Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

Complete the following short answer questions with a sentence or two per question:

1. Provide an example of an implicit bias and an explicit bias. The examples may be from your own life, from something you have observed, or from the
resources reviewed in this module.
2. Why is it important to understand these biases? How can these biases influence human behavior?

How did the ads appeal (or not appeal) to your identity as an individual or as a part of the larger society and culture to draw your interest?

 Address the following questions in your initial post:

What about the advertisements made you curious, shocked, or interested in taking a closer look?

How did the ads appeal (or not appeal) to your identity as an individual or as a part of the larger society and culture to draw your interest?

Discuss and react to those issues in class that interest or excite you or with which you have some experience.

Reflection Paper

• Critical analysis of assigned readings. Do not summarize the readings. Instead discuss your intellectual and emotional reactions.

• Critical reaction to class lectures, discussions, presentations, exercises and videos.  Discuss and react to those issues in class that interest or excite you or with which you have some experience.

• Implications you draw from readings and class discussion for social work practice and policy. Discuss what difference you think the readings and class material make in social work

• Examples from your field placement and life experience (yours or those of your friends or relatives).  Illustrate how the reading or class discussion increases your understanding of a particular practice situation and /or connects to a life experience or raises further questions.


Identify an issue or problem clearly 25 Points Explain and justify reasons for choosing an issue or problem 25 Points

Six scholarly references must be included. These include (Books, journals, publications and scholarly websites. The style of format that will be used is APA (American Psychological Association). The following references can be utilized to help you achieve the best possible results in producing a quality paper.

Grading Criteria
Identify an issue or problem clearly 25 Points
Explain and justify reasons for choosing an issue or problem 25 Points
Utilizing APA format 25 Points
Proper Grammar 25 Points

Discuss the importance and impact of the therapist and their and frame of reference on the therapeutic context?

Frame of Reference

Discuss the following, using paragraph format.

Using your textbook and your scholarly sources, discuss the importance and impact of the therapist and their and frame of reference on the therapeutic context? ( The perspective of the counselor and the person of the counselor is bound to impact the therapy setting. What is being is asked for here is how is this relevant to the therapy setting and the therapeutic context)

Explain in depth the differences between individual and family therapy. It is very important that you support your discussion with evidence and do not give your opinion.

Discuss how using a family approach to counseling is beneficial in Human Services practice.

Discuss reasons that in order to be an ethical HUS professional, it is imperative and essential for a counselor to know their values, limitations, biases, and to understand reasons it is important to appreciate the challenges with objectivity related to their own family of origin issues.



Explain the Juvenille dependency process. How does it interact with Juvenile Justice court processes .

The prompt is : Explain the Juvenille dependency process. How does it interact with Juvenile Justice court processes .

Explain your position with reference to both Utilitarianism and Rights Theory, as well as your own experiences and ethical judgments.


Under what circumstances do you believe the rights of the individual should be prioritized over the general welfare of society?

Under what circumstances should the general welfare of society be prioritized over the rights of the individual?

Explain your position with reference to both Utilitarianism and Rights Theory, as well as your own experiences and ethical judgments.

Explain the Enlightenment and how it impacted social welfare.

You are to write a five-page research paper on one of the following topics. The five pages are in addition to the title page, reference page, and abstract.

You Must Use the APA style of writing. This is the American Psychological Style of Writing. You can find this online. Be sure to cite your sources. The paper is worth 200 points. 100 points are based on using the APA style of writing. The topics to pick from are the following: No points or partial credit will be given to any paper less than the five required pages.

Types of Social Work Careers
An analysis of Social Work Competencies
An analysis of social work needs and how they are being addressed today
An analysis of the 6 types of intervention methodologies related to the welfare system.
An analysis of the English Poor Law of 1601
An analysis of the Great Awakening movement in the 1700s and its influence on welfare.
Explain the Enlightenment and how it impacted social welfare.
A historical analysis of the four types of public relief throughout the state of New York in 1824. (institutional relief, home relief, the contract system, Auction system), Give your opinion at the end of the paper.
Explain the Alms housing movement in the 1800s.
Dorothea Dix.
State Board of Charities

What have you learned from this case about the four phases of generalist practice– engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation – that you might apply with your actual clients?

Please look at above Link…. Click on family
Please answer the below questions….
At what point would you be able or willing to close this case?
What have you learned from this case about the four phases of generalist practice– engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation – that you might apply with your actual clients?

