Unit 5: Cambodia and China

Cambodia & China Unit Paper (2 pages)
Prompt: “Governments often use art as propaganda or attack artists for speaking out. How did the Cambodian government treat dancers under Communist rule? How did China treat dancers under Communist rule? How do you feel about artists speaking out or being oppressed today? Describe how a dance form you are familiar with has been used as a tool for social change?”
Each Unit Paper should be approximately two (2) pages in length, type-written, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, and uploaded to Blackboard) by 11:59pm on the Sunday evening after the unit is completed. You may submit your paper early. Your paper may be up to three (3) pages in length.
Your Unit Papers will be a written collection of your expectations for a given dance form or culture, observations about your personal experience with the dance form in lab, and reflections about your experience and how it was impacted by your expectations. A prompt will be given for each paper to help guide your thoughts.