Within your article #1, a good study will discuss how relevant literature was found and analyzed and the data presented within the literature. This is usually done in quantitative studies prior to the start of a study. Interestingly, in qualitative studies, a literature review is done AFTER data collection and is used to support findings of the study.

In your article #1, your author(s) may or may not have discussed a literature review. If there is a discussion of literature, answer these questions. If there is not, do you think that inclusion of a discussion of relevant literature would have strengthened your study? Why or why not?

1. Does the review seem thorough and up-to-date? Did it include major studies on the topic? Did it include recent research?

2. Did the review rely mainly on research reports, using primary sources?
3. Did the review critically appraise and compare key studies? Did it identify important gaps in the literature?
4. Was the review well organized? Is the development of ideas clear?
5. Did the review use appropriate language, suggesting the tentativeness of prior findings? Is the review objective?
6. If the review was in the introduction for a new study, did the review support the need for the study?
7. If the review was designed to summarize evidence for clinical practice, did it draw appropriate conclusions about practice implications?