Identify evidence in the case that corroborates the identified sections of the Act and identify recommended responses/actions to be taken in relation to the legislation.

Case Scenario

Dana is preparing to complete a Comprehensive Family Assessment which involves:
• Identifying the presence of family strengths and resources and needs of family members
• Developing service plan that utilizes family strengths and targets areas of need (i.e. alignment with risk factors and recommendations in Part 3 as noted above)
• Monitoring the family’s progress and impacts of service provision

It has been 28 days since Dana completed the safety risk and family risk assessments. Two weeks into this period, a new investigation and subsequent safety and risk assessments were conducted by Dana’s colleague, Jeff in her absence. Dana returned from her vacation and received the following updates on the case from Jeff and from her follow ups with the family and collateral contacts:
The services and supports provided by Dana were left in place by Jeff following his assessments with the family. Jeff temporarily removed Jeanette with consent from Janice for a week, placing her in her aunt Celina’s care (Janice’s half sister who is visiting from Calgary and housesitting 50 kms away) following an incident at the home in which Jeanette attempted to smother Peter with a pillow while he slept. Jeanette denied the incident, claiming that she tripped over Peter and fell onto him while carrying a pillow when she got up to go to the washroom. She mentioned that it was difficult to see everyone sleeping on the mattresses on the floor. Jeff also developed a plan for reunification and monitoring of the situation. Jeanette returned home yesterday and Celina has agreed to sleep over in the family home for the couple of few weeks to supervise and support Jeanette and Peter. Celina works remotely in the mornings. Jeanette and Peter have been undergoing intensive counselling services to address their anger and aggression toward one another. They were very fortune to access this service due to a last- minute cancellation. Jeanette has since demonstrated remorse and is glad to be returning home to the family. Peter is comfortable with Jeanette returning. He believes she is sorry and won’t do it again. He also misses his older sister despite their bickering.
The incident with Jeanette and Peter has caused Janice to take the conflict between the kids more seriously. She has committed to paying closer attention to Peter and Jeanette and has since agreed to enroll in individual counselling to receive information and help on parenting and stress management issues. Janice feels better able to take on counselling due to the services and supports Dana provided and since receiving a promotion at work two weeks ago which was accompanied by a more stable work schedule and a $2/hour raise in her wage. Janice has fewer families on her caseload as a Personal Support Worker (PSW) Supervisor, and is now responsible for scheduling and supervising the other workers in the company’s service/catchment area. The raise in her wage and services from Dana have enabled the family to address several of their financial stressors. [note: students should draw on their Assignment 2 assessments and supports to collaboratively assess the family and make recommendations (service planning) for the family]. Janice tells you the counselling is ‘ok’, but when you probe a little more, Janice mentions that she wishes she had more time with the kids. She also tells you that the counsellor is nice and ‘tries hard’ and that she is grateful for the teachings the person is sharing. Janice tells you a brief story about a highly respected traditional healer she knows in her community.Pauline is lively and loves to talk. In your conversation with Pauline, she mentions that Janice is soft spoken and does not want to be disrespectful as she appreciates the help you (Dana) are providing and was grateful that Jeff did not place Jeanette worked very hard calling Janice several times and the Band to find a member of the family to temporarily look after Jeanette. Janice was worried about Jeanette staying with certain people on the reserve. Pauline also mentions that Doug dropped by about 2 and a half weeks ago to borrow some of Dillon’s tools. He went into the home when the children were being watched by Jessica without telling anyone. They haven’t seen or heard from him again but Jessica and the children were very nervous. He appeared to have been drinking, but Jessica is not sure. Janice was irate when she learned about the incident and warned him not to come by again. Pauline tells you that Doug threatened Janice with violence telling her that he will come by anytime he wants to borrow Dillon’s tools. Janice had her father return all of the tools to Dillon and Janice’s brother and father visited Doug to talk to him about not coming to the house anymore. Doug hasn’t been seen or heard from since.
The counsellor working with Peter and Jeanette called to recommend a few more sessions. She realises she has reached the maximum number of sessions contracted with Jeff (6) but mentions that the children appear to be making progress but that she believes it would be advantageous to explore some issues further and particularly the incident that occurred a few days before Jeanette attempted to smother Peter where Peter became angry at Jeanette after she told him she saw their father at the park and that the reason their father left the family was because of Peter. When you review the file, you discover Jeff noted the incident and that Peter retaliated by hiding one of his heart pills in Jeanette’s cereal. Jeanette consumed the cereal and was taken to the emergency department after feeling ‘strange’ at school. She recovered and Peter admitted the wrongdoing and apologized. He stated he didn’t think anything would happen because the people on the television shows that Jill and Jessica watch seem alright when things like that happen. Janice has since spoken to Jill and Jessica about the shows they are watching and encouraged them to watch shows that are safe for the kids to watch (family programming).
