Write an essay identifying the two categories of lymphoid organs and their roles in the body’s immune response. Explain the non-immune functions that the lymphatic system through the spleen and the lymphatic capillaries in the small intestines carry out.

lymphoid organs

Write an essay identifying the two categories of lymphoid organs and their roles in the body’s immune response. Explain the non-immune functions that the lymphatic system through the spleen and the lymphatic capillaries in the small intestines carry out.


What is your opinion on He Jiankuis work? Do you think it is problematic? What are some positive and negative consequences of experimenting on human embryos? What opportunities come from editing a germ line?

Designer babies

Start your research first by watching these podcasts about the pros and cons of creating designer babies. Keep in mind that experiments have been done with human embryos.

next, watch the videos below about researcher He Jiankui’s research and work with the CRISPR method:


-What is your opinion on He Jiankuis work? Do you think it is problematic? Support your answers with the reasons why you think that way and use your answers to the following questions to help you write your response

– What are some positive and negative consequences of experimenting on human embryos?

– What opportunities come from editing a germ line?

– What social implications might come with editing a germ line (DNA that will be passed down for generations)?

– Could this encourage social exclusion in the future?

– Could this contribute to a socio-economic divide in the future?

He Jiankui stated “enhancing IQ, selecting hair/eye colour is not what a loving parent does. That should be banned.”

Decide – Do you think there should be a line draw between being able to alter medical traits and physical traits? How should the scientific community select which traits are available for editing and which should be banned?

After reviewing the arteries and veins structure, discuss their functions, and then share with your fellow students the location, structure, and role of blood capillaries.

The arteries and veins structure

After reviewing the arteries and veins structure, discuss their functions, and then share with your fellow students the location, structure, and role of blood capillaries. Respond to two other students with a quick analysis of their initial post.

Students are encouraged to study the structure and function of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins.

Response 1

Blood is carried through the body via blood vessels. An artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, where it branches into ever-smaller vessels. Eventually, the smallest arteries, vessels called arterioles, further branch into tiny capillaries, where nutrients and wastes are exchanged. Capillaries come together to form venules, small blood vessels that carry blood to a vein, a larger blood vessel that returns blood to the heart.

Arteries and veins transport blood in two distinct circuits: the systemic circuit and the pulmonary circuit. Systemic arteries provide blood rich in oxygen to the body’s tissues. The blood returned to the heart through systemic veins has less oxygen, since much of the oxygen carried by the arteries has been delivered to the cells. In contrast, in the pulmonary circuit, arteries carry blood low in oxygen exclusively to the lungs for gas exchange. Pulmonary veins then return freshly oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart to be pumped back out into systemic circulation. Although arteries and veins differ structurally and functionally, they share certain features.

Different types of blood vessels vary slightly in their structures, but they share the same general features. Arteries and arterioles have thicker walls than veins and venules because they are closer to the heart and receive blood that is surging at a far greater pressure. Each type of vessel has a lumen a hollow passageway through which blood flows. Arteries have smaller lumens than veins, a characteristic that helps to maintain the pressure of blood moving through the system. Together, their thicker walls and smaller diameters give arterial lumens a more rounded appearance in cross section than the lumens of veins.

Write an essay explaining why, for example, amino acids leave the blood through the arterial end, and organic wastes enter it via the venous end.

Capillary bed

A capillary bed (made of numerous capillaries) has an arterial and venous end. Exchanges of nutrients, gases, and wastes between blood and interstitial space in opposite directions occur specifically at these so-called ends.

Write an essay explaining why, for example, amino acids leave the blood through the arterial end, and organic wastes enter it via the venous end.
(Don’t exceed 800 words.)

Create a data table or chart on the information retrieved from the resources and notes you created. The table/chart can be organized in any way you choose and should include the following information for each stratum layer of the skin.

Epidermis data quest

DIRECTIONS: Review end utilize the following resources listed to complete a data table on the stratum Layers of the epidermis.

Step 1: Review each of the resources listed below, both the video and the readings.

Step 2: Take a rough draft of notes on the informatkm given in the resources on the Epidermis and the layers that make it up.

Step: 3 Create a data table or chart on the information retrieved from the resources and notes you created. The table/chart can be organized in any way you choose and should include the following information for each stratum layer of the skin.

Information to be Included In the tabie/chart: • Name of each layer • Number of layers of cells for each layer • Structural description of each layer include all unique and specific characteristics of each layer. • Specific additional structures found in each layer and the function of those specific structures as it applies to the skin.

‘Resources to be used:
– Crash Course video on the skin: Qtr…191.61baraduilex.taitztwns – Additional Reading Resource htto:lioperi .4) reD pit.- I a te.ed neat ion/ aa rid-oh:hap te ris- 1- 1 ayers-of-th e-s ki n/
in the above additional reading resource, be sure to only read the section on the Epidermis and its Stratum La) ers. DO NOT READ THE SECTION ON THE DE.RMIS4-*
The table/chart you create of yxnir information should be done on a Gougle Doc

What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair. Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very well and explain why it does.

