Consider how useful this study has been for developments in the field – has it influenced other findings? Explain how it may be interesting to redo the study using approaches X or method Z that have been introduced since the original study.

Critical Evaluation of ‘The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: a lesion study. Neuropsychologia’

1 – The paper does very well summarising but does not introduce alternative explanation for results and does not actually critically evaluate many aspects
2 – At least 10 references are necessary for this critique. This could be alternative theories or other research on the topic.
3 – Consider how useful this study has been for developments in the field – has it influenced other findings? Explain how it may be interesting to redo the study using approaches X or method Z that have been introduced since the original study.
4 – Think of limitations to the study not addressed

Write a description of experiences in clinical and/or scientific research activities that would contribute to successful completion of a doctoral program.

Career in clinical psychology.

1. A statement of background experiences, pertinent training, and personal motivation for a career in clinical psychology.
2. A description of experiences in clinical and/or scientific research activities that would contribute to successful completion of a doctoral program.

Discuss four different cultural configurations of the self and the type of healing system that is associated with it. Then describe three barriers that often prevent people in certain cultures or ethnic groups from seeking treatment and services.

Discussion #12-Culture and Psychotherapy

After reading chapter 13 of your text and especially figure 13.1, discuss four different cultural configurations of the self and the type of healing system that is associated with it. Then describe three barriers that often prevent people in certain cultures or ethnic groups from seeking treatment and services.

The source to be used is (Matsumoto, D. & Juang, L. (2017). Culture and psychology, 6th edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth)

In this discussion, share how you think your expectations, hopes, and interpersonal behaviors have been influenced by your home culture. Are you a collectivist or an individualist? Do you think your culture is loose or tight?

Discussion #13-Culture and You

Throughout this term we have seen how culture acts as a powerful force that shapes idea, behavior, emotion, and relationships. In this discussion, share how you think your expectations, hopes, and interpersonal behaviors have been influenced by your home culture. Are you a collectivist or an individualist? Do you think your culture is loose or tight? Define key terms citing your text and other professional sources, and give examples to illustrate your main points.

The required source is (Matsumoto, D. & Juang, L. (2017). Culture and psychology, 6th edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth)

Do you think it is possible for her to be an effective parent? Should she go ahead and try to become a single mom in your opinion? Why/why not? What are some problems or issues you she should think about if she does decide to become a single mom?

Discussion 13- Single Parenting

Read Chapter 14 and then respond to the following: A good friend of mine—age 34, with a PhD in Chemistry, who has a great job, and a very supportive extended family has not been able to find a husband—and she wants children before it is too late. She is considering in vitro insemination in hopes of becoming a single parent. Her mother is urging her to do this before it is too late. What advice do you have about in single parenting based on one or more research studies you find in our library. And, based on the information presented in Chapter 14 about the effects of single parenting on children, do you think it is possible for her to be an effective parent? Should she go ahead and try to become a single mom in your opinion? Why/why not? What are some problems or issues you she should think about if she does decide to become a single mom? What are the chances the in vitro procedures will work?

How have you, or someone you have known, dealt with one or more of these challenges? Based on your reading, what advice do you have for that family, based on the information provided in the text?

Discussion 14-Diverse Family Structures

Read Chapters 16, 17, and the Epilogue of your text, and then choose one of the following family types—step/blended, gay/lesbian parents, or divorced—and outline the specific challenges that these families are at risk of facing. How have you, or someone you have known, dealt with one or more of these challenges? Based on your reading, what advice do you have for that family, based on the information provided in the text? Then discuss what you think the future holds for parents and families, especially in terms of their structure and the benefits/risks current trends hold for children.

What do practitioners do? Where do they practice? How do you train to work within that area?

Coursework title “Career portfolio”

1. Demonstrate awareness of the broad range of social, economic, and political activity to which psychology is making important contributions.

2. Demonstrate awareness of many psychologists who have made major contributions in the applied field.

3. Show a basic understanding of the applications of psychology to specific areas of work and life and understand some of the many problems involved.

