Discuss the experiment and discuss the rights violated within the study. Discuss any outcomes or legislature associated with the study. What type of consent would have been needed to make the study ethical and valid?


Research a historical experiment that impacted or helped shape the development of ethical codes and regulations. The videos from week 1 have already described some of the issues during WWII and Nazi Germany and the Tuskegee Study, avoid using those examples as the ethical issue you select.

-Discuss the experiment and discuss the rights violated within the study.
-Discuss any outcomes or legislature associated with the study.
-What type of consent would have been needed to make the study ethical and valid?

Your boss is not sure whether this decline is due to the weak economy or some other unknown reason. She has asked you to investigate the situation and to submit a report to her, highlighting some possible reasons for the decline. Develop a statement of purpose for your report.

14-17. Planning: Analyzing the Situation [1,0-1]

Each activity is labeled according to the primary skill or skills you will need to use. To review relevant chapter content, you can refer to the indicated Learning Objective. In some instances, supporting information will be found in another chapter, as indicated.

Sales at The Style Shop, a clothing store for men, have declined for the third month in a row. Your boss is not sure whether this decline is due to the weak economy or some other unknown reason. She has asked you to investigate the situation and to submit a report to her, highlighting some possible reasons for the decline. Develop a statement of purpose for your report.

Do you see this study as an accurate picture of the American Dream’s impact on minorities in America? Why?

Week 5 Discussion

Read: Armstrong, Joslyn, et al. “‘A Dream Deferred’: How Discrimination Impacts the American Dream Achievement for African Americans.” Journal of Black Studies, vol. 50, no. 3, Apr. 2019, pp. 227-250. Academic Search Complete. doi:10.1177/0021934719833330.

In reading Joslyn Armstrong et al’s “A Dream Deferred,” some guidance will be helpful. To wade through the research is daunting, so do not read the whole of the document. Read the following sections only to be able to answer the discussion questions:

  • Abstract pp. 227-228 2.
  • Introduction pp. 228-229 3.
  • Conclusion pp. 246-247

These sections will enable you to consider the study’s purpose and its conclusions in order to answer question 1 of this week’s discussion.

1. Do you see this study as an accurate picture of the American Dream’s impact (or lack of it) on minorities in America? Why?

2. What do you propose is the leading issue holding people back from achieving the American Dream? Why?

3. Can you see any way forward that is equitable on all fronts/issues hindering Americans from achieving the American Dream? Describe your plan in detail.

Use the plot of the film “The Godfather” and discuss why the definitions of deviance and social stigma are dependent on cultural variations and socially accepted norms.

The Godfather

Using your sociological imagination, watch the below video-clips from the movie “The Godfather,” directed by Francis Ford Coppola and answer the following question:

Q.Use the plot of the film “The Godfather” and discuss why the definitions of deviance and social stigma are dependent on cultural variations and socially accepted norms. In your answer, you must incorporate the film plot to answer the question at hand.

1. https://youtu.be/VC1_tdnZq1A
2. https://youtu.be/0qvpcfYFHcw
3. https://youtu.be/ppjyB2MpxBU
4. https://youtu.be/sJU2cz9ytPQ
5. https://youtu.be/SWAJPB_5rSs
6. https://youtu.be/voNs3aHZmQM
7. https://youtu.be/jYnRBX2Trtk
8. https://youtu.be/8Pf8BkFLBRw
9. https://youtu.be/DvD9OryD6mY

Read and complete the “Creating Possibilities Practice Session.” How did the practice session go? What went well? What could have been better? What did you learn from the process that will help with your counseling practice?

Creating Possibilities Practice Session

Read and complete the “Creating Possibilities Practice Session.” How did the practice session go? What went well? What could have been better? What did you learn from the process that will help with your counseling practice? What steps can the counselor take to help clients identify goals for change? What evidence-based strategies can a counselor utilize to help clients commit to change? If using a volunteer, be sure you obtain a verbal consent from the volunteer. Include at least one scholarly reference in your response.

This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.5.j. Evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques for prevention and intervention.


