Compare and contrast the performance theories proposed by Jeff Todd Titon, Ruth M. Stone, and the author of your text, Michael Bakan (chapter 1). Explain which theoretical frame works best for your ethnography project.

Ethnography and Performance Theory

In order to write an ethnography, you will need to first study the following three performance theories. The theory by Jeff Todd Titon is the one which I covered extensively in class. If you missed those classes, you are responsible for getting the notes for the lectures since there were no power-point slides. The Ruth M. Stone chapter is located in the "files" folder on Canvas and the Bakan theory is covered within your textbook.

Readings: Jeff Todd Titon, "A Music-Culture Performance Model," AND Four Components of Music-Culture," Worlds of Music, Third ed. Shorter. Schirmer (2006), pages 15-30. Located in the Files folder on Canvas.

Ruth M. Stone, "Performance Theory in Ethnomusicology," Theory for Ethnomusicology. Pearson Prentice Hall (2008) pages 136-143. Specifically look at Bauman's "assumptions." on the second page of the chapter.

Review: Michael Bakan, Chapter 1: “A Point of Departure: Five Propositions for Exploring World Music,” World Music: Traditions and Transformations, 2nd. Ed., McGraw Hill (2012) pages 3-7. (Focus Especially on Proposition 4)

Writing Assignment: (counts toward Ethnography Grade)

Compare and contrast the performance theories proposed by Jeff Todd Titon, Ruth M. Stone, and the author of your text, Michael Bakan (chapter 1).
Be sure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each theoretical framework by using real examples from either music we have already studied in class or examples from your own experience.
Explain which theoretical frame works best for your ethnography project.
Outline the specific reasons for your choice.
Your paper should be between three and four pages in length, double-spaced, and 12-point font.

Choose one composer from the concert and learn more about them. Include a short paragraph about the composer’s life and importance to music. Also include why did you choose the composer. What was something that particularly interested or impressed you?

Concert reflection #1

Your music reflection should begin with an opening paragraph. Include which concert (including the date) you watched/attended. Include whether you attended a live performance or watched the concert via livestream. Avoid long lists of names and compositions.


One paragraph should be dedicated to each piece. In each paragraph include the title of the work, name of the composer, instrumentation, and names of performers (unless it is a large ensemble). (Do not list all of this in the introduction). You MUST listen to and write about the entire performance.

You will write about the music, the performers, and the performance. What was the overall mood of the work? How was this achieved? This may include descriptions of the music, how the composer wrote the music, and the performance of the work. Show what you have learned in this course; use musical terminology.

In a multi-movement work, write about each movement. If there are over five or more movements, you may choose three or four to write about.

Most importantly, include your overall impressions. Did you enjoy the performance?

Choose one composer from the concert and learn more about them. Include a short paragraph about the composer’s life and importance to music. Also include why did you choose the composer. What was something that particularly interested or impressed you?

After watching the concert as a whole, how would you rate the order in which the pieces were performed? Would you keep everything the same? Why or why not? Would you change any of the pieces? Why or why not?

Performance Response

Select a video from the approved list HERE and write a reflection on the music. Include the answers to the questions below, but be sure to write in the form of a review for a newspaper, website, or magazine. DO NOT merely answer the questions in bullet points.

Time and Place (5 points)

Describe how you created a time and a place for your concert viewing experience. Where and when did you watch? With whom did you watch? How did you create an environment that helped you to focus on the music?

Repertoire (5 points)

After watching the concert as a whole, how would you rate the order in which the pieces were performed? Would you keep everything the same? Why or why not? Would you change any of the pieces? Why or why not?

Personal Critique (15 points)

Which work did you find most enjoyable and why? Which work did you like almost as well and why? Which work did you least enjoy and why? Was your like or dislike due to the piece itself, or the way it was played?

  • Poor answer: I like the piece because it was pretty.
  • Better answer: I like the piece because the melody was pleasant and I remembered it afterward.
  • Best answer: I like the piece because the rhythm and direction of the melody in the piano had a strong contrast to the accompaniment in the orchestra. The tension between those two elements gave the piece a sense of “give and take.” The pianist did a wonderful job of highlighting those contrasts, and the conductor did a good job of keeping the orchestra low enough so that the piano could always be heard.

Connection to Course (15 points)

Choose one piece from the program, identify it, and answer the following question:
To what musical elements that we have studied do you see any connections? Explain your choices.

  • Sound: timbre, texture, dynamics
  • Harmony
  • Melody
  • Rhythm: meter, tempo
  • Growth (form)

Personal Reaction (10 points)
Give any other reactions to the experience as a whole. Feel free to mention images, feelings, emotions, mood and the effect of the overall spirit of the music. If you honestly didn’t have any emotional reactions to the music, then explain why you think that is. Be self-reflective and honest.

Explain how studying 20th-century American Music in this class has affected and/or enhanced your overall-undergraduate education at the university.

Music Question

Explain how studying 20th-century American Music in this class has affected and/or enhanced your overall-undergraduate education at the university.

(Only words that apply directly to this question about your university education will be counted–stick to the topic)
200 words minimum (250 words maximum)-

Place Armstrong’s 1929 recording within the larger framework of his position on racism in the US (and elsewhere). In your opinion, was/is Armstrong an effective advocate for racial tolerance and equality? Why or why not?


3-5 pages, typed, double spaced, and submitted in Canvas by uploading your work as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf document.