Janice was so stressed from the incident that she smoked some marijuana because her friend at work told her it would calm her down. She has since been smoking marijuana on weekends to de-stress from work. Within the last week, the kids mention that Janice’s bedroom “smells like a skunk was in there”. When you ask Janice about it, she becomes defensive and tells you, “I’m a good mom” and that she only “smokes one or two joints a week and never in front of the children”. When you speak with Janice’s father, you find out that Janice’s brother had a stroke a month ago and has not fully recovered. Janice has been very stressed about this and has had to care for her father while her brother was in the hospital. Bernice left town to visit friends. Janice is increasingly frustrated with Bernice’s gossiping and interfering but has decided to ignore Bernice and her ‘infantile behaviour’. Pauline believes this is the right thing for Janice to do. She mentions that Bernice “is always bad-mouthing someone”, that Janice has “no life” and that her activities include going to and from work, cooking dinner and watching the kids. Pauline goes over for coffee at least once a day between her own social activities that include meeting friends for lunch and meeting another group to play cards and still another group to go out for evening walks. Pauline always invites Janice but Janice never accepts the invitation. Pauline mentions that she feels bad for Janice and keeps asking her in part because the other women in the community stopped asking once they realised Janice would never accept their invitations. Pauline tells you that she understands Janice is an introvert and that she also has a great deal of trouble trusting or relying on others. She tells you a story about how Janice often sacrifices her own goals in life (she wanted to be an accountant) to take care of her family. You recall Janice mentioned that she has often felt let down by others and that she realised at a young age that she was the only person she could really rely on.
When you speak with Jeanette, she mentions that she saw Jill smoking the “wacky tobaccy” with her boyfriend across the street last week. Jill denied this when you spoke with her. Jessica tells you that Jill has only smoked a joint once due to pressure from her boyfriend and didn’t like it. Jill has a new boyfriend now who doesn’t smoke and is majoring in Nursing at Lakehead University. Jessica asks you to keep quiet about this because Janice would not approve and the girls don’t want to “stress her out”. Peter is enjoying the counselling sessions. He tells you that he enjoys the arts and crafts. Peter’s medical reports indicate his care is proceeding well and that the doctor believes he would benefit from physiotherapy and massage services. Janice tells you that “physiotherapy and massage” are only for rich people and that she doesn’t have extended medical benefits through her work. She changes the subject sharing that Peter won an art award at school four days ago. During your visit to the family’s home, Peter asks you if you would like to see his award which is displayed on the bookshelf beside the television in the living room. He was beaming with pride and then adopted a very serious expression when telling you that Jeanette was jealous and broke the award. Jill and Jessica repaired Peter’s award and created a special ceremony to re-award Peter with the repaired award. Jeanette was the MC of the ceremony and made a public apology to Peter. Peter seems to be a very forgiving child and was excited about the ceremony. Jeannette enjoyed being the emcee but believes she is better at art than Peter. When you speak to Jeanette about her relationship with Peter, she becomes quiet and averts her eyes. She tells you that “everyone likes Peter better and that he is faking being sick so everyone will pay attention to him”. She tells you that she used to be angry at Peter but now he only annoys her some of the time. Jeanette also mentions that she likes her counsellor but that she would rather go swimming than talk about Peter and her behaviour. When you arrived at the home, you observed Jeanette and Peter happily racing Peter’s toy cars while attending a pool party with Jeanette’s barbie dolls. They tell you that they are tired of playing inside but are not allowed to play outside because of the boys who keep throwing broken bottles and garbage in their yard. The kids are wearing stained clothing. When you visit Cathy, you notice that she has a band-aid on her arm and seems a little fussy. Janice mentions that Cathy does not like vaccinations but managed well in the appointment. Janice was late returning to the home for your visit due to car problems. She tells you that the garage has agreed to repair her car on credit. She is worried about the cost but is glad she doesn’t have to pay the $400 all at once. “Thank goodness for my raise”, she says. Dana notices a small pile of baby clothes on the dresser and comments on the lovely clothes. Janice mentions she heard about a drop-in mom and tot group on her reserve. She says excitedly, “Cathy has a tonne of new clothes and toys now and Jeanette and Peter are enrolled in a crafting class. It is working out well because the kids also have an opportunity to spend time with their grandfather who picks them up and spends time with him afterwards”. Janice mentions that “it seems strange that my dad has a girlfriend after all these years but that it is good for him and the kids.” Janice’s father’s girlfriend Theresa, who also lives on the reserve near her father drives Janice’s father and they both Janice and the kids spending Sundays at the house. The house is a little crowded with all of the people (including Jill and Jessica’s boyfriends) but the kids seem to love it when family visits. Janice enjoys the visits but ends up doing a lot of preparation and cleanup. Working early on Monday mornings is making the visits challenging.When speaking with Jill and Jessica, you learn that Janice has been having abdominal pains and has not been able to get an appointment with the locum or the nurse practitioner. She went to the emergency department on the weekend but was treated rudely by the nurse and had to leave to go to work on Sunday due to a worker not showing up for her shift. The kids are worried and Jill and Jessica have told Janice to try again and they would watch the kids. Janice has yet to go and makes excuses whenever the kids bring it up. Janice was overheard crying in her bedroom by Jill. Jill is worried about Janice but doesn’t want to pry. She tells you that the family members love each other but don’t talk about problems or feelings. Janice always takes care of everything and tells everyone not to worry. Jill and Jessica tell you that they take care of the kids and they feel like adults but are treated like children by Janice. “She won’t tell us anything. We know she is upset and struggling but she won’t tell us anything. She gives us chores to do and we do them. She is extremely organized but doesn’t have time to do anything extra.”
The school is not reporting any problematic behaviour by Peter or Jeannette. The children are attending classes regularly with the exception of the last week when Jeanette was absent. The children attend different classes and do not spend time with each other during school hours.
The family is busy preparing for dinner when Dana leaves. Dana sees the family is having chicken, vegetables and a fresh salad. The baby’s new playpen is set up in the kitchen and Jeanette and Peter are standing outside of the playpen handing stuffed animals to Cathy who is excitedly receiving them while sitting inside the playpen and observing the meal preparation activities in the kitchen

