Perceptions of Deviance, Crime, Victims, and Justice

The media informs many viewers of deviance and crime, victims of crime, and justice in society. Consider and describe the following:

  • Where do you get your information about:
    • Deviant behavior
    • Crime
    • Victims of crime
    • Justice for victims
  • Describe your perception of
    • Deviant behavior
      • What behavior is deviant according to your values?
    • Crime
      • What do you believe is the root or cause of crime?
      • What types of crimes do you believe happen most?
      • Who do you believe commits crime?
    • Victims of crime
      • Who do you believe is likely to be a victim?
      • Have you ever been fearful of a crime occurring to you or your family?
      • What do you believe about victims that you hear about?
    • Justice for victims
      • How do you see justice handled in our society?
      • What form of punishment do you see as being effective or ineffective?
  • Did you learn anything specific from the textbook that has changed your perception? What did you learn and which perception did it change?


Write a 500 word paper that addresses the above questions.

Cultural Representations of Social Class

Write a 500 word essay answering the following questions.

  • In what ways does culture related to social class impact identityand pride within specific social classes?
  • In what ways does culture help keep others outside of a specific social class?
  • Would the answers you given make it more difficult for someone from a lower social class to “pass”as someone from a higher class or would it make it more difficult for someone from a higher social class to “pass” as someone from a lower class? Why?
  • Why do most people stay in the same social class into which they were born?


Gender Messages

Write a 500 word paper about the three main institutions in gender socialization, family, school, and the media. In your paper also:

  • Describe how these institutions affect gender-socialization.
  • Be sure to include contemporary issues and terminology from our textbook to support your descriptions.


Think back to the stereotypes that you have seen in the past.

write a 750 word, APA style paper that addresses the following:

  • List a few of the stereotypes or types of stereotypes.
  • In what ways do they exaggerate the group?
  • What aspects do you believe are true?
  • Why do you believe they are true?
  • Think back to the stereotypes that you have seen over the past.
  • What is your perspective of people who used those stereotypes?