Identify the contrastive sound for each minimal pair. Identify the featural difference between the contrastive sounds for the minimal pairs.

Extra Credit assignment 4 –  Phonetics/Phonology

  1. Phonetics – What are the following words in English orthography?
  2. /ʃip/ –
  3. /rɪʧ/ –
  4. [tʃɑɹdʒәɹ] –
  5. [kɪst] –
  6. [tʰɪp] –


  1. Phonology –
  2. Transcribe the following words into IPA.
  3. Identify the contrastive sound for each minimal pair.
  4. Identify the featural difference between the contrastive sounds for the minimal pairs.
Minimal Pair IPA transcription Contrastive segments Contrastive feature(s)
choke / joke      
mass / mash      
meal / kneel      


Use the comparative method to reconstruct the protofonn of each of the cognate sets. For each change you propose, explain why you adopted the analysis, especially why your hypothesis is superior to the other possibilities.

Historical Linguistics Pradice

  1. Comparative method
  2. Use the comparative method to reconstruct the protofonn of each of the cognate sets.
  3. For each change you propose, explain why you adopted the analysis, especially why your hypothesis is superior to the other possibilities.


What is the relationship between society and language according to the video and the chapter?

An Introduction to Language

What is the relationship between society and language according to the video and the chapter?

Your answer should reflect at least on 2 of the following:
1. Dialects
2. Bilingualism
3. Bilingual Education

Briefly explain why AAE is a dialect of American English and not an African language.

Foreign Languages

After watching the video, write a 3 pages essay on:

  1. the origins of African American English (AAE)
  2. Briefly explain why AAE is a dialect of American English and not an African language.

The Story of English: Black on White


Summarize your new perspective on your language acquisition journey. Include a summary of your introduction and a discussion of how you will use this information in your future, whether you are in a classroom or an office.

6.5 final draft

Conclusion (.5 – 1 page)
The conclusion should summarize your new perspective on your language acquisition journey. It should include a summary of your introduction and a discussion of how you will use this information in your future, whether you are in a classroom or an office.

Prepare a powerpoint presentation on chapter 14 (The grammar of conversation) from the book: Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English – Biber Douglas, Stig Johansson, Leech Geoffrey, Susan Conrad, Finegan Edward.

Power Point Presentation

Prepare a powerpoint presentation on chapter 14 (The grammar of conversation) from the book: Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English – Biber Douglas, Stig Johansson, Leech Geoffrey, Susan Conrad, Finegan Edward.

Identify the phrasal categories of the underlined parts of the following sentences. Determine whether the underlined parts are constituents.

Syntax 2:

Week 9 in-class exercises-  

Phrasal categories + constituency tests

Identify the phrasal categories of the underlined parts of the following sentences (Subject/NP, Predicate/VP, PP).

Determine whether the underlined parts are constituents.

  1. Steve ate a tasty carrot
  2. Steve ate a tasty carrot
  3. Steve ate a tasty carrot
  4. The scary snowman chased Olaf
  5. The scary snowman chased Olaf
  6. The scary snowman chased Olaf

 Identify the complementizer and complementizer phrase in the following sentences –

  1. They say that you can’t buy happiness.
  2. I don’t know whether I should stay or go.
  3. He asked if you liked the movie.

 Draw tree diagrams for the following sentences-

  1. The dog ran
  2. Steve bought a car
  3. Shelly laughed at the clown
  4. The child dropped his cookie on the ground
  5. The cat slept.
  6. A boy bought a mask.
  7. Trucks go over the bridge.

Some scholars think the world is moving toward an “oligarchy” of major economic power languages. Do you think this would be a good or a bad occurrence? Why? What will happen to minority languages, and what will be the result?

Language influences our view of reality

What is meant by the phrase “Language influences our view of reality”?

What images come to mind when you hear someone speaking English with an accent? Do different accents create different images? Try to decide why you form those images? Talk with others to see if they have the same experience.

Some countries have an official language (or languages), but others do not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a country having an official language? Should the United States have an official language? Why?

Some scholars think the world is moving toward an “oligarchy” of major economic power languages. Do you think this would be a good or a bad occurrence? Why? What will happen to minority languages, and what will be the result?

Do you believe technology helps or hinders intercultural communication?

What techniques can you employ that will assist you when you are in a situation that is employing an interpreter?

Analyze the narrative structure of Frankenstein. What is the structure? How is it unique? Why does Shelley use this structure? How does it affect the readers’ understanding of the novel? Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas.

Analyze the narrative structure of Frankenstein. What is the structure? How is it unique? Why does Shelley use this structure? How does it affect the readers’ understanding of the novel? Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

Why is there such a startling absence of mothers in Frankenstein? Where do you see these absences? How is this relevant to the role of women in the novel? How is it relevant to the role of men? What is the overall effect? Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

Blake aimed to show “Two contrary states of the human soul” through his Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Discuss and analyze how he successfully does this in both versions of “The Chimney Sweeper” OR “The Nurses Song”. Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

Romantic poets greatly valued nature. Select two poems we have read so far and discuss in detail how nature is foundational to them. How is nature represented in the poems? Is the representation consistent or does it change? What is the purpose of this/these representation(s)? What is the overall effect? Be sure to use quotes and specific examples to support your ideas. Be sure to quote.

When you quote, you need to cite the source of your information. Citing, on the other hand, represents the idea or theory behind the quote and not the exact words. You need to quote, but NOT cite


Go to YouTube and type in “culture and body language.” View some of the videos for examples of how cultures differ in their use of body language. Watch a foreign film and look for examples of proxemics, touch, and facial expressions. Compare these to those of the dominant culture of the United States.

Para language

Go to YouTube and view videos of services of three different religions: Catholic, Buddhist, and Jewish. Observe the nonverbal elements, noting particularly the differences in how members of each group use para language, space, and touch.

Locate pictures from magazines, newspapers, and the Internet that you believe are showing the following emotions through facial expressions:

  • (a) anger,
  • (b) joy,
  • (c) sadness,
  • (d) fear, and
  • (e) revulsion. Show these pictures to people from various cultures and see what interpretations they give to the facial expressions.

Go to YouTube and type in “culture and body language.” View some of the videos for examples of how cultures differ in their use of body language.

Watch a foreign film and look for examples of proxemics, touch, and facial expressions. Compare these to those of the dominant culture of the United States.