Book notes

Read & Listen

Take notes ON (physically on the reading, in the margins, etc.) at least 2-3 pages of the reading. Among the notes you make, please mark the following:

  1. Definitions of words you don’t know
  2. Definitions of concepts/references you don’t know
  3. Key ideas or phrases of the text
  4. Questions that the text provokes in you
  5. Ways the text reminds you of something else
  6. Details that you particularly love or hate
  7. You might also underline/note the claims you see

Write a short response (200-300 words) on the part you annotated–some questions to prompt you: why did you choose that section? How did that section contribute to your understanding of the text/argument as a whole? Did you see connections to the TV show or lectures this week? If so, what were they?

You can submit photos, scans, or saved pdf annotations of the above along with your weekly respond