Using human cadavers in medical studies/ museums and how its unethical.

This is her response: ‘It looks like you want to cover three topics. You only need one. Please narrow it down and I need to also know what exactly you plan to write about (e.g., cases, examples, approaches, competing perspectives). Please email me your revised topic and a brief description of what you plan to write about soon. Do some initial research, see what sources are out there, and think about what you really want to tackle, deeply.”

These are the instructions again: This is an individual assignment. Everyone needs to submit their own work.

Choose an ethical issue relevant to the topics discussed in our class, use evidence to explore various perspectives in resolving or addressing this issue, and develop an argument for what you think would be the best practice. There are three components in the final paper. Please read the following instructions very carefully before you start to plan out your paper.

Component 1:

In a Word document (12 point font; single-spaced; no length or word count restrictions), include the following information:

  • Topic of your final paper. It can be a working title or a brief description of what you plan to research on.
  • Justification. Why this topic or issue is interesting to you and why it is important to explore beyond what you have presented on or what we have discussed during class.
  • Just specificy on this main topic. Be detailed on it, explained in detail each part. Gimme strong paragraphs with clear ideas.