For each, at a minimum, individually discuss What is it? Why is it important? How does it affect the security of our nation? Do we need to do anything about it? What?

Border and coastal security

Consider what you know about border and coastal security and focus on three important issues, concerns, events, policies, or other Homeland Security related aspects and share your thoughts. For each, at a minimum, individually discuss What is it? Why is it important? How does it affect the security of our nation? Do we need to do anything about it? What?

Select one of these elements to focus upon, its potential impact upon homeland security, and how it could be positively addressed from the perspective of both the public and private sectors.

Public-Private Partnerships

Within the report Beyond Flash Points: Creating Sustainable Public-Private Partnerships in Chicago, five critical elements for creating an enduring public-private partnership are noted. Select one of these elements to focus upon, its potential impact upon homeland security, and how it could be positively addressed from the perspective of both the public and private sectors.

Beyond Flash Points: Creating Sustainable Public-Private Partnerships in Chicago:

In forecasting over the next five years, what do you perceive as being the single greatest threat to the nation’s homeland security posture? Explain the reasoning for your selection. How well does DHS’ Fiscal Years 2020-2024 Strategic Plan address this threat?

DHS’ Fiscal Years 2020-2024 Strategic Plan:

In forecasting over the next five years, what do you perceive as being the single greatest threat to the nation’s homeland security posture? Explain the reasoning for your selection. How well does DHS’ Fiscal Years 2020-2024 Strategic Plan address this threat?


Write a methodology chapter for a qualitative methods dissertation using content analysis approach.

Methodology chapter

Write a methodology chapter for a qualitative methods dissertation using content analysis approach.

To what extent did the welfare state “re-embed” the economy in society?

To what extent did the welfare state “re-embed” the economy in society?

Essays should demonstrate a clear and deep engagement with the course material, focused on the core readings, but extending into the wider readings and other research. You will need to make an “argument” e.g. develop a sustained and clear line of thought that connects issues with each other, and support this with evidence and references. One of the most important skills you can demonstrate in good academic essay-writing is the capacity to show an understanding of competing interpretations and why they may be compelling even if you do not agree with them.

Why do you want to solve this particular problem? What source(s) of data do you believe you will need? Will the user need to supply that data, or will you get it from an external file or another source? Will you need to interact with the user throughout the program? Will users continually need to enter data in and see something to continue?

Python Journal Template

Directions: Follow the directions for each part of the journal template. Include in your response all the elements listed under the Requirements section. Prompts in the Inspiration section are not required; however, they may help you to fully think through your response.

Remember to review the Touchstone page for entry requirements, examples, and grading specifics.



Final Replit Program Share Link:

Complete the following template. Fill out all entries using complete sentences.


 PART 1: Defining Your Problem


State the problem you are planning to solve.


●     Describe any input data you expect to use.

●     Describe what the program will do to solve the problem.

●     Describe any outputs or results the program will provide.


When writing your entry below ask yourself the following questions:

●        Why do you want to solve this particular problem?

●        What source(s) of data do you believe you will need? Will the user need to supply that data, or will you get it from an external file or another source?

●        Will you need to interact with the user throughout the program? Will users continually need to enter data in and see something to continue?

●        What are your expected results or what will be the end product? What will you need to tell a user of your program when it is complete?

<Write your journal entry response here>


 PART 2: Working Through Specific Examples


Write down clear and specific steps to solve a simple version of your problem you identified in Part 1.


Complete the three steps below for at least two distinct examples/scenarios.

●     State any necessary input data for your simplified problem.

●     Write clear and specific steps in English (not Python) detailing what the program will do to solve the problem.

●     Describe the specific result of your example/scenario.



When writing your entry below ask yourself the following questions:

●        Are there any steps that you don’t fully understand? These are places to spend more time working out the details. Consider adding additional smaller steps in these spots.

●        Remember that a computer program is very literal. Are there any steps that are unclear? Try giving the steps of your example/scenario to a friend or family member to read through and ask you questions about parts they don’t understand. Rewrite these parts as clearly as you can.

●        Are there interesting edge cases for your program? Try to start one of your examples/scenarios with input that matches this edge case. How does it change how your program might work?

<Write your journal entry response here>



 PART 3: Generalizing Into Pseudocode


Write out the general sequence your program will use, including all specific examples/scenarios you provided in Part 2.


●     Write pseudocode for the program in English but refer to Python program elements where they are appropriate. The pseudocode should represent the full functionality of the program, not just a simplified version. Pseudocode is broken down enough that the details of the program are no longer in any paragraph form.  One statement per line is ideal.


Help with writing pseudocode

●     Here are a few links that can help you write pseudocode with examples.  Remember to check out part 3 of the Example Journal Template Submission if you have not already.  Note: everyone will write pseudocode differently.  There is no right or wrong way to write it other than to make sure you write it clearly and in as much detail as you can so that it should be easy to convert it to code later.





When writing your entry below ask yourself the following questions:

●        Do you see common program elements and patterns in your specific examples/scenarios in Part 2, like variables, conditionals, functions,  loops, and classes? These should be part of your pseudocode for the general sequence as well.

●        Are there places where the steps for your examples/scenarios in Part 2 diverged? These may be places where errors may occur later in the project. Make note of them.

●        When you are finished with your pseudocode, does it make sense, even to a person that does not know Python? Aim for the clearest description of the steps, as this will make it easier to convert into program code later.