Are Governments Violating Human Rights and Civil Liberties in Coronavirus Response?”COLLAPSE

Your post should include a working link to a news article and a statement about your link relating it to Civil Liberties. DO NOT just post a link with no explanation or this will not be counted for points.Your statement should be at least 200 words. In the first paragraph, provide a detailed summary of the article or case. In the second paragraph, specifically tell us how your article relates to civil liberties and what specific civil liberty is in question or is being violated (do not just generally tell us that “civil liberties are being violated”– this is not informative and doesn’t reflect whether you understand the course material). You can pick an article related to anything in the text chapter we are covering. Please avoid opinion pieces which should have “opinion” noted by the news outlet at the top of the article as these may include unverified facts or claims.The link to your article should be recent. If it’s from a news site, it should be no older than 6 months old (i.e. published within the last 6 months). You may also provide a link to a scholarly article from an academic journal. If you choose to do so, please download and attach the article to your post (do not copy the address bar in your browser; the link will notwork). Scholarly articles from academic journals can be older (up to 1 year old). Please use news sites that adhere to professional journalistic norms and standards – please stay away from obvious conspiracies/not news sites. You may also use links to government websites or press releases from officials.If you are unsure about a source, ask me.You are required to provide substantive and thoughtful responses to at least two other posts on our discussion board. Be mindful of what others are posting and do not post the same articles(related are okay, but try to take a different position). If someone responds to your comment, you will be expected to comment back. If discussion is happening on a link you shared, you are expected to participate. It’s okay to disagree with each other. Just keep it civil and respectful, and be prepared to back up any statements you make with evidence if someone asks you for sources.Click “Create Thread” to begin your original post.In the “Subject” of your thread, provide the name of the article you’re linking, the name of the news outlet or scholarly journal your article is published in,and the date (Month/Year) the article was published.DiscussionBoards40 points4 discussion boards @ 10 points each; all 4 discussion boards count towards your final grade(5 points for the original post; up to 2 points for each comment on another student’s , 1 point for follow up comments to your own submission)

Comment on two students:Jonathan Perez-Patino“Supreme Court rules for Pennsylvania cheer  leader in school free speech case” from CNBC (June 2021)COLLAPSEhttps://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/23/supreme-court-rules-for-pennsylvania-cheerleader-in-school-free-speech-case.htmlIn May of 2017, a student named Brandi Levy from a Pennsylvania public school tried out for hers chool’s varsity cheerleader squad. When she failed to make the varsity team and was instead placed on the junior varsity team, she made posted a picture captioned “F*** school f*** softball*** cheer f*** everything,” on her Snapchat story.Eventually, this picture was seen by the cheer leader coaches and the school principal and she was punished by being suspended from the cheer leading program for the rest of the year. With the help of her family, she challenged this punishment in court and her case made it all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ended up ruling 8-1 in Levy’s favor, claiming that the school was violating Levy’s civil liberty off ree speech by punishing her for voicing her opinion while being off-campus.The civil liberty being violated by her school was freedom of speech. A public school is considered a government entity because they are funded by the federal government and therefore, as a result of the first amendment, the government can not takeaway a person’s freedom of speech. However,the school was acting against this civil liberty when punishing Brandi Levy for openly expressing her negative opinion towards the coach’s decision of placing her on the junior varsity squad.Gracie Smith“Are Governments Violating Human Rights and Civil Liberties in Coronavirus Response?”COLLAPSE

Are governments violating human rights and civil liberties in coronavirus response?With the rise of far right, nationalist governments over the past few years, the world has seen more measures to systematically target voices of dissent and political opposition—resulting in the rapid shrinking of space for civil society organizations, including human rights groups,activists, and academics. And these efforts to restrict civil space may have just received a boost from the global pandemic we’re now facing.American Friends Service Committee Amid the COVID 19 pandemic, there has been a huge group of people protesting safety measures,such as government mandated quarantine, mask mandates,and of course, the vaccine. Some countries across the world have declared to be instates of emergency, which expands government power therefor taking away civil liberties. Along with this, other places have criminalized dissent,meaning that citizens can get fined or punished for breaking quarantine, or other measures that put the safety of others at risk.

This has been a huge issue of civil liberty in there cent year. It is the classic issue of individual rights VS the safety of others. Now, with the world opening back up, many places are trying to figure out how to solve this problem as vaccinations are wisely available. It will be interesting to see if certain countries require vaccinations for entry, or if in person jobs require them for people to return to work. Overall, the safety of the public is what matters the most, especially since COVID can have such serious health effects on the at risk community.