4. Have identified areas of psychology in which they are personally interested and to begin to relate this to future career opportunities.

2. Rationale for assessment
This assessment offers students an opportunity to explore in detail one of the main practitioner disciplines within Psychology. It enables students to examine one potential practitioner pathway that they may be considering as a future career.

3. Guidelines for the assessment
This is a 1100-word essay and with exception of students on particular pathways, you can write about any one of the eight practitioner disciplines. Forensic pathway students must write about Forensic Psychology, Child Psychology pathway students must write about Educational Psychology and Sport & Exercise pathway students must write about

Sport & Exercise Psychology.
The essay focuses on three main themes and is based on the regulations and roles for practitioners within the UK:
1. What do practitioners do?
2. Where do they practice?
3. How do you train to work within that area?
Your title should indicate which pathway you have chosen for the focus of your essay. You should include a brief introduction outlining the structure and content of your essay.

Does an individual’s social media use cause them to be more or less dishonest?

PSY303 Introduction

Research question: Does an individual’s social media use cause them to be more or less dishonest?

What screening procedures will you use for inclusion/ exclusion? What intersectional identities are in play and how will the blend of potential participants be influenced by demographic and cultural characteristics?


Group Proposal

Section 1-Title, Purpose, Format of the Group: this bit of information can be used to guide the paper read below.

Name of group and why that title was chosen.
Define your group as one of the following types: mutual support, psychoeducational, or therapy.
Explain why this group is needed.
Cite literature supporting use of the model and/or type of group you are using and why it is well matched to the target population.
State the goals of the group.
What is the plan for the number, frequency, length, and time of meetings and what is the rationale for those decisions?
Identify whether the group is open or closed in terms of population and whether it is a fixed number of sessions or on-going (and why). Discuss the pros & cons of your chosen format.
Describe your role as a leader or co-leader, and what you will do in that role (active, reflective, educative etc.).

Section 2- Group Conditions:
What physical space, financial, child-care, transportation, food or other arrangements will need to be considered?
If necessary, how will you advocate for what you need to run the group?
Describe how you will plan for your group sessions.
Include an appendix with a sample outline for at least three group sessions and the major topics to be covered (if defined topics are part of your group).

Section 3-Recruitment, Engagement:
Who is the population you are trying to recruit and what demographic or personal history qualities affect the likelihood that they will connect to the group?
What screening procedures will you use for inclusion/ exclusion?
What intersectional identities are in play and how will the blend of potential participants be influenced by demographic and cultural characteristics?
What problems do you anticipate with recruitment, permissions, or screening?

How will you orient and engage the group at the first meeting?
How will you manage issues of power and privilege, including your own?
How will you work with differences of race, gender, economic status, age, education levels or other personal characteristics of group members, particularly in conjunction with your own intersectional position and privilege?
What challenges do you anticipate in engaging the group members?

Section 4- Group Interventions and Cohesion:
What intervention modalities do you expect to use most often?
Be sure the interventions are appropriate for the type of group you are running. For example, if this is a mutual support group, specific facilitation skills are more likely to be a customary intervention, mini-lectures may be part of a psychoeducation group, while in a psychotherapeutic group, reflection might be a regularly used intervention. Be detailed about your interventions.
Include references from the literature to support the use of this type of treatment for your population. If there is no evidence base for your population, cite evidence from the closest population and note the lack of research relating to your target population.
How will you promote group cohesion?
Name two potential challenging scenarios that may arise and describe how you would intervene to manage them.

Section 5- Evaluation:
How will you assess how the group is functioning over time?
How will you evaluate whether the group’s purpose/ goals have been achieved?
How will you evaluate your role as the facilitator in engaging, assessing and intervening with this group?
Summary of why this proposed group should take place.

Do people want to change their personality? Is it true that people can make deliberate efforts to change their personalities? Do life events, especially distressing life events, alter your personality?

Personality change

Do people want to change their personality?
Is it true that people can make deliberate efforts to change their personalities? “fake it till they make it”
Do life events, especially distressing life events, alter your personality?
Can the motivation to want to change impact your current thoughts and feelings?