
Any one of these topics:

-It is mostly men who have extramarital affairs.

-Men who use pornography are more likely to assess women negatively than men who do not.

-Most children who are sexually abused are abused by strangers or childcare workers.

In all cultures there are only two genders: male and female.

-Abstinence-only education is the best way to prevent teens from having sex.

-Children raised by same-sex parents have more problems than children raised by opposite-sex parents or single parents.

-As you age you become less sexual.

-All people who have fetishes or engage in BDSM are psychologically disturbed.

-Men are more interested in sex than are women.

Answer the following

1. What does social science research say about my topic?

2. What pieces of information did I find particularly interesting or surprising?

3. How does social science research on this topic relate to what people commonly think or believe about the topic–Does the research support or contradict common beliefs?