Differentiate between routine operating decisions and non-routine operating decisions with suitable examples. List all non-routine operating decisions and explain any two decisions with suitable examples.

Assignment Question(s):                                                               

Q1. Differentiate between routine operating decisions and non-routine operating decisions with suitable examples. List all non-routine operating decisions and explain any two decisions with suitable examples.

Note: Your answer must include numerical examples for each method along with qualitative consideration.

Q2. Suppose that you are working in a company as a cost manager that has two support departments and two operating departments. Determine the total department cost and allocation base for these departments and allocate the support department cost to the operating department based on the following methods:

  • The direct method
  • The step-down method

Note: You are required to assume values of your own and they should not be copied from any sources.                                                                                                

Q3.  SFC Company is in the manufacturing process of wooden products and makes several wooden items. The following is the information related to three products manufactured by SFC company: Product X, Y, and Z. The joint costs of the three products in 2015 were SAR 110,000. The total number of units for each product and the selling price per unit is given below:


Products Units Selling Price per unit
X 5,000     SAR 150
Y 3,500     SAR 125
Z 2,200     SAR 100


Using the physical volume method and sales value at the split-off method, allocate the joint costs to each product.

Q4. A company is planning to prepare a budget for the year 2017 and provides you with the following information regarding the preparation of the budget:

Particulars Amount
Budgeted selling price per unit                           $650 per unit
Total fixed costs                           $155,000
Variable costs                           $175 per unit

You are required to prepare a flexible budget for 500, 600, 700, and 800 units.

Determine what time the work crew will take its afternoon break.

Common Core Core Performance Task

Road Maintenance A county’s Department of Transportation is repainting the lane lines on Main Street. Several streets that intersect Main Street are shown in the diagram below.

At 1 P.M., the work crew starts at the intersection of New Street and Main Street and moves toward the intersection of Main Street and Wilson Street, painting lane lines at an average speed of 5 mi/h. The work crew will take its afternoon break when it is 3 mi from the intersection of Main Street and Wilson Street.
Task Description Determine what time the work crew will take its afternoon break .

Connecting the Task to the Math Practices As you complete the task, you’ll apply these Standards for Mathematical Practice.
• You’ll use a coordinate plane to model the streets in the diagram. (MP 4)

• You’ll write equations of lines to represent streets, and you will write and interpret a function modeling a distance that changes over time. (MP 2)


Using your knowledge of NodeJS and ExpressJS and the Web App Template provided, complete the Favourite Book List web app that you will share on GitHub and deploy to Heroku.

Html / CSS

Overview: Using your knowledge of NodeJS and ExpressJS and the Web App Template provided, complete the Favourite Book List web app that you will share on GitHub and deploy to Heroku (or another cloud provider). Your web app already includes basic navigation controls, a Landing Page, a BookList page and a BookDetails page. Your task is to complete the code that is missing from the routing files and the Books List page so that a user can Add, Delete and Edit any Book item from the Database

Project Setup:

  • You will need to create a new Mongo Database on MongoDB Atlas. You will need to change the URI variable in the db config file (config/db.js) to point MongoDB Atlas.
  • You will need to add some example Book data in the database.


