Basic Recommended Reading
Listening to children: being and becoming
• Book by Bronwyn Davies 2014
Hearing the voices of children: social policy for a new century
• Book edited by Christine Hallett; Alan Prout 2003
Children’s experiences of classrooms: talking about being pupils in the classroom
• Book by Eleanore Hargreaves 2017
Theorizing childhood
• Book by Allison James; Chris Jenks; Alan Prout 1998

Listening to children: a practitioner’s guide
• Book by Alison McLeod 2008
A handbook of children and young people’s participation: perspectives from theory
and practice
• Book edited by Barry Percy-Smith; Nigel Thomas 2010
Helping vulnerable children and adolescents to stay safe: creative ideas and
activities for building protective behaviours
• Book by Katie Wrench; foreword by Ginger Kadlec 2016
Other Reading to relating to Module concept description
Childhood as a cultural and social construction, examining beliefs, images about children’
· Defining the term ‘listening’.
· Why it is important to listen to children in a contemporary society
Foucault, power, and education
• Book by Stephen J. Ball 2013
Listening to children: being and becoming
• Book by Bronwyn Davies 2014
Pedagogy of the oppressed
• Book by Paulo Freire 2017
Pedagogy of hope: reliving pedagogy of the oppressed
• Book by Paulo Freire 2014
Theorizing childhood
• Book by Allison James; Chris Jenks; Alan Prout 1998
Constructing and reconstructing childhood: contemporary issues in the
sociological study of childhood
Underlying philosophies and approaches to children’s rights, participation and protection.
· Considering the concept of Voice, participation and agency.
· Considering how children are defined in law.
· Critical reflections on children’s participatory rights
Young children’s rights: exploring beliefs, principles and practice
• Book by Priscilla Alderson; Douglas Carleton Frechtling 2008
Hearing the voices of children: social policy for a new century
• Book edited by Christine Hallett; Alan Prout 2003
Children’s rights-based approaches: the challenges of listening to taboo/
discriminatory issues and moving beyond children’s participation
• Journal by Konstantoni, K. 2013
The Constitution of Society – Chapter 1
• Book by Anthony Giddens 1984
• Playing with power: children’s participation in theory.
• Examining theories and models that have influenced thinking within the field of voice,
agency and participation.
• Exploring how this framework can support the authentic participation and values of
The Constitution of Society – Chapter 1
• Book by Anthony Giddens 1984
Children’s Participation. From tokenism to citizenship
• Document
A handbook of children and young people’s participation: perspectives from theory
and practice
• Book edited by Barry Percy-Smith; Nigel Thomas 2010
Considering some of the challenges of engagement with children and young people in a
professional context.
· Why is no one listening to me? Issues of agency and structure.
· Case studies to explore hidden voices.
Ethics and politics in early childhood education
• Book by Gunilla Dahlberg; Peter Moss 2005
Nurturing a listening culture in practice for safeguarding vulnerable children.
· Working within the safeguarding and child protection remit.
Conceptualising Listening to Young Children as an Ethic of Care in Early Childhood
Education and Care in Children & Society
• Article by Caroline Bath 09/2013
Listening to young people in school, youth work and counselling
• Book by Nick Luxmoore 2000
Helping vulnerable children and adolescents to stay safe: creative ideas and
activities for building protective behaviours
• Book by Katie Wrench; foreword by Ginger Kadlec 2016
Exploring communication skills for listening.
· Debating the concept of power and interpretation.
· Nurturing a listening culture in practice
· Pedagogy of relationships and listening. Considering new ways of thinking about
and interactions with children.
· Empowerment
Conceptualising Listening to Young Children as an Ethic of Care in Early Childhood
Education and Care in Children & Society
• Article by Caroline Bath 09/2013
Listening to children: a practitioner’s guide
• Book by Alison McLeod 2008
Capturing the voices of children.
· Exploring tools and strategies for listening. Pedagogy of listening- Voices from Reggio
· The |Mosaic approach.
Spaces to play: more listening to young children using the Mosaic approach
• Book by Alison Clark; Peter Moss; National Children’s Bureau c2005

Listening to young children: the mosaic approach
• Book by Alison Clark; Peter Moss; National Children’s Bureau c2011
Inviting the messy: Drawing methods and ‘children’s voices’ in Childhood
• Article by Sara Eldén 02/2013
A Handbook of Children and Young People’s Participation: Perspectives from … in
Children & Society
• Article 2010

In dialogue with Reggio Emilia: listening, researching, and learning
• Book by Carlina Rinaldi 2005
Children as researchers
· Voices in education.
· Advocacy- speaking up for children and children as advocates.
Understanding research with children and young people
• Book by Open University 2014
Children’s experiences of classrooms: talking about being pupils in the classroom
• Book by Eleanore Hargreaves 2017
Listening to young children: the mosaic approach
• Book by Alison Clark; Peter Moss; National Children’s Bureau c2011
Children’s participation in decision-making
• Document
Additional reading
• Children’s commissioner
• Children’s Rights Alliance for England – Children’s rights and the law
• Children’s Rights Alliance for England – State of children’s rights in England – Review of
Government action on United Nations’ recommendations for strengthening children’s
rights in the UK
• Government is stripping UK children of rights, says report to UN (Guardian
Newspaper )
• UNICEF Children’s Rights
• Equality and Human Rights Commission
• Conceptualising listening to young children as an ethic of care in early childhood education and
care. ( Sheffield Hallam University)
• Engaging with children and young. People (Mary Kellett – Open University)
• Children’s right Alliance for England Children’s participation in decision-making
• Cambridge Journal of Education – What is a child? Children’s Perception,
the Cambridge Primary Review and implications for education (Routledge)
• Children’s commissioner: If only someone had listened – Office of the children’s
commissioner’s inquiry into sexual exploitation in gangs and groups
• I want to play – Barbados
• Its wrong but you get used to it – University of Bedfordshire
• (Childrens’ Commisioner)
A qualitative study of gang-associated sexual violence towards, and exploitation of,
young people in England
• Voices of Children in Foster Care (Children’s Commissioner)
• Promoting children’s Agency – journal
• Novitas Royal ( Research on Youth and Language) 2011,5 (1) 15-38
• Silence in the Context of ‘Child Voice’
Ann Lewis School of Education, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
• Conceptualising Listening to Young Children as an Ethic of Care in Early Childhood Education
and Care
(Caroline Bath Department of Education, Childhood and Inclusion, Sheffield Hallam University,
Sheffield, S1 2NE, UK)
• DfE-RR239b_report: Listening to children’s perspectives: Improving the Quality of.
provision in EARLY YEARS settings
• Why and how we listen to young children – Listening as a way of life ( national
children’s bureau)
• How safe are our children-2018-report NSPCC
• The voice of the child: learning lessons from serious case reviews Ofsted 2010
• The voice of the child in the child protection system. (NCB Research Centre)
• Coram Voice – getting young voices heard
• Putting listening practice at the heart of early years practiceAn evaluation of the Young Children’s
Voices Network Rachel Blades, Vijay Kumari. ( Research Centre ncb)
• Engaging with children and young people
• The Mosaic approach
• Young children are researchers: Children aged four to eight years engage in important research
behaviour when they base decisions on evidenceEuropean Early Childhood Education Research
Journal ( Routledge)