Choose ONE topic:

Feminism War Imperialism Education

Political Activism Fashion Sports Nationalism

Science/Technology Popular Culture Civil Rights Environmentalism

Consumerism Globalization Nativism Professionalization

You will create a 5 slide presentation, where you are to accomplish three things:

First, choose a topic from the list above. Then, in 2 slides, you will identify (What is it?), describe (Give examples), and assess (How did America react to the topic?) the impact of your topic on life in America between 1876-2000. Include two quotes from the textbook. Use parenthetical citation.

Second, in 2 slides, you will describe (Give examples) and evaluate (How has America reacted to the topic?) the role of the topic in American life since 2000.

Third, in 1 slide, you will describe (Give examples), defend (Explain the relative impact on you personally) and assess (What does the topic mean in your life and the way you live?) the role of this topic in your own personal life.

Presentations may use any appropriate electronic format. Technological issue will not be a valid excuse for an incomplete or missing presentation. No late presentations will be considered.

On the due date, you will present in front of the class. You must be present to receive full points.