Define these acronyms in 2-3 sentences (see number 1 as an example). 1. RFP Request for Proposal An RFP is a document outlining a project, its funding criteria and directions for submission to their agency. 2. AOR
4. POC
5. EIN
6. IRB
7. PI
8. FOA
10. LOI (there are two for this response)
11. DUNS
12. MOU
Part 2. Define the following terms and phrases using your text and other resources. 1. Abstract
2. Application Package
3. Demographics
4. Evaluation Criteria
5. Funding Priorities
Smith, Nancy & E. Gabriel Works (2006) The Complete Book of Grant Writing. Naperville, Ill.: Source Books, Inc
Be sure to add source in red below to reference page!
6. Assurances
7. Competitive Grant
8. Project Outcomes
9. Project Description
10. Evaluation Plan
11. Management Plan
12. Budget Narrative
13. Budget Justification
14. Statement of Need
15. Eligibility
16. Results or Benefits Expected
17. Cost Share
18. Grant Cycle
19. Review Criteria
20. 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance
21. Non-Federal Match
22. Sustainability Plan
23. Non-Profit Agency
24. For Profit Agency
25. Foundation
26. Capacity Building Grant