Representatives from the distant planet Amesemi have landed on Earth. They come in peace. Efforts are underway to enable Earthlings and Amesemians to understand each other; this involves an honest and accurate explanation of our respective civilizations. The newly established “United Kingdom Ministry of Extra-Terrestrial Affairs” (‘The Ministry’) has discovered that the Amesemians have no word for ‘law’ and no equivalent to this concept. They do, however, understand ‘justice’, ‘socially-constructed rules’, and ‘oppression’. The Ministry has commissioned you to write a report on how it might explain ‘law’ to The Amesemians, in terms of these three concepts.  Do so. Note that the report is to The Ministry and not the representatives from Amesemi themselves. As a result, you should feel free to use or explain other concepts, which Amesemians may or may not understand, as part of your recommendation.

Your report should take the form of an essay.

It should be a maximum of 5,000 words long, and include both footnotes and bibliography, with correct citation throughout.