Professional development plan

If you were to create a professional development plan to address new technology issues in your organization, what would you recommend as the core components of this type of professional development plan?

Do you think that a professional development plan will work to motivate and educate teachers to embrace new technologies in their classrooms?

Is there a different approach that you could use as an administrator to encourage teachers to embrace new technologies in their classrooms?

What motivational theories would apply, and how would you use them?

How might you use the effective domain and taxonomy in this situation?

In creating a professional development plan that addresses the issue of technology, you must include the people it will affect the most. The stakeholders in the organization consist of administrators, teachers, parents, and students. The plan is for administrators to get teachers on board, and then in turn the teachers get the parents, and students on board (if necessary.) To do that, we must get to the root of the problem and/or its sub-problems. Key components in creating this plan are:

*Identifying or defining the problem- What is causing or caused the apprehension in using new technology in the classroom? Having parents and employees to complete a survey or questionnaire where they can voice their concerns about the technology will give you an outline.

*What do you hope your outcomes will be? Based on the responses you receive; you will then know what direction to go in when brainstorming possible solutions. What do you hope to gain from the use of technology? What length of time will be allowed to elapse for results? The use of technology will allow learning to take place more efficiently, which will hopefully produce an increase in the learning abilities of both educators and students. Learning will be determined based on assessments that will be completed. The length of time allotted will be commensurate with educational objectives and based on school calendars. Your desired outcome is to have teachers properly trained and prepared to implement the use of technology during instruction.

*How will you reach your desired goal? Reaching your desired goal will require pre-service training, regular classroom observation, regular evaluations with feedback from both teachers and students.

*Implement the plan and upon review make any necessary changes to the plan so that it will be utilized to its full capabilities (MUSE- Developing an Action Plan.)