In How to Read Novels Like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster explains that “[t]he things–the trinkets and baubles, the essentials and frills, the tools and toys–associated with a character typically reveal aspects of his personality as well as key ingredients of the story: plot, significance, idea, motif, theme” (123). Focus primarily on EITHER Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre OR Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea, and consider how the objects, images and/or placesin your chosen novel reflect and reveal the personality of the main character (either Jane or Antoinette). Are any of these objects, images or places emblems? What effect does the presence of an emblematic object, image or place have on our understanding of that character? Further, how does the novel’s characterization of the main character differ from the character as she is represented in Wide Sargasso Sea or Jane Eyre? While you are primarily engaging with either Brontë’s or Rhys’ novel, you MUST reference the other novel as well in your discussion. Focus on one to two scenes from your chosen novel, and refer to specific characters, lines, and details from both the texts that best support your argument. You must integrate Foster’s theories (outside of the quote at the beginning of this question) and a minimum of TWO critical sources into your paper to support your analysis.

Primary focus on ‘Jane Eyre’ but also mention ‘Wide Sargasso Sea’ for the essay

Reference 3 sources in total, ‘How to read a novel like a professor’ by Thomas C Foster, and the two other sources that I’ve provided in additional materials.