God tells Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge (Genesis 2:16-17) but doesn’t explain why this particular fruit is dangerous. Why is it wrong to follow rules if you don’t understand and agree with them?

Week 9 Genesis

Reaction question:

  1. God tells Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge (Genesis 2:16-17) but doesn’t explain why this particular fruit is dangerous. Why is it wrong to follow rules if you don’t understand and agree with them?
  2. Why should you follow rules even when you don’t understand or agree with them?


Reading Questions: Read the chapters from Genesis noted below as well as the Biblical selections handout.

  1. What two substances does God use to create man? What potential conflicts are there between these two substances? How does the passage from Tanya (Biblical Selections Handout) interpret this conflict?
  2. How does the serpent deceive Eve? What does she believe will happen to her if she eats from the tree? (Gen 3:1-6)
  3. What does God select Abraham for at Genesis 12? Although the Bible does not explain why God called on the elderly Abraham, what do we learn about him as a young man from the passage in Genesis Rabbah (Biblical Selections Handout)? What did he do when he was in charge of his father’s store?
  4. Explain what God asks Abraham to do in Genesis 22. How does Abraham respond and how does the story conclude?
  5. . How does Jacob steal Esau’s birthright? (Genesis 25, 27) Does God judge Jacob’s actions as commendable or dishonorable? (Gen. 28) How does the historical information about Jacob and Esau (Biblical Selections Handout) change your reading of the story?
  6. Explain the fist fight that Jacob gets into in Gen. 32. Who is he wrestling and who wins the fight? What might this mean if read as an allegory? (Biblical Selections Handout)
  7. To satisfy the lecture portion of this course, please view the Spotlight Lecture posted in the Week 10 folder. Demonstrate by answering the following: Explain why Moses’ vision contradicts the laws of nature.


This is a loose adaptation of the text with a modern take.






Do you think that the development and use of AI agents like ChatGPT should be a concern for educators who must teach and evaluate the thinking and writing abilities of students?


Opinion Essay Prompt: ChatGPT is a natural-language query engine developed by openai.com that generates creative text that may appear to have been written by a human. Some education experts have declared that “The College Essay is Dead” (e.g., https://tinyurl.com/ywvn5v4h ) and that high school and college students will use AI tools to cheat on term papers, exams, and applications.

Do you think that the development and use of AI agents like ChatGPT should be a concern for educators who must teach and evaluate the thinking and writing abilities of students? (<400 Words)

How do you think Flexible Classrooms influence student’s engagement and learning? What does the teacher say Becky .Fisher say about “Every kid is an island”. What did she mean?

When Coopertative Learning Works – EDU 130

Below is a youtube Link video to watch then answer questions

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cscJcRKYxA

Below are the questions :
1. How do you think Flexible Classrooms influence student’s engagement and learning?
2. What id you like about these classrooms.
3. What does the teacher say Becky .Fisher say about “Every kid is an island”. What did she mean?
4. How do you feel about this classroom setting single rows setting one child behind the other, no contact?
5. What did you like about “flexible classrooms”? Give details.

Write a 2,500-word paper (minimum) that presents a customized learning theory for Keven.

Education & Teaching Question

Write a 2,500-word paper (minimum) that presents a customized learning theory for Keven.

Why do you think the article was written, for what purpose? How do you think the article helps us better understand the importance of child development for addressing the learning needs of children?

Social Skills / Emotional Development

Article Summaries

After reading the article, summarize the article in 2 or 3 type-written pages and include the following information:

Full bibliographic information that includes, author, title of the article, year in which the article was published, the journal or other source in which the article was published, and the page numbers.

A 1 or 2 paragraph detailed summary of the article:

  • What was the main point the article was trying to make?
  • How did this article address the topic area for the week?

A conclusion as to the importance of the article:

  • Why do you think the article was written, for what purpose?
  • How do you think the article helps us better understand the importance of child development for addressing the learning needs of children?
  • And/or how do you think the article helps us better understand child development for addressing intentional teaching?


To demonstrate a positive and engaging learning environment which caters for the diverse learning needs of all students, develop a sequence of learning activities in the pre-service teacher’s subject area.

Lesson Planning

To demonstrate a positive and engaging learning environment which caters for the diverse learning needs of all students, develop a sequence of learning activities in the pre-service teacher’s subject area.

The sequence will include:
• reference to Australian Year 8 Chemistry curriculum/state-based syllabus
• learning goals and success criteria
• strategies to support inclusive student participation
• a range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of students of all abilities and from diverse backgrounds (including linguistic, cultural, religious and socio-economic)
• a variety of resources to engage students
• instructions on the implementation of the learning activities in a classroom and provide examples of clear directions for students

What Do School Leaders Need to Think about When Realizing a Vision for Student Achievement?