2. Based on the evolving details included in this scenario, your group will:

  • a) identify which sections of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (2017) apply to the case
  • b) identify evidence in the case that corroborates the identified sections of the Act; and;
  • c) identify recommended responses/actions to be taken in relation to the legislation.



In an effort to help everyone learn from each article, provide a review of the reading and include the original text of the questions.

Critical Theory

Review the three articles included in the Sage companion site.


Pick one of the three articles, review the article, respond to the three questions included in the companion site.
In an effort to help everyone learn from each article, provide a review of the reading and include the original text of the questions.


Identify who has done the research and why the research was undertaken. Identify the research question/s and aims. Provide a brief summary of the qualitative method.

Critical Review (1) – application and evaluation of real world research

Students are required to write a 1,000 word critical review of the published research report.

The review must:
– Identify who has done the research (organization, institution, individual, group of individuals etc) and why the research was undertaken (e.g. to inform policy, to evaluate a program)
– Identify the research question/s and aims
– Provide a brief summary of the qualitative method (including data collection and analysis)
– Evaluate the success of the research project
– Use at least 5 relevant and well chosen academic sources

In evaluating the success of the research project, the critical review should:
1. Determine whether the research answered the research question and/or achieved the research aims.
2. Discuss the relevance of data collected, method of data collection (e.g. sampling methods, confidentiality), if the data was appropriately and thoroughly analysed, and if the results were clearly presented in the report.
3. Discuss limitations of the research e.g. research bias, researchers’ qualifications, sampling and exclusions.

Choose a topic that will allow you to expand your cultural competency. Research this topic and compile a 1-2 page paper reflecting the information found below.

Cultural Competency Reflection Paper

Assignment 4 is an individual assignment. 