<Write your pseudocode here>


PART 4: Testing Your Program


While writing and testing your program code, describe your tests, record any errors, and state your approach to fixing the errors.


●     For at least one of your test cases, describe how your choices for the test helped you understand whether the program was running correctly or not.

For each error that occurs while writing and testing your code:

●     Record the details of the error from Replit. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the text into the journal entry is acceptable.

●     Describe what you attempted in order to fix the error. Clearly identify what approach was the one that worked.


When writing your entry below ask yourself the following questions:

●        Have you tested edge cases and special cases for the inputs of your program code? Often these unexpected values can cause errors in the operation of your program.

●        Have you tested opportunities for user error? If a user is asked to provide an input, what happens when they give the wrong type of input, like a letter instead of a number, or vice versa?

●        Did the outcome look the way you expected? Was it formatted correctly?

●        Does your output align with the solution to the problem you coded for?


<Record your errors and fixes here>


PART 5: Commenting Your Program


Submit your full program code, including thorough comments describing what each portion of the program should do when working correctly.


●     The purpose of the program and each of its parts should be clear to a reader that does not know the Python programming language.


When writing your entry, you are encouraged to consider the following:

●        Is each section or sub-section of your code commented to describe what the code is doing?

●        Give your code with comments to a friend or family member to review. Add additional comments to spots that confuse them to make it clearer.

<Copy your full program code here, including comments>


PART 6: Your Completed Program


Provide the Replit link to your full program code.


●     The program must work correctly with all the comments included in the program.


●        Check before submitting your touchstone that your final version of the program is running successfully.

<Provide the link to your program here>


Do you have the authority to arrest these individuals for entering the country illegally? Why or why not?

HSE400 Legal Issues in Homeland Security final

Provide a response for each question.  Write your answers directly on this form, save it,

From the Week 1 material:

  1. Define case law (provide at least two sentences).
  2. Using the federal code, define international terrorism and domestic terrorism.
  3. In week 3, 4, and 5, we practiced with case briefs and read through border security cases. For this question, I would like you to provide a case brief for United States v. Ortiz (1975).  This case was a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision.  Use the case brief format in Week 3.  Here is the link to the Ortiz case:


United States v. Ortiz, 422 U.S. 891 (1975)

Title of the case:

Facts of the case:

Legal issue(s) argued:

The ruling or decision by the Court, along with their justification:

Were there any significant dissents?  Briefly summarize:

Your brief analysis (What does the outcome mean?  What is the significance?  How does it impact legal authority or the interpretation of constitutional rights:


  1. From Week 7: Using the case law and immigration information we discussed in Week 7, consider the following:


You are a police officer in Georgia, patrolling I-75 through Atlanta.  You make a traffic stop on a van for speed, and in the van are 12 people who speak little to no English.  You start asking questions and find that the only person with a Georgia state ID is the driver, and he has a driver’s license.  The others in the vehicle all have Mexican voter ID cards and no other forms of identification.  They admit that they are in the country illegally.

Do you have the authority to arrest these individuals for entering the country illegally?  Why or why not?

What is the primary motivation behind your terror group? Who joins this type of group? What is their primary goal of your terror group? What are they trying to achieve?


For your final exam, pick one terror group.  This group can be international or domestic.  It doesn’t have to be exclusive to the United States.  Feel free to reach out and find an interesting group who focus their terror in other parts of the world.

Once you have selected your terror group, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the name of your group? Where are they located?
  2. Is your group international or domestic terrorists? Explain why.
  3. What is the primary motivation behind your terror group? Who joins this type of group?
  4. What is their primary goal of your terror group? What are they trying to achieve?  This may be related to motivation.
  5. What is their choice of weapon? Or techniques used to instill fear?
  6. What acts of terror have they committed to achieve their goals? Give me three or four clear examples.
  7. How are they financed? Do they have supporters?  Do your best to find this information.
  8. What has been done to combat this terror group? (Military intervention?  Has law enforcement stepped in?  Are there any sanctions put in place by governments to try to cripple these terrorists?)
  9. What are your thoughts on this terror group? Although we do not condone terrorism, is there a legitimate reason for their level of anger?  Is there any way we can stop them?  Feel free to add any additional details here.


You can answer the questions on a Word document in any format (use numbers or put it together as a full essay with citations).  Please also provide a reference page or a list of your references at the bottom of your last page.

Do you think the changes were warranted? Did we go too far? Do you think aviation security measures are too restrictive?

Terrorism & Emergency Response (HSE-305-00401)

Big changes were made after the 9/11 attacks. For example, airport security was mostly private and lacking in resources. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) did not take over airport security until after the attack.

Do you think the changes were warranted? Did we go too far? Do you think aviation security measures are too restrictive? Remember our discussion on public safety and individual freedoms. Are we giving up too much freedom to preserve public safety in terms of aviation security? If you have recently flown, describe your experience at the airport. If you have not recently flown, try to find an example of what someone else has experienced at the airport.

To what extent /how exactly has green colonization affected the mentioned regions? Is the damage reversible? What are the possible measures/solutions to the problem?

Green Colonialism: A subtle beast

Research questions:

To what extent /how exactly has green colonization affected the mentioned regions?
Is the damage reversible?
What are the possible measures/solutions to the problem?

Using three case studies- Norway, Israel/Palestine, and Indonesia.