What is that role and how does it shape the story? Can we make the case that women’s roles have changed in science fiction adventures? If you don’t think they have then lay out what limits you see in the construction of these characters.

Second Interpretive Essay

Prompts are based off of the following movies: 2001 a space odyssey, star wars (1977), Blade runner, the matrix

1. Women play a particular narrative role in each of the movies above. What is that role and how does it shape the story? Can we make the case that women’s roles have changed in science fiction adventures? If you don’t think they have then lay out what limits you see in the construction of these characters. Feel free to cite films we haven’t watched, like Alien (d. Ridley Scott, 1979) and Contact (Robert Zemeckis, 1997), in support of your overall argument.

The essay can be based on the prompt listed above or any of the other prompts listed in the attached document. Papers should be four to six pages, typed and double-spaced. When quoting primary and secondary materials be sure to provide the appropriate citation (MLA format). Be sure that the interpretation you produce has a clear argument and appropriate supporting evidence.

The film’s director and many film critics consider Theeb to be a “western” genre. From your perspective and analysis is the film a “western” or some other genre of film — perhaps a new genre? Why?


Is the film Wall-E a good example of an animation, science-fiction, romance, or hybrid genre worth watching? Why? 2. What is the film Wall-E’s message to the audience and does the message make the film worth watching?

Argument = Claim + Support : The film Wall-E is an excellent hybrid genre worth watching because it marries the best aspects of science fiction (human /technology relationships), romance (a love story of two working class robots who overcome hardship), and animation (a strong moral message for all ages about human’s fragility and resilience as represented by robots).

The film is worth watching because , and

The film X’s message makes the film worth watching because

The film’s director and many film critics consider Theeb to be a “western” genre. From your perspective and analysis is the film a “western” or some other genre of film — perhaps a new genre? Why?

Is the film Theeb worth watching? Why?

Does the film Theeb successfully and accurately portray Arab-Bedouin culture to an international audience? Why? The film Theeb, despite the director’s claim, is not a “western.” Although it may share similarities with the western genre, Theeb is a new Bedouin genre because its story is based on Bedouin culture’s values, the actors are Bedouin, and the story is set in the Bedouin’s cultural and historical environment.


Articulate how the screen apparatus shapes dance in the dances you chose. How does the camera/editing shape the way we see dance? Why is this important in relation to how we see the body on screen.



Criteria to include in your essay:

  • Summarize 1-2 dance scenes in the movie. Interpret a screen dance work within a social, historical, cultural, economic context.
  • Locate and critically evaluate sources of information on screen dance. Use outside sources to back up why the dances are portrayed in this way.Reviews? Critiques?
  • Appreciate how screen dance impacts people’s lived experience and the broader social world. Discuss personal connections and use sources to see how screen dance in general impacts audiences.
  • Articulate how the screen apparatus shapes dance in the dances you chose. How does the camera/editing shape the way we see dance? Why is this important in relation to how we see the body on screen.


What are the morals found in the Disney film: the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

What are the morals found in the Disney film: the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

How do the films create a portrait of one or more individuals? What do the films tell us about the relationship between the filmmaker and her subject? How does the filmmaker encourage us to care about the people portrayed on the screen?

CTCS 400 Paper

How do the films create a portrait of one or more individuals? What do the films tell us about the relationship between the filmmaker and her subject? How does the filmmaker encourage us to care about the people portrayed on the screen? Do you detect any potential ethical shortcomings in the films including some manner of misrepresentation?

Using your sociological imagination, compare and contrast colonialism and neocolonialism and describe its impact on global stratification.

Blood Diamond

Using your sociological imagination, watch the below video-clips from the movie “Blood Diamond,” directed by Edward Zwick and answer the following question:

Q. Using your sociological imagination, compare and contrast colonialism and neocolonialism and describe its impact on global stratification. In your answer use examples from the plot of the film Blood Diamond to illustrate your answer.

In your answer you must use examples from the video-clips to illustrate your answer.
1. https://youtu.be/ZUsSVq6sfwQ
2. https://youtu.be/zsZND0jTBs0
3. https://youtu.be/c73E5JUwJJY
4. https://youtu.be/hfPxGnDm24M
5. https://youtu.be/U5k4Y9mtMo0
6. https://youtu.be/7JG4buaZmWY
7. https://youtu.be/b9MKjwtMZ34
8. https://youtu.be/QaiKMayEUOw
9. https://youtu.be/HwXfNjTHW5M
10. https://youtu.be/qE6FADnQo5I
11. https://youtu.be/H1yAlkkQLQ8
12. https://youtu.be/vEl3rFjiPgw
13. https://youtu.be/P4zxDT243SM
14. https://youtu.be/ULzHpHMtYMM
15. https://youtu.be/adQMC221FwQ

Through your analysis of the movie, you should show me that you have a clear understanding of the course concepts you are discussing.

Movie Evaluation (worth up to 5 points):

Watch and evaluate a movie related to aging. You may watch the movie of your choice and then write a 3-4 page paper. The paper should include a short synopsis of the movie and clear links between the movie’s content and class materials, such as stereotypes, physical health, Alzheimer’s Disease, etc. Through your analysis of the movie, you should show me that you have a clear understanding of the course concepts you are discussing. Explain the concepts and then show how they apply to the movie. Simply labeling things without explaining them will not earn you full credit.

Describe at least three special effects, camera tricks, stunts or camera angles that caught your attention. Why do you think they were important to the story? How does sound play a part in the film you watched for this week? Identify at least three places that sound stood out in the film.

Disc 6

Watch a movie made between 1970 – 1980 that you have not already seen for this class and answer the following questions.

Describe at least three special effects, camera tricks, stunts or camera angles that caught your attention. Why do you think they were important to the story?

How does sound play a part in the film you watched for this week? Identify at least three places that sound stood out in the film.

How does color play a part in the film you watched for this week? Identify at least three places that color stood out in the film.

Watch a War film made in the last 25 years. How does color play a part in the film you watched for this week? Identify at least three places that color stood out in the film.

Disc 5

Watch a War film made in the last 25 years. How does color play a part in the film you watched for this week? Identify at least three places that color stood out in the film.

Does there seem to be a predominate color or does a color seem to be missing from the film? If so, what is that color and do you think it had an impact on the film? If so how, if not why not?

If you did not see a predominate color or a color that seems to be missing from the film describe an addition place in the film where color plays a part.

Apply your Sociological imagination and use the conflict perspective account of deviance to the plot of the film “The Godfather.”

 The Godfather

Using your sociological imagination, watch the below video-clips from the movie “The Godfather,” directed by Francis Ford Coppola and answer the following question:

Q.Apply your Sociological imagination and use the conflict perspective account of deviance to the plot of the film “The Godfather.” You must incorporate examples fromthe film plot to illustrate your answer.
1. https://youtu.be/VC1_tdnZq1A
2. https://youtu.be/0qvpcfYFHcw
3. https://youtu.be/ppjyB2MpxBU
4. https://youtu.be/sJU2cz9ytPQ
5. https://youtu.be/SWAJPB_5rSs
6. https://youtu.be/voNs3aHZmQM
7. https://youtu.be/jYnRBX2Trtk
8. https://youtu.be/8Pf8BkFLBRw
9. https://youtu.be/DvD9OryD6mY