The Global Policy to Immunize Against Human Papillomavirus

HP/ vaccine, with a number of case reports suggesting serious adverse effects (Nicol et at. 2016: Btinth et al. mini. The global health policy support. ing HP/ vaccination meets the generally accepted (Welton of having a basis in a preponderance of scientific evidence. However, debate focuses on the potential for overestimation of vaccine effectiveness and the underestimation of vaccine safety risks. In addition, some have raised ethical concerns related to possible conflicts of interest on the part of scientists who have vested economic interest in the pharmaceutical industry (Cochrane Nordic 20161. Health organization acceptance and advocacy of the HPY vaccine policy varies ‘tom country to country. Although the WHO, OA, EMA, CDC, and most ministries of health continue to support widespread HP/ vac. for girls, some countries haw changed course. japan suspended Public financing 101 the vaccine after advent elfects were reported (Wilson el al. ants). The Danish Health and Medicines Authority (m) submitted a report to (MA based on the Japanese findings and similar obsetvationi in Denmark. Similarly, the American College of Petit/1,60am (20161 sent a notice of alarm to its associates, and an important Canadian physician asked the government lot a moratorium on the vaccination (Dyer 7015). Finally. Cochrane Nordic (7016). a (enter In Denmark, denounced (MA for ethical bleaches. Clearly. the II/A/vaccine represents a complex and challenging area of global health policy The vaccine policy is purportedly based on evidence. with application through ministries of health, health insole’s. and health providers, with the intentional ‘,meriting cancels but with the possibility of causing adverse, unintended health consequences for the population it was meant to proem Health administratots must be aware of the implications and ethical dilemmas assoc iated with compliance or noncompliance with the global policy, and they must encourage serious and balanced discus. Hens within their organizations.

Case Study Discussion Questions

1. What problem does the policy aim to address? State the problem in a sentence of two.

2. Describe the pros and cons of the current global policy,

3. Who has a stake in IIPY vaccine policy? What are the interests of the primary stakeholdets in the case. and how might these interests place practical limits on evidence•based standards for global health policy? e. What are the ethical considerations associated with compliance or noncompliance with the policy?