Short Answer Assignment

Week 7
Sam is impressed by Bill’s ability to whistling a tune. Sam asks Bill how he does it, and Bill replies that he doesn’t really know, he can just do it. What type of knowledge does Bill have for his whistling ability? [1 point] Explain your answer [1 point]. Sam starts trying to learn how to whistle by practicing. According to Logan’s Instance Theory each time Sam practices can be considered an instance. What three aspects of the instance representation are recorded as a memory according to Instance Theory? [3 points]

Week 8

The Economic Rationality theory of decision-making has an assumption that humans are economical/rational. Explain how the theory of Bounded Rationality extends upon this theory [3 points]. The theory of Bounded Rationality also claims that the environment, aspiration level, and satisficing can help explain decision making. Explain what is meant by ‘satisficing’ in this theory [2 points].

Week 9

Ross is conducting a study where he has participants complete an implicit association test (IAT) at two time points – 1. Before, and 2. after, playing the computer game ‘Mortal Combattle’. The IAT that Ross is using involves categorizing concepts of ‘self vs. other’ and attributes ‘peaceful vs. aggressive’. Ross hypothesizes that playing the game ‘Mortal Combattle’ will prime higher implicit levels of aggression in the participants. Does the IAT provide an internal or external indicator of aggression? [1 point] Considering Ross’s hypothesis, how are participants expected to behave when categorizing relevant words on ‘self and peaceful’ trials after playing the game compared with before playing the game? [1 point] How are participants expected to behave when categorizing relevant words on ‘self and aggressive’ trials after playing the game compared with before playing the game? [1 point] In this example study has Ross used a within-participants or between-participants design? Explain your reasoning. [1 point]

Week 10

Rank order the collaborative model, the interactive alignment model, and the memory resonance model regarding the importance each one gives to the role of perspective taking in communication, where 1 = Most importance, 2 = Middle importance, 3 = Least importance [1 point]. Joey is able to communicate smoothly with his friend Aaron about cheese sticks because the day prior they had a big conversation together all about cheese sticks. According to the collaborative model of communication, what heuristic might Joey be using to avoid falling into a mutual knowledge paradox [1 point]? According to the interactive alignment model, what basic mechanism allows Joey to avoid falling into a mutual knowledge paradox [1 point]? In the collaborative model, common ground is a special type of shared knowledge, how is ‘common ground’ different from more basic ‘shared knowledge’? [1 point]

Week 11

Rustin, Caprice and Sullivan have just completed the ‘alternate uses task’ by thinking about alternate uses for a brick. Rustin came up with 20 ideas, across 5 categories. Caprice came up with 16 ideas, across 2 categories. Sullivan came up with 10 ideas, across 3 categories. Who has the highest fluency score? [1 point] Who has the highest flexibility score? [1 point] Who has the highest within-category fluency score? [1 point] Who do you think is most likely to have come up with some of the most original ideas, and why? [1 point] Who do you think is the most likely to score the highest on a latent inhibition test, and why? [1 point]

*Note for the last two points there are no half points awarded. Need to say both who and why to be awarded the point.

Week 12.

There are three broad types of machine learning – supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Helen possesses a large database of love letters and would like to use machine learning to help her understand if there are any interesting patterns of language use present within the letters. Charlie would like to use machine learning to help him more efficiently detect tumours in medical images taken from cancer patients. Julia would like to develop an algorithm that will be highly proficient at playing the computer game Fortnite so that she can use the program as a training partner so that she can defeat her 12-year old daughter at the game who is always telling her to ‘git gud’. Which type of machine learning is best suited for Helen’s purpose? [1 point]. Which type of machine learning is best suited for Charlie’s purpose? [1 point] And which type of machine learning is best suited for Julia’s purpose? [1 point]

Frank was in a car accident and suffered very bad injuries. Frank became paralysed from the waist down and was required to have his right arm amputated just above the elbow joint. For a prosthetic device for Frank’s right arm would you recommend ‘brain gate’ technology or ‘targeted muscle reinnervation’ technology to work with the prosthesis? [1 point]. Explain your answer [2 points].

*Note for the last two points (i.e., ‘Explain your answer’) there are two things required to be stated to be awarded the full points.