How has the National Security Changed since the 9/11 attacks

How has the National Security Changed since the 9/11 attacks.

How does the EU refugee crisis affect Europe as country?

How does the EU refugee crisis affect Europe as country?

Does political accountability consist exclusively in the possibility of punishing agents?

Does political accountability consist exclusively in the possibility of punishing agents?

What can an average American citizen do to influence the federal policy making process?

What can an average American citizen do to influence the federal policy making process?cite examples

Discuss the process of political socialization.

Discuss the process of political socialization. Relate political socialization to the stability of pu

Explain how the Constitution provides for a system of separation of powers and checks and balances.

Explain how the Constitution provides for a system of separation of powers and checks and balances. Include recent examples of these concepts in action.

Is it possible to conduct an ethical foreign policy?

Is it possible to conduct an ethical foreign policy?

Does the press have a moral obligation to report on the personal lives of elected officials? Why or why not?

Does the press have a moral obligation to report on the personal lives of elected officials? Why or why not?

Discuss Milton Friedman’s Point of View on Social Security.

Discuss Milton Friedman’s Point of View on Social Security.