Which preparation method did you like best for consuming? Why? Which preparation method did you like the least for consuming? Why? What was the most meaningful thing or things that you learned from these activities?

 Lab 7 Vegetable

Answer Sheet

Experiment 1 and 2
Photos needed: 2 photos total, don’t forget to label

  1. 1 photo of before degorged, and after degorged together.
  2. 1 photo of before shocked and after shocked together.
Degorged Not degorged Blanched



‘Not shocked’



 Experiment 3

 Photo needed: don’t forget to label

  • 1 labeled picture of the control, base, and acid
  Pigment Control Base Acid


Review Questions

  1. Which preparation method did you like best for consuming? Why?
  2. Which preparation method did you like the least for consuming? Why?
  3. What was the most meaningful thing or things that you learned from these activities?

Write a paper outlining the nutritional supplement about Calcium mineral .

Nutrition Question

Instructions: You will write a paper outlining the nutritional supplement about Calcium mineral . Make sure to include background on the supplement, what it is used for, evidences to support its use, and your opinions. Make sure to support your ideas with evidence.


  • Develop a paper to turn in. (Minimum length 2 pages)
    • You must provide evidence to support your ideas and reference your evidence appropriately! (APA formatted) (3 minimum)
    • *Whichever option you choose, make sure it is formatted according to APA guidelines and typed (12 pt. font, double spaced) according to syllabi standards.
    • Make sure u listed citations and references in the end
    • No plagiarism

Discuss the pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Develop a nutritional education plan for a person with type 1 diabetes and a person with type 2 diabetes.

Discussion Post

  • Discuss the pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • Develop a nutritional education plan for a person with type 1 diabetes and a person with type 2 diabetes.
  • In your educational plan, include the nutritional considerations and medication interactions for at least one oral medication and one type of insulin.

Provide a compelling rationale (Chapter 1) and process (Chapter 3) for addressing an unanswered problem or question in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Final Project: The Research Proposal

Purpose: To provide a compelling rationale (Chapter 1) and process (Chapter 3) for addressing an unanswered problem or question in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Chapter 1: Introduction


  • Narrative hook (broad focus)
  • The research problem (narrowed focus)
  • Studies that have addressed the problem
  • Deficiencies in past literature
  • The importance of the proposed research

Purpose of study

Research Aims and Hypotheses

Definition of Terms (including the operational definitions of variables)

Delimitations and Limitations

Chapter 3: Methods
Participants and study design

  • Describe subject selection and sample size determination process (appendix?*) (Inclusion/exclusion criteria: age, gender, health status, activity status, medications, BMI, etc.)
  • Recruitment strategy and randomization strategy
  • State IRB approval and written consent will be obtained
  • State research design (e.g., randomized controlled trial)
  • Describe blinding, study duration, timing of measurements

Describe the independent variable in detail: specific diet, specific supplement, exercise protocol, etc.

Protocol procedures/dependent variables

  • Describe the study protocol in detail. Describe monitoring procedures, use of questionnaires etc.
  • Flow chart for design (appendix?*)
  • Laboratory analyses (appendix?*)
  • Describe blood/urine collection and processing (appendix?*)
  • Reference procedures and provide some details

Statistical analyses

  • State how data are presented (mean±SD)
  • Statistical tests and statistical program used (correlation or t-test)
  • State level of probability (p<0.05)

After reading the articles from the links that are posted – what do you think about fat consumption? Is any of the information you new to you? Is it different from what you have previously been told?

Week 5 Discussion

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Fats are one of my favorite topics, and a very misunderstood energy-yielding nutrient!

There is a lot of misinformation out there about fats, and many different theories exist about how much and what types should be consumed. The textbook gives one perspective, these articles will give other ones.

Read the following articles by clicking on the lipid links below.

Saturated Fat – The Healthy Choice

  • http://www.drperlmutter.com/saturated-fat-healthy-choice/Links to an external site.

The Benefits and Truth about Monounsaturated Fat by Rebekah Edwards

  • https://draxe.com/nutrition/monounsaturated-fat/Links to an external site.

The Skinny on Fats

  • http://www.westonaprice.org/know-your-fats/the-skinny-on-fats/Links to an external site.