Tissue Concept Map

Create a concept map of your choice; you can do this on a word document, PowerPoint, Adobe, Paint, or Hand-drawn. If you are unsure ask your instructor for other options if applicable. There is an example of a concept map at the end of this document for reference.
The concept map needs to include:
The four primary tissue types
The function of each primary tissue type
All subtypes of each primary tissue
The function of each subtype
An example of where you would find each subtype in the body
A histological image or drawing of each subtype –
A histological image is what the tissue type would look like under a microscope.
In addition to the concept map answer the following questions:
What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair.
Some tissues in the body regenerate or repair very well whereas others do not regenerate at all.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very well and explain why it does.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very poorly and explain why it does not regenerate well.
Complete additional research on the topic as necessary, ensuring to cite and reference all material in APA format.

What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair. Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very poorly and explain why it does not regenerate well.

Tissue Concept Map

Create a concept map of your choice; you can do this on a word document, PowerPoint, Adobe, Paint, or Hand-drawn. If you are unsure ask your instructor for other options if applicable. There is an example of a concept map at the end of this document for reference.
The concept map needs to include:
The four primary tissue types
The function of each primary tissue type
All subtypes of each primary tissue
The function of each subtype
An example of where you would find each subtype in the body
A histological image or drawing of each subtype –
A histological image is what the tissue type would look like under a microscope.
In addition to the concept map answer the following questions:
What are the steps involved in tissue repair? Explain the process of tissue repair.
Some tissues in the body regenerate or repair very well whereas others do not regenerate at all.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very well and explain why it does.
Pick one tissue type or subtype that regenerates very poorly and explain why it does not regenerate well.
Complete additional research on the topic as necessary, ensuring to cite and reference all material in APA format.

Identify the muscles that produce movements at this joint and include the action of the muscles at that specific joint. Identify the bones involved in the joint.

Combining the Skeleton, Joints, and Muscles

Joint Classification:
Include the classification of the joint based on structure.
Include the classification of the joint based on function.
Bones that make up the joint:
Identify the bones involved in the joint. Be specific include the bony feature or part of the bone in your answer along with the bone itself.
Movements capable at the joint:
List the specific movements at the specific joint.
Muscles involved and movements by the muscles:
Identify the muscles that produce movements at this joint and include the action of the muscles at that specific joint.
Important joint features:
Include major supporting ligaments incorporated with the joint, any bursa present at the joint and names of them, joint characteristics like fractures or dislocations, joint procedures, or other fascinating information in regards to your selected joint.
Complete additional research on the topic as necessary, ensuring to cite and reference all material in APA format.
Submit all answers in a Word document. You may also use
Joint Classification:
Include the classification of the joint based on structure.
Include the classification of the joint based on function.
Bones that make up the joint:
Identify the bones involved in the joint. Be specific include the bony feature or part of the bone in your answer along with the bone itself.
Movements capable at the joint:
List the specific movements at the specific joint.
Muscles involved and movements by the muscles:
Identify the muscles that produce movements at this joint and include the action of the muscles at that specific joint.
Important joint features:
Include major supporting ligaments incorporated with the joint, any bursa present at the joint and names of them, joint characteristics like fractures or dislocations, joint procedures, or other fascinating information in regards to your selected joint.
Complete additional research on the topic as necessary, ensuring to cite and reference all material in APA format.
Submit all answers in a Word document. You may also use Biodigital to aid in your write-up of your assignment.to aid in your write-up of your assignment.

What are 2 ways that our body protects us against foreign invaders? Can you explain these examples using new metaphors? What’s the difference between an antigen and an antibody?

The Immune System and COVID-19

What are 2 ways that our body protects us against foreign invaders? Can you explain these examples using new metaphors? (e.g., white blood cells are like an army of soldiers)
What’s the difference between an antigen and an antibody?
Sometimes the body can make antibodies against antigens that are already in the body. Usually, people who experience this are said to have an “autoimmune disease”. What do you think this means? What kind of effects do you think this could have on a person’s body?
Knowing that a blood test might be able to reveal how severe a person’s COVID-19 infection will be (based on their antibodies), how do you think this information could be helpful?
Knowing now how the SARS-COV-2 virus affects the alveolar type II cells and subsequently other systems in the body, what other questions do you still have?

Discuss the different electrical charges involved in a nerve impulse.Just be sure, for whichever body systems you choose, to explain a component of the system that requires numerical values and/or calculation

Organ Systems Research Paper (A&P I)

Explain how the system works in humans.You must include some form of calculation or interpretation of numerical values in your description of physiology.
Discuss the different electrical charges involved in a nerve impulse.Just be sure, for whichever body systems you choose, to explain a component of the system that requires numerical values and/or calculation