Final Project Milestone Three: Intervention Strategy and Implementation Plan Draft

Selection should be one of the programs presented in the efficacy section.
Ethics 1 should be an examination of the actual ethics codes (not principles) that you see as a concern in the selected program.

Narrative intends that you describe how you plan to implement the selected program in your community. Ensure that you have considered the setting, personnel, target population, length of time and capacity of your intervention program in order to improve this effort.

Training – what is required at hire, or what will the program supply to train those in the selected program (considering other factors like CPR training is good, but we want competence in the selected intervention).

Assessment is about the program rather than the participants. How will you prove to the people that fund your program that it is working. The use of a valid and established instrument to collect information on your problem, data collection schedules, and what statistics might be used to examine the data is the goal. Most of your efficacy articles would likely provide ideas or templates for this item.