The Assignment
Discuss the idea(s) developed by the text creator in your chosen text about the nature of motivations that direct an individual’s course of action.
In your planning and writing, consider the following instructions.
• Carefully consider your controlling idea and how you will create a strong unifying effect in your response.
• As you develop your ideas, support them with appropriate, relevant, and meaningful examples from your choice of literary text(s).

Assignment II: Critical / Analytical Response to Literary Texts
You may use this space for your initial planning. This information assists markers in identifying the text you have chosen to support your ideas. The markers who read your composition will be very familiar with the literary text you have chosen.
Note: Write the title of your chosen literary text on the back cover of this examination booklet.
Briefly explore your reasons for selecting the literary text as support for your response.
Markers will consider the information you provide here when considering the effectiveness of your supporting evidence.