Discussion: “Where Are You Going…” and “Good Country People”

SUMMARY of prompt

  1. Read Oates’ “Where Are You Going…”
  2. Read O’Connor’s “Good Country People”
  3. Respond to the prompt
  4. Respond to at least 2 students responses.



Both of these stories deal with the subject of trust- specifically, what happens when you trust the wrong people.

Your response should deal with how each story has a character take advantage of people’s trust using these study questions as a guide.

FOR the story “Good Country People

  1. What do you think are the qualities of good country people?
  2. Are there characters that O’Connor seem to admire?
  3. Which of the characters does she satirize?
  4. Does she feel sympathy for any character?

FOR the story “Where Are You Going…?”

  1. In what ways do the characters in this story manipulate as they did in the story “Good Country People”?
  2. How would you describe Connie’s relationship with her mother, sister, and father? Was it similar to Hulga in “Good Country People”?
  3. Why does Connie go with Arnold and Ellie? Why can’t she resist him? Is she flawed in some way? Or, is the author saying something about the role of women and men in American society?


Please respond to at least 2 students. Your responses should be detailed and explain why you may agree or disagree with their point of view. (for a total of around 150 words)