Length: 1800 words (+/- 10% = below 1620 words is an automatic fail)
Format: MLA (including footnotes); 11 or 12 pt Times Roman or Arial
Presentation: Cover page and abstract (not included in the word count).Topic: The Value of Human RightsYour essay will consider the debate about the usefulness and/or justification of the concept of human rights. Many students may not be aware that such a debate exists, but this will be revealed through study and research. For example, are rights naturally given to us? How, and through what mechanisms? Are human rights government enacted? If so, in what way are they to be distinguished from civil rights?Your essay should make an argument: “In this essay, I intend to show that…”Your essay should also drawn upon at least 10 sources, including either (a) the A. Huxley or (b) Alexandr Solzhenitsyn articles. Sources should be peer reviewed ( at least 10)Rhetorical Thesis:A rhetorical thesis is one in which you are trying to persuade your audience/readers. You must make a very clear argument aimed at convincing the reader of your unique position. Your essay must therefore contain a clear, argumentative thesis that clearly shows what you intend to argue and support throughout the essay.Over the next few weeks, resources will be provided to you to help you in your research for the essay; 30th.Extensions:There are absolutely NO extensions for this essay, as it constitutes a final exam. In some very rare cases, extensions can be granted (but not automatically) for medically emergencies, which must be supported by a note from a doctor, etc.Submitting your essay:A link will be provided to you closer to the submission date on Friday December 11th which you must use to upload your PDF file of your essay.Please note that correctly uploading your essay is part of the assignment. No essays will be accepted by email.Important: please make sure sources are peer reviewed and at least one of the sources is chosen from one of the authors mentioned. Please choose the thesis on the basis that Values of human rights natural exist. This is a persuasive paper. Maybe some research is needed before start writing on theories of human rights. link below may help you to get some ideas

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Make sure please the content of essay itself is minimum 1650 words.