Choose a topic that will allow you to expand your cultural competency.  Note, the current definition of cultural competency is: the ability to understand, appreciate and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one’s own.

This topic can include, but is not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, LGBTQ2+, and neurodiversity.

You will then research this topic and compile a 1-2 page paper reflecting the information found below. Your paper should be written in 12 point, Times New Roman font, and single spaced

  • Skill is developed (given 26-30 points)
  • Skill is present (given 21-25 points)
  • Skill is emerging (given 16-20 points)
  • Skill is inadequate (given 15 or less points)

Some believe that Social Security will be bankrupt within the next decade and others believe it will not. At what age will you be eligible for a full social security benefit? Do you believe that Social Security will be viable when you reach that age? Why or Why not, if not, what changes would you suggest to our current system.

Social security

Some believe that Social Security will be bankrupt within the next decade and others believe it will not. At what age will you be eligible for a full social security benefit? Do you believe that Social Security will be viable when you reach that age? Why or Why not, if not, what changes would you suggest to our current system.

What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes thorn appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?

Research investigation Progress Check 2

Overview: Throughout Modules Three and Four, you have been guided through continuing your work on Project One (a research investigation), which you will continue to work on and formally submit to your instructor at the end of Module Five. This assignment provides you with an important opportunity to get valuable instructor feedback on the progress you are making and to ensure you are on the right track for your later submission.

Prompt: Throughout Modules Three and Four, you have had opportunities to fine-tune your selected social sciences issue and begin exploring academic sources that can support your continued research on your issue. As you complete this work throughout Modules Three and Four, you should continue to build from the previous work you completed and submitted in Research Investigation Progress Check 1. Specifically, in this assignment, you will submit the Project One elements listed below for review by your instructor.

In Module Four: Performing the Research Investigation (Continued), learning block 4-2 (page 1), you completed the following work, building from your work in Modules One and Two:
I. Introduction

  • A. Describe the Issue in the social sciences that you have selected to investigate. Why is this issue significant?

In Module Four: Performing the Research Investigation (Continued), learning block 4-2 (page 3), you completed the following work:
I. Introduction

  • B. Describe at least three social science resources that you could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for the Issue. In your description, consider questions such as these: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes thorn appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?

In Module Two: Exploring Social Science Issues (Continued), learning block 2-3 (page 2), you completed the following work:

II. Body

  • A. Identify the social science principles that apply to your issue. In other words, which principles of social science apply to the Issue you selected?
  • B. Explain how the principles you identified apply to your issue. In other words, how are the social science principles you identified relevant to your Issue?

In Module Four: Performing the Research Investigation (Continued), learning block 4-3 (page 3), you completed the following work:

III. Conclusion

  • A Based on your investigation, develop a research question related to the issue you selected. In other words, what would you like to know mom about? B Explain how a social scientist would go about investigating the research question you developed. In other words, what would the next steps be if a social scientist were to continue researching your question?

In Module Three: Performing the Research Investigation, learning block 3-3 (page 3); and Module Four, learning block 4-1 (page 3) and learning block 4-2 (page 3), you began working on the following section of the prompt:

  • IV. Provide a reference list that includes all of the social science resources you used to investigate your issue and question. Ensure that your list is formatted according to current APA guidelines (or another format with instructor permission).

Note that the numbering included above directly aligns with the numbering of these elements as they are presented in the Project One Guidelines and Rubric document.

Describe any legal and ethical issues involved in the crisis situation (e.g., describe issues related to confidentiality and privacy, mandated reporting, any court proceedings that did or could have occurred related to the crisis, police or law enforcement involvement, etc.). Use the ACA Code of Ethics to discuss this.

Crisis Memoir

This Paper should be on a book titled “I Am Jess”. This book is a true story discussing a woman’s relationship. The paper should focus on emotional and mental abuse that is discussed, more so than the physical abuse itself.

