Study abroad essay

Program Description

Working in development can mean a lot o with one goal: to improve lives and provide a 360-degree view of development, from t see first-hand what makes development s lives across the globe.

Why do some countries develop faster than others? Can economic growth be sustainable and inclusive? What role do governments, policy-makers, researchers, and non-profits play in this process?

The Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) is an ideal laboratory to consider these questions. Situated on the west coast of Africa, Cote d’Ivoire is a country of incredible natural beauty and stark inequalities. This immersive experience will provide students with an understanding of development by visiting actors doing heroic work on the ground. For do that too), this is your trip.

After a brief four-day introductino to development, through the lens of economics, public policy, political science, sociology, non-profit management, and related fields, we will spend two weeks in the Ivory Coast to see development “in action”. We will visit the African Development Bank, meet with the Ministry of Education, hear from an association of independent cocoa farmers, and tour a girls and women empowerment non-profit among others. We will also visit a cocoa plantation, take local food tours, see local markets, tour a national park, and conclude with three days at a beautiful seaside resort located in a UNESCO village.