to see evidence of learning and mature reflection

Chapter 8: References – all references should be cited in the body of the report. A typical reference in the report might take the form, “Donar and Kebab (1996) suggest that high cholesterol levels do not lead to heart disease….” or “empirical eating studies show that…. (Donar and Kebab, 1996)”. The full title of the article or book or web page in which Donar and Kebab make these assertions is then given in the list of references. Where possible, use an article or a book rather than a web page. The idea of references is not just to substantiate statements and arguments but also to make it possible for other people to find the references. Normally, for a book, you should list author(s), title, publisher, date of publication, relevant page number(s). It can be difficult to locate the relevant part of a book if the page numbers are omitted. For an article list author(s), title of article, name of journal, volume and issue number, date, and page numbers of the article. For a web page give the URL and the date on which the page was consulted. In the academic world references are regarded as very important and poor referencing will certainly detract from the project report. Do not under any circumstances quote from a source without making it clear that you are quoting. Any quote must be accompanied by an appropriate reference.

Chapter 9: Bibliography – list any relevant literature that has not been cited in the report. (It is not a very well-kept secret that examiners tend to think that anything in a bibliography has not in fact been read by the student. Of course this is a monstrous slur but nevertheless do not waste too much time on the bibliography. Concentrate on the references!)

Chapter 10: Appendices – these are not obligatory. Only put in relevant items not already in the body of the report. These might include a questionnaire used to gather information, a list of the people interviewed and their companies, transcripts of interviews, detailed data, program listings, test results, etc. Any appendix should be referred to in the main part of the report and not just stuck at the end of the report without explanation. It is very important that an examiner can find evidence for the claims you make in your report. The appendices are the place to put such evidence without cluttering up the main part of the report. Sample projects, completed by previous students are available in the library, short- term loans section and on the departmental intranet.

Report Details Reports should be between about 7,000 and 10,000 words (excluding appendices), with an absolute maximum of 12,000 words. There is no stipulated minimum length. Reports must be word processed and printed on A4 paper. The pages (other than the title page) should be numbered. Italics may be used for emphasis. All quotations must be in quotation marks and fully referenced. Figures and tables should be inserted close to the part of the text where they are discussed.

The first page should be a title page, the second an abstract of the project (maximum one page) and the third a contents page. The title page should contain the title of the project, the name of the author, the date and a count of the number of words (excluding the Appendices). At the bottom of the title page place either

Include files and images

I have included in zip file images that you should include in the report.

My GitHub account to the project is here:

Under test folder you will find ValidationTest.php file that includes PHPUnit testing. Please include the line of codes to prove that I have used one of the methods for test the application. The whole set up is following MVC design (Model view Controller) but not explicit MVC framework that are up there such Laravel or Symphony.

Project you will find here:

Under skills page you will find data visualization that is created dynamically and is using framework D3.js The inspiration I get from this page

I’m using Bootstrap 4 for templates design website.

Database that I’m using is innoDB MySQL.

I have not created any UML diagrams but I will need them to be include as well.

In my github/portfolio under classes you will find which classes are related to each other. Some hands up Validation is super classes of Login.

I have include another file where you will find problems that occurs during development and my project proposal file that you can find out a bit more about the project.

The basic idea was create login and administrative page where I can manage different fields such About me, skills and project page to be display. You will find in zip file lots of useful screenshot that I have took. It is representation of my own portfolio.