Crisis Memoir Analysis (100 points) Students will read a book that is a memoir (i.e., true story) of the author’s crisis experience. The memoir should be one of the crisis topics we cover in this course. These include; sexual assault, intimate partner violence, substance abuse, chronic and terminal illness, the crisis of death, child abuse (physical, sexual and neglect), school based crisis, and disaster. Students may select a memoir of their choice but must receive the instructor’s approval by the third week of class.
After reading the memoir, students will complete an analysis including the components listed below. Papers will be a minimum of 10 pages and will be in APA 7 th edition formatting. A minimum of 5 empirical articles must be cited within the paper and a reference list must be included. DO NOT choose a fictional novel; this must be a true story.

a. Introduce the protagonist

b. Describe the crisis the protagonist experienced

c. Provide information from the literature (empirical articles), books, and our textbook and discuss what you have learned about this type of crisis. How does the protagonist’s experience match up with research on this topic? This information (i.e., what is typically expected after such a crisis) should be compared and contrasted with the experiences of the protagonist.

d. Describe any legal and ethical issues involved in the crisis situation (e.g., describe issues related to confidentiality and privacy, mandated reporting, any court proceedings that did or could have occurred related to the crisis, police or law enforcement involvement, etc.). Use the ACA Code of Ethics to discuss this.

e. Describe the cultural, developmental, and environmental influences – How did the person’s environment, culture, and development impact the crisis situation and the person’s response to and ability to cope and heal from the crisis? Consider the person’s resources related to each of these factors.

f. Describe the services the protagonist received to related to the crisis. In addition, describe the following:

  • i. How could a clinical mental health/school/pastoral counselor be helpful to the protagonist in the midst of his or her crisis?
  • ii. What specific types of assessments and interventions might you have used with this person?
  • iii. Whose help might you enlist when helping this person? What types of referrals might you offer him or her?

g. Describe your personal experience of reading this person’s crisis experience. Reflect on what it might be like for you to hear this person describe his or her story to you in person. How would you manage your personal response to the client’s experience with remaining in the role of a helper to the client?

What was your reaction to this experience of community engagement? Was there anything that came out during the walk that was unexpected or surprised you?

Community Engagement

Using the starting point address, walk around the community in any direction that you choose for 45 minutes and/or 15 blocks.

Section A: Reflection after the Walk
Think about your impressions from the walk as you address the following questions. You may first want to use a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis as you process the community as a participant or a visitor. Then, you might want to switch to a more participatory community mapping perspective to look closely at the community’s assets and capacities. You can also include human talents/skills development and the social/emotional, spiritual, cultural, information/communication, physical, environmental, and political domains.

You should write and reflect on the following:
Written Assignment

Answer the following questions in no more than 2 double-spaced pages.

What was your reaction to this experience of community engagement?

Was there anything that came out during the walk that was unexpected or surprised you?

Did your picture of the community change as a result of your walk? In what way?

Did you feel more or less connected to the community after the walk? Why?

What could you do to more directly connect with/engage/participate with people in the community and empower them in the relationship with you?

Based on what you have learned about the impacts of incarceration on adolescent development, what are some ways that these negative effects might be mitigated? In other words, what can be done for youth who are incarcerated to make the experience less negative?

Critical issue #4: Developmental Implications of Incarceration

Closely follow the instructions and draw heavily from the course material.
1) What are the developmental implications of being incarcerated during adolescence? Consider the possible implications across various domains such as mental health, physical health, education, social relationships, and adult wellbeing
2) Based on what you have learned about the impacts of incarceration on adolescent development, what are some ways that these negative effects might be mitigated? In other words, what can be done for youth who are incarcerated to make the experience less negative?
3) What can be done instead of incarceration to help youth take responsibility for their actions while supporting positive youth development?

Links to material:
2) documentary:
3) Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood by Arnett (mainly chapter 13)

What is the relevant issue(s) for social work? Why is this issue(s) relevant? Using examples from your work, practicum, or life experience, what are the implications of this issue(s) for particular client groups?

Module 7: Alcohol (Part 2) – Journal

Journal: Critique a News Brief

 and grade weight table

You will keep a regular journal throughout much of the course. In each module, you will submit a two-page journal report on a current addiction-related news brief. The journal entries should be single-spaced with one inch margins and no larger than 12-point type. On the first page, you should paste a copy of the news brief you are using for your analysis. The second full page should contain your detailed, critical analysis of the issues in the brief.


Your journal entries should be thoughtful critiques of the briefs and their application to social work practice. Each critique should address the following prompts:

  1. What is the relevant issue(s) for social work?
  2. Why is this issue(s) relevant?
  3. Using examples from your work, practicum, or life experience, what are the implications of this issue(s) for particular client groups?