Coconut Oil

  • http://draxe.com/coconut-oil-benefits/Links to an external site.


Stop using Canola Oil Immediately

  • http://draxe.com/canola-oil-gm/Links to an external site.


Cholesterol – friend or foe?

  • http://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/cholesterol-friend-or-foe/Links to an external site.


The 11 Best Healthy Fats for your Body

  • https://draxe.com/nutrition/healthy-fats/Links to an external site.



Assignment: Check out some (or all) of these links and take notes on your thoughts as you read them. You don’t need to read each one word for word, but you should pick a few articles to read and reflect on. This week is more of an open forum for you to create the discussion. Create your original response with some paraphrasing or direct quotes from the readings (of course with proper citation of your references).

After reading the articles from the links that are posted – what do you think about fat consumption? Is any of the information you new to you? Is it different from what you have previously been told?

What are common risk factors for poor nutritional status in older adults? Describe the effects of malnutrition on physiologic function in geriatric patients.


Use the assigned readings, lectures, and supplemental activities from this module’s content to answer the following (100 points total):

1) What are common risk factors for poor nutritional status in older adults? (10 points)

2) Describe the effects of malnutrition on physiologic function in geriatric patients. (10 points)

3) Review the patient information provided in Chapter 5, Case 1: Malnutrition and Depression (p. 214-216) and provide a nutrition assessment for this patient, using the ABCD’s of nutrition assessment. (30 points)

4) Based on the assessment you completed in question (3) above, what nutrition interventions would you recommend to improve this patient’s nutritional status? (30 points)

5) What other members of the health care team/community might you collaborate with to help improve the nutrition status of the patient you assessed in question (3) above? (10 points)

6) Are there any specific macronutrients (e.g., carbohydrate/fat/protein) and/or micronutrients (e.g., vitamins/minerals) that are of particular concern for older adults? What supplements might be recommended to address these concerns? NOTE: Be sure to only make suggestions that are supported by adequate research evidence (10 points)


Identify food sources of carbohydrates. List and describe the different types of carbohydrates. Describe the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. Describe the process of blood glucose regulation.


Introduction Week 4

Recall that the body gets energy (kilocalories) from 3 sources: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. For most people, carbohydrates are the dominant source of energy and the USDA recommends that 45-65% of total daily kilocalories come from this macronutrient. (1)  Yet current peer reviewed studies have shown that high carbohydrate diets can lead to serious health issues, and low carbohydrate diets can significantly improve your health. (2)   Dr. Axe and Dr. Perlmutter are two leaders in the nutritional field that have spoken out with new dietary recommendations based on scientific research, suggesting that total carbohydrate intake should be between 25-40% of total daily kilocalories.  This equates to approximately 120-150 grams of carbohydrate a day, with a maximum suggested carbohydrate intake of 200g/day. (3)

Carbohydrates are a quick source of fuel, as the body can break them down quickly and deliver the energy to the cells for use.  This is why for example, some marathon runners drink liquid “goo” (glucose) when they need a quick energy boost during a run.  However, most organs and tissues can also use protein and fat as a source for fuel, which can provide more balanced blood sugar levels vs. carbohydrates that spike your blood sugar levels high, and then leave you with a crash (the carbo-coma) that can be hard to recover from on a day-to-day basis.   High carbohydrate intake can negatively affect our brain health in addition to causing unwanted weight gain. (4)


After this week you will be able to:

  • Identify food sources of carbohydrates.
  • List and describe the different types of carbohydrates.
  • Describe the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.
  • Describe the process of blood glucose regulation.
  • Describe the different functions of carbohydrates in the body.

What type of carbohydrates do you consume on a regular basis? What are complex carbohydrates and how are they nutritionally importance? What is the difference between complex and refined carbs? How do carbohydrates effect blood sugar levels? What is your opinion of carbohydrates?

Week 4 Discussion

There are many different discussions we can have about carbohydrates – as they have recently become the focus of many different weight loss and diet theories, in addition to advertising and product claims. I am posting 3 different sets of discussion questions for the week – you are only required to choose one set of questions (DQ 1, 2, or 3) but are welcome to discuss all of them.

