Using the template provided determine how much does this lower the risk of the portfolio when Lu increase the number of assets in UMB total portfolio?

Financial Modeling (Option Trading and Strategies)

Assignment 5-3

Betty Lu, an option analyst at UMB Student Managed Fund analyzing European call and put options on the S&P 500.

The S&P 500 index closes at 2000. European call and put options on the S&P 500 index with the exercise prices shown below trade for the following prices:

Exercise price 1,950 1,975 2,000 2,025 2,050
Call price $ 88 $ 66 $ 47 $ 33 $ 21
Put price $ 25 $ 26 $ 32 $ 44 $ 58

All options mature in 88 days. The S&P 500 portfolio pays a continuous dividend yield of 1.56% per year and the annual yield on a Treasury Bill which matures on the same day as the options is 4.63% per year.

For Standard Dev – Annual: B7 to K7 use the below value:

12.88% 11.25% 10.09% 9.66% 9.07% 13.22% 11.09% 10.01% 9.91% 9.69%


Using the template provided:

  • Using the Black Scholes Option Pricing model, determine what is the implied volatility of each of these calls and puts for column A19 and A 25, respectively.
  • What pattern do these implied volatilities follow across exercise prices and between calls vs. puts?


Assignment 5-4

Betty Lu, an option analyst at UMB Student Managed Fund working on portfolio Diversification

There are two countries and all risky assets in both countries have a standard deviation of 45%. All pairs of risky assets within the same country have a local correlation coefficient of 30%, but all pairs of risky assets between countries have an international correlation coefficient of 10%. Consider an international diversification strategy of investing half of your money in an equally-weighted portfolio in country 1 and the other half in an equally weighted portfolio in country 2. As you increase the number of assets in your total portfolio, how much does this lower the risk of your portfolio?


Using the template provided determine how much does this lower the risk of the portfolio when Lu increase the number of assets in UMB total portfolio?

Conduct a comparative matrix for the sectors. Explain how your findings impact the operations of the police department. Describe the precautions or behaviors that should be exercised when working with and communicating about the sensitive data in this scenario.



You have recently been hired as an Emergency Services Analyst for the city of Lincolnton, NC. In this role, you are to analyze all emergency services incident patterns, collect statistics, prepare and disseminate information, and assist with special projects. Recently, you have been tasked with conducting analysis on the emergency services data from 911 related calls from around the city.

Part 1: You receive the email from your Director of Emergency Services, including an Excel file of source data, and are asked to analyze the calls from around the community. You will perform your analysis (in the same Excel spreadsheet) and provide an explanation in an email response (Word document). **REVIEW THE ATTACHMENT BELOW**

Within the spreadsheet attached below, perform the following:

A. Prepare a dataset from the “Source Data” spreadsheet. Remove any potential errors or outliers, duplicate records, or data that are not necessary. Provide a clean copy of the data in your email response.

B. Explain why you removed each column and row from the “Source Data” spreadsheet or why you imputed data in empty fields as you prepared the data for analysis.

C. Create data sheets using your cleaned dataset and provide each of the following to represent the requested aggregated data.

  • a. Table: date and number of events OR
  • b. Bar graph: date and number of events
  • c. Table: number of incident occurrences by event type OR
  • d. Bar graph: number of incident occurrences by event type
  • e. Table: sectors and number of events OR
  • f. Bar graph: sectors and number of events

D. Summarize your observations from reviewing the datasheets you have created and include it as part of your introduction to your analysis report analysis in Part 2.

Part 2: Further, the state has offered an additional funding incentive for police departments that are able to meet the standard of having a minimum of 2.5 officers onsite per incident. The Director has delegated the task to you to analyze the police department’s data to determine if the department will be eligible for additional funding. You will use the same source data provided in the Excel spreadsheet. In a Word document, complete the following questions and include the summary from Part 1 in an analysis report.

E. Describe the fit of the linear regression line to the data, providing graphical representations or tables as evidence to support your description.

F. Describe the impact of the outliers on the regression model, providing graphical representations or tables as evidence to support your description.

G. Create a residual plot and explain how to improve the linear regression model based on your interpretation of the plot.

H. Using the linear regression analysis, explain if the department qualifies for additional state funding, including any limitations posed by the available data to the assessment of the department’s current funding eligibility.

I. Conduct a comparative matrix for the sectors. Explain how your findings impact the operations of the police department.

J. Describe the precautions or behaviors that should be exercised when working with and communicating about the sensitive data in this scenario.

K. Discuss any additional tools or technologies that could impact the data collection, storage, or analysis for future projects.

L. Provide attribution for credible sources needed in completing your report.

Develop more targeted policies and practices to mitigate adverse impacts on the environment while promoting sustainable economic growth.

Exploring the Association Between Economic Growth and Environmental Quality: A Country Level Study

Research Question and Rationale
Is there a relationship between economic growth and environmental quality?

This study was conducted with the aim to help policymakers and stakeholders better understand the tradeoffs between economic growth and environmental sustainability.
Develop more targeted policies and practices to mitigate adverse impacts on the environment while promoting sustainable economic growth.
Help anticipate and plan for future challenges related to climate change and environmental degradation.