  1. The BooksList page (views/books/index.ejs) already lists your favourite books. Your job is to fix the Add Button, and insert the appropriate code for the Edit and Delete Buttons (2 Marks: GUI, 13 Marks: Functionality):
  2. Fix the Add Button on this page so that it links to the BookDetails page (views/books/details.ejs). Hint: insert the correct route in the href attribute. (3 Mark: Functionality).
  3. Add an Edit Button to each row of the existing Table (the insertion point has been marked for you). Ensure that when the user clicks on the Edit button, they are linked to the BookDetails page and the _id of the book they wish to edit is passed to that page via the URL. Hint: the href attribute requires a reference to the _id of the book being edited (1 Mark: GUI, 6 Marks: Functionality).
  4. Add a Delete Button to each row of the existing Table (the insertion point has been marked for you). Ensure that when the user clicks on the Delete button, that the _id of the book to be deleted is passed to the router. Hint: the href attribute requires both a link to the delete route and a reference to the _id of the book being edited (1 Mark: GUI, 4 Marks: Functionality).
  5. The Books Routing File (routes/books.js) already has a route working to find all the books in the books collection and render your BooksList page. Your task for this section is to complete the logic for each of the other routes to render the book details page when the Add or Edit Buttons are clicked, process a request to Add or Edit a Book, and process a request to Delete a book (63 Marks: Functionality).:
  6. Complete the get(‘/add’) router logic that renders the book details page (views/books/details.ejs). The form on the book details page will initially be blank. You must pass an appropriate value for the title property and blank value for the books property. (10 Marks: Functionality).
  7. Complete the post(‘/add’) router logic that processes the insertion of a new book into the database. You need to instantiate an object of the book model (excluding the _id property) and pass this object to the create method of the book model to add a new book to the database. Hint: the values for the book object will come from the name attributes of each field of the book details page. Redirect the user back to the BookList page (‘/books’) when the insertion is completed. (10 Marks: Functionality).
  8. Complete the get(‘/:id’) router logic that renders the book details page (views/books/details.ejs) and uses the id from the URL to select the book to document to be updated. Declare an id variable and set its value to the id property of the request object. Pass this id to the book model’s findById method to render the book details view. You must set an appropriate title property value and set the books property to the book that was returned from the database as you render the view. (15 Marks: Functionality).
  9. Complete the post(‘/:id’) router logic that processes the update request of an existing book by using its id property. Declare an id variable and set its value to the id property of the request object. You need to instantiate an object of the book model (including the _id property) and pass this object to the update method of the book model to edit an existing book in the database. Hint: the values for the book object will come from the name attributes of each field of the book details page. Redirect the user back to the BookList page (‘/books’) when the update is completed. (20 Marks: Functionality).
  10. Complete the get(‘/delete/:id’) router logic that processes the user’s delete request and removes an existing book from database by using its id property. Declare an id variable and set its value to the id property of the request object. Pass the id to the book model’s remove method. Redirect the user back to the BookList page (‘/books’) when the removal is completed. (8 Marks: Functionality).

Include Internal Documentation for your site (4 Marks: Internal Documentation):

  1. Ensure you include a comment header for your JavaScript file that indicate: The File name, Author’s name and Web App name (1 Marks: Internal Documentation).
  2. Ensure you include a section header for any JavaScript functions (1 Marks: Internal Documentation)
  3. Ensure all your code uses contextual variable names that help make the files humanreadable (1 Marks: Internal Documentation).
  4. Ensure you include inline comments that describe your GUI Design and Functionality. Note: Please avoid “over-commenting” (1 Marks: Internal Documentation)


Do you think their choice is the best or most cost effective strategy? Why or why not? For the strategy that you support, explain how you would move forward to start implementing your strategy?

 Warehouse ownership arrangements

Companies have a choice of warehouse ownership arrangements. Deciding to use private, public, or contracted warehouse space or a network deployment strategy is a big choice for a company. Pick any company and examine how they choose to store their inventory.

Do you think their choice is the best or most cost effective strategy?

Why or why not? For the strategy that you support, explain how you would move forward to start implementing your strategy? Remember, a strategy is only as good as it is once it is implemented. Please explain.

Here is the link for additation information: https://www.inboundlogistics.com/cms/article/look-for-more-than-just-price-when-choosing-a-warehouse-location/


Write around 300 words


What is the genetic basis of the disease? What is the molecular basis of the disease? What are the physiologic implications of the disease?

Renal Physiology: Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus


  1. Understand the complexity and physiological basis of diseases of genetic origin.
  2. Explore and understand accepted treatment options or future treatment strategies.
  3. Learn to use literature searches.
  4. Develop writing skills to clearly and concisely explain the pathophysiology of disease.


You will write an essay (1000 words) addressing each of the following:

  • What is the genetic basis of the disease?
  • What is the molecular basis of the disease? (What is abnormal at the cellular, biochemical, or molecular level?)
  • What are the physiologic implications of the disease? (What is abnormal about the physiology of people with this disease?)
  • What are the current treatment options or the development strategies for therapy?