1. All papers must include a bibliography. (The syllabus gives full bibliographic information for the textbook (as does the book itself), and scans placed in Canvas or in Marriott eReserve have the relevant details on their first pages.) You may use Chicago, MLA, or APA style.

2. If you refer to any readings—including your textbook—or web pages, you need to cite your sources, even if your references do not involve direct quotation. Please include either footnotes or parenthetical citations (including author’s name and page number) immediately after any quotation or other reference. Again, Chicago, MLA, and APA styles all provide acceptable formats for citations.

Louis Armstrong’s 1929 recording of “(What Did I Do To Be So) Black and Blue”


1. Begin your essay by describing how Armstrong’s 1929 interpretation of the”(What Did I Do To Be So) Black and Blue” illustrates the characteristics of Jazz in the 1920s. (1 of 3 pages)

2. Compare the original version of the song (i.e., as performed within “Hot Chocolates”) with Armstrong’s rendition. This will involve both considering the alterations Armstrong made to the form and text, as well as its removal from the original dramatic situation. (1 of 3 pages)

3. Place Armstrong’s 1929 recording within the larger framework of his position on racism in the US (and elsewhere). In your opinion, was/is Armstrong an effective advocate for racial tolerance and equality? Why or why not? (1 of 3 pages)

As a grade 7 student, how will you persuade others to understand the significance of understanding mindanao’s vocal and instrument music?

Write an 150 words essay about your personal insight .

As a grade 7 student, how will you persuade others to understand the significance of understanding mindanao’s vocal and instrument music?

Attend a live professional concert, recital, musical, opera, or special music event and write a one-page report on two pieces from that Program.

Music event

Attend a live professional concert, recital, musical, opera, or special music event and write a one-page report on two pieces from that Program. These will need to include screenshot of the program to qualify.
Take a screenshot of the front and inside list of all music being performed. These include any recital, concert, opera, musical or event where a program is provided. Music heard at a Church Service or Club or on a recording do not qualify. This live. You may submit anytime before then. *Remember that this is 15% of your final grade.

**Listen to the entire program and take notes from the following a list on two pieces or numbers in the program.
Write a one-page comparison of two pieces describing which music elements stood out most to you for each piece. You can use some or all of the following list to describe the 2 pieces, or;

Find 3 YouTubes of 3 of your 3 Favorite Artists. Write a three-page paper describing the music elements and emotional content of one or more pieces including citations at the bottom of each one.

Possible Musical Elements to write about:
Instrumentation (tone color changes);
Melodies. (lyric or dramatic):
Rhythm and tempos;
Harmonies (key changes, unusual chords or modulations;
Dynamics (overall how many soft or loud passages were the pieces;
Textures. (mostly monophonic, homophonic or polyphonic textures;
What Style Periods of Music did each represent?
Any other distinct comparisons that you noticed?

Why do composers need to think about form in music? How is a larger form constructed from small ideas in music?

1.) Fill in the blank


Binary Form  –  Ternary Form  –  Motive  –  Theme  –  Movements  –

Call and Response  –  Sequence  –  Ostinato  

 Type or copy/paste the term from the list above that correctly fits in the blank for each statement:

A(n)   is the repetition of a short melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic pattern.

b .  A-B describes                               .

A formal style known as is used in early Western Church music, as well as the music of African, Native American, and African American cultures.

Large-scale compositions, such as symphonies and sonatas, are divided into sections, or .

2.)  Answer the following questions (4 sentences per question, minimum).

  • Why do composers need to think about form in music?
  • How is a larger form constructed from small ideas in music?



What is timbre, and why is important to our understanding of music? What is your favorite instrument and why? How would you describe its range? How do ensembles differ in classical music from jazz or rock? In what ways are they similar?


1.) Copy/Paste each instrument from the following list into its correct section in the orchestra (listed further below).

Then, provide a description of each instrument which includes what material(s) it is made from, how it is played, its range (relatively high, low, or middle within its section), and any other unique features about the instrument.

  • Violin
  • Xylophone
  • Oboe
  • Trumpet
  • Viola
  • Cymbals
  • Clarinet
  • Tuba
  • Strings
  • Woodwinds
  • Brass
  • Percussion

2.) Answer the following questions (3 sentences per question, minimum).

What is timbre, and why is important to our understanding of music?

What is your favorite instrument and why? How would you describe its range?

How do ensembles differ in classical music from jazz or rock? In what ways are they similar?


Film Scoring incorporates elements of Renaissance through Modern Western European Classical Tradition, while also incorporating sounds from World Music cultures all depending on what is needed for the story. What film scores do YOU enjoy? Do you ever listen to music from film scores?


Answer the following discussion questions in 60-80 words each:

  1. Film Scoring incorporates elements of Renaissance through Modern Western European Classical Tradition, while also incorporating sounds from World Music cultures all depending on what is needed for the story. What film scores do YOU enjoy? Do you ever listen to music from film scores?
  2. Video Games music is an often overlooked genre of music in academic music discussion. As people born in the era of video games establish themselves as artistic professionals, we are seeing an increase in the value of video game music in academic circles. What is YOUR experience with video game music? Do you listen to any video game music? Add links if you can
  3. Electronic music can be approached in so many ways. Some composers have sought to replace traditional acoustic instruments, some have sought to emulate them, some have thought to challenge the conventions of musical taste, some have sought to maker electronic music the new breed of popular music. What is your experience with Electronic Music? Do you have any associations with music that is composed electronically?