DQ 1: What type of carbohydrates do you consume on a regular basis? What are complex carbohydrates and how are they nutritionally importance? What is the difference between complex and refined carbs? How do carbohydrates effect blood sugar levels? What is your opinion of carbohydrates? Do you try to avoid them or do you love to eat them? What are the theories behind a low carb or no carb diet? Have you or someone you know tried to reduce your carbohydrate consumption? If so, how did that affect you? Did you notice a difference in your body? Describe any changes you observed….

DQ 2: What are the differences between soluble and non-soluble fibers? How much fiber do you get on a daily basis? Calculate your dietary intake of fiber for a day, and compare this to the DRI recommendations listed in book 4. What are some ways that you could increase your fiber intake? What foods are high in fiber? What is the major difference between flax fiber and psyllium? Why do you think people have a hard time meeting the DRI recommendation for fiber? What are the health conditions that can arise from a chronic low fiber diet?

DQ 3: How much sugar do you eat in a day? What are the different types of sugar that you consume? Many things are sweetened with fruit sugar instead of table sugar – do you think this is healthier then eating things sweetened with sucrose? Do you think sugar is addictive? Have you ever craved sugar? When you eat something sweet, how do you feel after 1 hour, 2 hours, or several hours? Have you ever “sugar crashed”? What does that feel like? Why do you think that so many packaged foods contain sugar? What is the current debate around HFCS (high fructose corn syrup)? Do you think certain sweeteners (honey vs. maple syrup vs. sucrose) are healthier then others? What factors do you consider when consuming sugar?

Compare and understand the difference between moist and dry heat preparation. Demonstrate the use of enzymatic and mechanical methods of tenderizing connective tissue in meat.

Lab 4 Meat

Activity: Effect of Tenderizers along with Moist and Dry Heat Cooking Techniques on Meat


  1. To compare and understand the difference between moist and dry heat preparation.
  2. To gain experience in preparation of meats using moist and dry heat.
  3. To demonstrate the use of enzymatic and mechanical methods of tenderizing connective tissue in meat.
  4. To evaluate the relative tenderness of meats prepared with and without tenderizing.


1 Stew Meat or Shoulder cut (Portobello mushrooms can be substituted for if
Unseasoned Meat Tenderizer (Bromelain)
Beef or Vegetable Broth
Vegetable Oil


  1. Cut 6 thin pieces of meat (about 1.5-inch diameter). Each piece of meat should be approximately the same size and thickness (~ ½ inch thick).
  2. Two pieces will be cooked as is without tenderization.
  3. Chemically tenderize two pieces by evenly applying ½ teaspoon of meat tenderizer to the surface of each piece. After application of the tenderizer the meat should be punched with a fork so that the tenderizer can get to the center of the meat. Let stand for 10 minutes.
  4. Mechanically tenderize two pieces by pounding both sides of the steak with a meat hammer/mallet or other means (hyperlink to other suggestions). Be sure to evenly tenderize the pieces of meat.

Sautee All 6 pieces

  1. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a medium skillet over medium heat.
  2. Sautee the 6 pieces until browned, about 5 minutes/side.
  3. Remove 1 without tenderization piece, 1 mechanical tenderized piece, 1 chemical tenderized piece.
  4. To the remaining 1 without tenderization piece, 1 mechanical tenderized piece, 1 chemical tenderized piece. Add broth to partially cover the meat (enough it won’t all evaporate) and reduce heat to low, cover with a lid and simmer for ~ 1 hour.

How would you classify this patient’s current weight status? Would a weight loss diet be appropriate for this child? Or would ‘weight-gain stabilization’ be a better approach?

Review Chapter 4, Case 1: Overweight Child with Insulin Resistance (p.173-175)

1) How would you classify this patient’s current weight status? Would a weight loss diet be appropriate for this child? Or would ‘weight-gain stabilization’ be a better approach?

2) Which of this patient’s laboratory values are abnormal? What chronic diseases are you concerned about (also consider the patient’s family history)? Would you discuss these concerns with the patient and his family? Why or why not?

3) What social, emotional, and psychological factors may have supported the development of obesity in this case and may influence the response to the intervention?

4) Describe the recommended dietary/lifestyle intervention for this patient.

5) What behavior modification techniques could be used to help implement the intervention you described previously?