Part 1
Consider the value of illustrations for understanding priorities, the reinforcement of critical infrastructure (CI), and critical infrastructure protection. This week, look around your own community and consider what CI sectors and assets are likely to be particularly vital to its functioning. For example, in Los Angeles, California, the Port of Los Angeles as an asset is considered crucial to the transportation sector, as it is used for commerce. For this assignment I will use Colorado’s Aviation Sector– the Denver International Airport. The link is for the States report on CI for aviation.
• Choose 1 sector and an asset within it, and describe their specific value to the community.
• Research and discuss measures the community does, or fails to do, to protect or ensure the sector’s and asset’s resiliency.
• Provide a preliminary assessment of the primary threats, vulnerabilities, and risks your highlighted sector and asset might be most exposed to.
Part 2
In the field of homeland security, and especially within critical infrastructure protection (CIP), not everyone agrees that protection and resiliency are separate functions or actions taken. For this assignment, complete the following:
• In your own words, define protection and resiliency.
• Explore how the concepts and actions necessary to implement measures for protection and resiliency reinforce each other, or are achieved independent of one another.
• Take a position on whether professionals who claim the concepts are inextricably tied are correct or not, and make a critical argument to support your claim.
• Use critical analysis, real-world or hypothetical examples or cases, and graduate-level cogency in your answer.
Research and discuss measures the community does, or fails to do, to protect or ensure the sector’s and asset’s resiliency.
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