Practical professional theory

You must formulate a text that describes your practical professional theory with references to relevant literature and the current curriculum. Here you demonstrate knowledge of the connection between proven experience and scientific basis, as well as your didactic perspectives and practical approach.
The purpose is to raise awareness and be able to communicate one’s practical occupational theory. It is about making visible professional competence, both experience-based and theoretically anchored.
You start from at least one area that is particularly important to you.

The practical professional theory contains three dimensions:
1. Practical dimension: Here, you must write about how and with what you work/will work as teacher. What do you do in the day-to-day business? Give examples.
Think about how you usually do when you plan and carry out teaching. Describe, e.g., how you organize teaching

2. Theoretical dimension: Here, you must write about research and experiences to explain why you want to do as you do in your practice. Describe research and experiences that help you anchor what you choose/chosen to work with or working methods that you choose/choose to use. What does it say in the literature, policy documents, etc., about what you do? Give examples. (NOTE: references – not citations)
– You can say that this is an analysis of and reflection on what you do. Here you can take support in the literature that you have come into contact with to clarify the underlying issues of the principles/theories in your teaching.

3. Ethical dimension: What view of learning, people, knowledge, and society do you have, and how should you want to construct your teaching – a vision of what you want to achieve as a teacher, and it should be one explanation for why you do what you do in your practice. What does your ethical approach look like? Give an example. Does it agree with the curriculum and other governing documents? (NOTE: references – not citations).

– Clarify the underlying principles and the values you can trace in your leadership.
– Explain how well your teaching corresponds with your own visions.
– What ethical dilemmas can arise?