Write a paper summarizing your perspective on how health care administrators should decide on spending their limited resources.

Demonstrate critical thinking

Instructions Learning Objective:
Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis

Week #5 PBL Assignment
Write a paper summarizing your perspective on how health care administrators should decide on spending their limited resources.

When determining how to allocate resources in a hospital how can administrators decide how to prioritize funding between employees’ wages and taking care of the poor. Given that increasing salaries would decrease resources for charity how should hospitals make these decisions? Isn’t providing a living wage or more for employees an acceptable social good as well? What guidelines would you create for Catholic hospitals to follow?

Answer all of the questions and submit your answers to the dropbox by Sunday at midnight. Your submission must be double spaced with 12-point font. The submission must be 2 – 3 pages and in APA format.

Explain how you applied your advanced knowledge/skills learned in your HOA courses this last year in your Spring 2023 internship.

Business Question

Submit a 2-3 page summary of your internship experience that includes the following points:

Explain how you applied your advanced knowledge/skills learned in your HOA courses this last year in your Spring 2023 internship.

Highlight the different activities you participated in during your internship and what you learned: team meetings, shadowing experiences, mentors that guided you, and what networks you built during your experience.

Summarize how this internship will help guide you in your career decision when you graduate from the program. The areas are Front office

  • 1: Housekeeping
  • 2: Management
  • 3: Security
  • 4: Event management
  • 5: Sales
  • 6: Office of General Manger.

The student was shadow Michael William, the hotel operational manger to gain future experience and knowledge on hospitality operation. He is also responsible for upholding the high standards that our company strives to deliver with every single guest. He will assist guests with their every requests and demands, he will assist with resolving billing issues, and he will also assist with finding solutions and resolving out guests issues when they arise. It is a small Hotel with 150 rooms.

What kinds of hustles are shown in hip-hop music, and how do they show how poor people really live? How has hip-hop provided a framework for understanding the relationship between poverty and hustling?

Hip-Hop Research Proposal


Hip-hop music has been a significant cultural force for more than four decades, providing a forum for black and brown voices to communicate who they are, their problems, and their reality. One of the recurring ideas in hip-hop is the representation of hustling and grinding one’s way to the top despite the challenges and competition that stand in the way. On the other hand, how hip-hop shows hustling has often been criticized for making illegal activities look cool and for spreading negative stereotypes about people of color, especially black and brown people.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the connections that can be drawn between hip-hop, hustling, and poverty. It says hip-hop has given us a way to understand the many different parts of the hustle, including the social, economic, and political reasons why people do it. This framework was provided by hip-hop. At the same time, society has made it illegal for people to hustle on the street, thereby supporting the notion that a person’s mistakes and not flaws in the system are the only causes of poverty.

This study will examine how hip-hop artists have busted these myths and show what hustling in low-income areas is like. The research examines the lyrics, music videos, and interviews with several hip-hop musicians to figure out the messages and themes of the hustle in hip-hop music.

Research Questions

What kinds of hustles are shown in hip-hop music, and how do they show how poor people really live?

How has hip-hop provided a framework for understanding the relationship between poverty and hustling?

How has society criminalized those who hustle in the streets, and what are the consequences of such criminalization?

How have hip-hop artists changed the way people think about the hustle, and what do they say about what life is really like in poor areas?

Write a paragraph of at least 200 words in length that clarifies and explains your decisions regarding the job steps, the identified hazards, and selected control measures.

Job Hazard Analysis

Select a job that you or a member of your family do at home on a regular basis. Be sure the job has at least five distinct steps. Using the JHA template (click here), list the job steps—in order—in the Job Steps column. Examine each step for hazards, and list the hazards and their effects in the next column. Finally, using the hierarchy of controls, identify control measures you would use to mitigate the hazards and enter those into the last column.

In the comments box at the bottom of the form, write a paragraph of at least 200 words in length that clarifies and explains your decisions regarding the job steps, the identified hazards, and selected control measures.

In this assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation, to the IT team and Chris Taylor as a follow-up to your report to Mr. Taylor.

Professional presentation

Summary of the Assignment:

  • Task: In this assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation, to the IT team and Chris Taylor as a follow-up to your report to Mr. Taylor.
  • Length: Your presentation will comprise 5-8 slides and be 4-7 minutes in length. include speaker notes in each slide, a strong and large paragraph for each one.

Watch the instructor selected short video clip and write a two page reflection paper on the video.

Reflection Paper #1


Students are to watch the instructor selected short video clip and write a two page reflection paper on the video. The paper should contain a reflection (summary) of the video and 2 significant points of impact on them (key ideas). Student are to write a no more than 2 page reflection and discussion of the points from the video. You need to incorporate information from both the video and course readings/discussions into your APA formatted paper.

Evaluate the impact of recent technological developments on the future of the global economy.

Academic language skills

Formative Writing Task

Select information in the text provided to answer this question in a short essay.


Evaluate the impact of recent technological developments on the future of the global economy.

  • Read the text provided only: you should not do your own research.
  • Include at least two in-text citations. (from the text provided – using secondary referencing if necessary)
  • Include a reference in APA style (7th edition)
  • Write 350 words (- / +10%).