
Compare the ways in which the poem and story may be considered representative of American culture during the time period in which it was written.

3 paragraphs to compare the ways in which the poem and story may be considered representative of American culture during the time period in which it was written. Additional info in document

Demonstrate your understanding of the texts and your ability to develop an argument.


Additional Instructions for the Required Essay: For this part, you will write a fully-developed essay of at least 5 paragraphs (i.e., an introduction with clear thesis, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion). Develop a clear thesis and support your statements with relevant examples and quotes from the poem. Explain what this evidence shows. Answer all parts of the question specifically.
Question for the Required Essay: Basing your analysis on Books 1 and 5 only of The Odyssey, identify three main aspects of Odysseus’ character and give your overall assessment of this hero. Support your discussion with examples and quotes that illustrate this epic hero’s admirable and/or problematic traits based on his actions, his words and thoughts, the way he behaves, and the way others see him.

Base your essays on your reading and interpretation of the relevant texts. The purpose is to demonstrate your understanding of the texts and your ability to develop an argument.

Use examples and quotes from the relevant literary texts to back up your analysis; explain how the evidence supports your points.

Do NOT use any secondary sources other than the ones I have provided in the course.

Do NOT use websites such as Wikipedia, SparkNotes, Shmoop, Cliffnotes, Lilcharts, Gradesaver, Book Rags, Enotes, and the like. You will get no credit for work using such sources.

Note that failure to cite sources, whether paraphrased or quoted, constitutes plagiarism, as does improper paraphrasing. Your work will be checked by Turnitin.

Question for the Required Essay: Basing your analysis on Books 1 and 5 only of The Odyssey, identify three main aspects of Odysseus’ character and give your overall assessment of this hero. Support your discussion with examples and quotes that illustrate this epic hero’s admirable and/or problematic traits based on his actions, his words and thoughts, the way he behaves, and the way others see him.

Important Notes for Essay Question:

(1) Limit yourself to a discussion of Books 1 and 5 only; do not discuss what happens in the rest of The Odyssey. Your focus should be on your close reading of these sections only, so you should re-read these two sections.

(2) If you are using the online translation of The Odyssey, remember that Odysseus is called Ulysses in that version.

Choose symbol, imagery, or metaphor and explain both how it is used and why it is essential to the poem.

In “Home Burial,” Robert Frost depicts the marital breakdown of a couple who have lost a child. Choose symbol, imagery, or metaphor and explain both how it is used and why it is essential to the poem.

Write a 5 paragraph essay of two and half to three pages long describing the theme of optimism or hope derived from the poem.

After reading the poem “I, Too” by Langston Hughes, write a 5 paragraph essay of two and half to three pages long describing the theme of optimism or hope derived from the poem. What gives you this impression? What impact does the theme have on the poem? Remember to use specific examples from the poem to support your points. Please relate your essay to real life situations. You will be able to structure your essay well following the instructions given to you in class. Remember to provide a thesis and topic sentences for this essay. Please use in-text citations and a work cited page for the essay.Please provide 2 secondary sources to support your points for the essay.

Please write two [2] paragraphs using two [2] of the quotes you pulled from your research or the poem.

Please watch the following video on quote integration:
Quote Integration
1102 Quote Integration-1.MP4
Play media comment.
Please write two [2] paragraphs using two [2] of the quotes you pulled from your research or the poem. Write a quote integration paragraph for each. As you write, remember the following:
You need to introduce each quote and include parentheticals
You need to explain the value/significance of each quote – not a summary! This should be an answer to the “So What?”/an argument supporting your opinion [think about your thesis]
While this is not a requirement, I strongly suggest including one quote from the poem and one quote from your research. This way, you will get feedback on both styles of quote integrations before you are graded on format in the final essay :)

Explain your interpretation of the poem using context [historical, cultural, biographical, etc.] to help support your opinion.

Please complete the following journal assignment:
Pick your favorite poem from the Context assignment. [This does not need to be the one you were assigned for research, though choosing a poem you already have some context for may save you time.]
Hopefully you have already done so, but if not:
Go to the FlipGrid discussion on Context
Listen to the information your peers found on the poem you chose
Using an MLA Formatted document, please write a 2 page journal that answers the following prompt:
Explain your interpretation of the poem using context [historical, cultural, biographical, etc.] to help support your opinion.
As you write, make sure you remember to:
Identify the title and author of the poem you are writing about
Include a thesis statement giving your opinion on interpretation
Include discussion of poetic devices and vocabulary that helps support your interpretation
Include context that helps support your interpretation
Think of this as a mini-essay. Use this as an opportunity to practice before we begin writing our first major analysis essay next week.

Pick one specific word from the poem you were assigned. In a short paragraph [4-5 sentences] explain how that word’s connotative meaning helps the reader to better understand meaning/tone.

Word Choice
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Once you have watched the video example, please use the table below to determine your assigned poem. Then, write your initial post responding to the questions below:
Divorce We Real Cool Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers The Red Wheelbarrow
Nikki Butler
Flaca Collado
Tino Crespo
Enzo Cruz
Manasse Thanis
Miguel Da Silva
Key Florestal
Glady Franco
Karla Gonzalez
Conan Matthews
Brianna Gouldbourne
Barbie Griffin
Julie Lopez
Adam Macchi
Alexis Small
Rafa Medina
Ornise Mosine
Javi Quarterman
Jose Rasua Rodriguez
Initial Post:
Please apply the following questions to your assigned poem and respond:
Pick one specific word from the poem you were assigned. In a short paragraph [4-5 sentences] explain how that word’s connotative meaning helps the reader to better understand meaning/tone. Make sure you are critical and clear in your reasoning.
Consider who you think the narrator of the poem is. Who are they & who are they speaking to [audience]? How do you know? [Find evidence from the poem to support your reasoning.]
Response Post:
Please read through at least three [3] of your peers’ posts. Then, choose two [2] posts which respond to a different poem than the one you were assigned and start a conversation.
As in the previous discussion, please do not respond with: “Wow! I totally agree :)” Start a conversation. Ask some questions. Agree and add your own insight. Respectfully disagree and present your own interpretation. Give suggestions for further evidence or conflicting evidence. Think critically and deeply. You will be graded both on your post and on your thoughtful, active comments to your partners.