Massachusetts Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL)

Task 1
Leadership through a Vision for High Student Achievement
What Do School Leaders Need to Think about When Realizing a Vision for Student Achievement?
School leaders have the ability to create a school where all students, particularly federally designated priority student group members,2 can improve their academic performance and reach ambitious learning targets. Central to the realization of a universally shared vision of high student achievement is the establishment of meaningful achievement goals and expectations; respectful and trusting relationships among and between the adults and the students; and effective programs and practices based on both evidence and research and on the commitment of staff, families, and the community. Leaders can act to ensure that this vision is reflected in both the school’s instructional program (curriculum, instruction, and assessment) and its culture.

School culture has three components: (1) the professional learning culture (teacher- teacher relationships), (2) the student culture (teacher-student and student-student relationships), and (3) the culture of family and community engagement (school staff, family, and community relationships). For a positive school culture that promotes learning, all three components must be actively promoted and maintained, and are to be addressed in this Task.

Read the introduction and literature review – Does the article make a case for the need for the study? Does the article show you how the study fits into the overall work that has already been done?

Article Review Assignment


Use the Hessler et al. (2018) article on BlackBoard to complete this assignment.

Name ___________________________



Citation for the article in APA 7th.





Read the introduction and literature review – Does the article make a case for the need for the study? (ie.. Gap in literature)





Does the article show you how the study fits into the overall work that has already been done?




What are the research questions that the article is studying?





Given the literature review, do the research questions seem supported or logical? Why or why not?




Do you have any questions about the literature review section?




Note, if you are reading an article that is on a topic that interests you, reading someone else’s literature review can help you find other articles. Search through the literature review and copy and paste a citation for an article that seems interesting to you to read later.





How many participants did this study have?





How did they find the participants? Is it a convenience sample, an experimental study, or quasi-experimental? Explain your answer.





What is the population that this article is about? (ie K12 students, teachers, etc) The larger group it is talking about.




Was the sample of the participants representative of the population that they wanted to study?  Yes or No – if no what might not be representative.




Did they design their own instrument or use an existing one?





What is the benefit of their approach to instrumentation?



Method section is designed so that if someone else wanted to do the study again they could. Does the method section provide enough to detail to do this? If not, what is missing?




Validity – does this study have face validity – ie.. is what they are doing making sense with what they want to study?  At its face, does it make sense? Why or why not?




Reliability – does the study have procedures that if it was done by someone else it would produce the same results?




Results– Are the results presented in a way that be understood? (ie.. were tables explained, were charts, graphs well labeled?)




Did the results avoid interpretation – ie.. reporting what is but not why? (The why belongs in discussion)




Did the results match the research questions? Why or why not?




Do the authors report a measure of validity – either statistically or otherwise? If so, what is it?





Did the authors report basic statistics – count, average (Mean, Median, Mode), standard deviation, variance.   And if so, how were they used?





Did the authors do any more advanced statistical tests (ANOVA, TTest, HLM, Structural equation modeling).  And if so.- how did they use it?  (You may not be good at this yet, but try your best).




Discussion: Do the authors explain what the results mean in a way that can understood by the reader? Give an example.




Does the author use literature from the literature review to support their results in the discussion?  Copy and paste an example where they do this.





Did the authors relate the results to practice?




Did the authors clearly answer their research questions in the discussion?  If not, give an example of one that was not answered.




Do the authors use any terms in either results or discussion about approaching significance or while not significant – it tells us…. Why is this important to watch for?





Do the authors discuss any limitations to the study? Do you find them to be valid – why or why not?





Do the authors suggest future studies based on this work? If so, how do they relate to their original research questions?






Summarize the article in 200 words or less – include their research question and major findings.





Personally rate this article (totally your opinion) . is this article useful – why or why not?










Any other notes or questions that you might have about the article?











Using your 5-year Technology Plan as a target, design a five-year rotation/retirement plan for the technology needs at their school.

The Technology Rotation Plan-Assignment

Using your 5-year Technology Plan as a target, design a five-year rotation/retirement plan for the technology needs at their school. This rotation plan should be based on a yearly technology budget of $25,000.00. (APA-7th edition)

Reflect on how creating a classroom lesson plan for a diverse and inclusive classroom has increased your knowledge about the lesson planning process. How did the readings from this unit and the writing assignment expand your knowledge about planning inclusive lessons?


For your reflective portfolio activity, reflect on how creating a classroom lesson plan for a diverse and inclusive classroom has increased your knowledge about the lesson planning process. How did the readings from this unit and the writing assignment expand your knowledge about planning inclusive lessons? Think about and briefly describe improvements needed in planning to create inclusive lessons in classrooms you have participated in, taught in, or observed. Write about personal experience.

Assume you are a teacher in a school for special needs students. The class you currently teach consists of 4 students, all with autism and one with additional ADHD diagnosis. Mixed ages (10-18), varied academic levels. They all were booted from their previous schools due to prolonged and severe behavior issues.