How are Women Rape and Sexually Harass in the Military

Sexual Harassment in the Military

The Effects of How Women are Rape and Sexually Harass in the Military

Would you use this technique in your practice? Why or Why Not? What did you think about the use it at the beginning of the role play with Dr. Rinfrette regarding her concern for her friend’s son?

Container Activity and Discussion

After watching the 15 minute role play, download and review the Container worksheet. Find someone to teach this intervention to and then respond to the prompts below.

1. What was it like helping someone create a container for a current issue or intrusive thought/worry?

2. Would you use this technique in your practice? Why or Why Not?

3. What did you think about the use it at the beginning of the role play with Dr. Rinfrette regarding her concern for her friend’s son?

Construct a Trauma Loss List of your own (be aware of your own wellbeing and sense of safety while you are doing this). NOTE: If you do not feel comfortable constructing your own T/L List, you may choose a fictional character from a book, movie, tv show, etc. and construct their T/L List.
Immediately after this exercise, practice the Safe Place exercise from Part A for yourself. You may choose additional grounding and centering exercises if you wish (Body Scan, Triangle Breathing, or other grounding exercises listed in the readings).

Following the Trauma/Loss List and Safe Place exercise, construct your “Best Things” List (see example below Example of Trauma Loss List).
Discuss how this experience went for you. NOTE: You do NOT need to share your T/L List, please just share what this experience was like for you.
Discuss how likely you are to use this assessment in your SW practice?
On a scale of 0 to 10, how comfortable are you with constructing a trauma loss list with a client?
If you aren’t at a 10, what would help you increase your comfort level 1 or 2 levels?
Make a plan to install these things into your practice.

What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment? What specific rules/expectations/agreements might you need to establish with the client to help to ensure safety during and/or between sessions? How come?

Trauma- Informed Treatment plan

Format: You will use the findings from your case conceptualization to develop a treatment plan using the materials provided for you in the course shell. Specifically, your treatment plan will provide specific details about and suggestions for working with the client during the following stages of treatment and address all of the questions under each section:
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
At what stage of trauma treatment is the client currently?
What are the client’s long and short-term goals, and how are your treatment recommendations designed to help the client reach them?
How might you build rapport/trust with the client (and their family, if applicable)?
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What specific rules/expectations/agreements might you need to establish with the client to help to ensure safety during and/or between sessions? How come?
What are your recommendations in terms of case management (e.g. safe housing, medical care, transportation, educational placement, etc.)? How come?
What do you suggest to help the client manage unnecessary stressors/triggers?
What type of training do you suggest for family members to help the client feel safe and secure at home/in the relationship? How come?
Skill/Strengths Building
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What types of skills and strategies do you suggest to help the client manage their anxiety symptoms? How come?
What types of skills and strategies do you suggest to help the client improve their coping behaviors and outcomes? How come?
What progressive challenges might you suggest to help increase the client’s sense of accomplishment, strength, and/or affect tolerance? How come?
Trauma Resolution
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
How will you know when the client is ready for this stage?
What do you suggest in terms of the order for targeting memories? How come?
What do you suggest in terms of an exposure strategy? How come?
What additional skills/strategies do you suggest using with clients during this phase of treatment to help ensure safety, containment, relaxation, and/or recomposure during and after exposure? How come?
How might progress be monitored/evaluated?
Consolidation of Gains
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What do you suggest to help the client overcome remaining symptoms after trauma resolution treatment? How come?
How might you and the client identify and resolve remaining problems or challenges?
Relapse Prevention and Harm Reduction
What are the primary goals of this stage of treatment?
What suggestions do you have for this stage of treatment? How come?

General Expectations: Remember to provide rationales for your suggestions: the “how come” is as important as your recommendations.

According to Finnemore and Sikkink (“International Norm Dynamics and Political Change”), how do international norms evolve, and how do they create political change?

Three different questions

Answer all three questions below in a paragraph format by listing the number followed by your answer. For more information, check out this link. Cite your sources using in-text citations; a reference list is not needed. Review your work for errors before submitting it and ensure that it is grammatically correct. Your submission should be no more than 2 pages in length.

1. Identify and explain the argument that Hultman, Kathman, and Shannon make in “Beyond Keeping Peace.”

2. According to Finnemore and Sikkink (“International Norm Dynamics and Political Change”), how do international norms evolve, and how do they create political change?

3. From Powell and Zwolinski, “The Ethical and Economic Case Against Sweatshop Labor: A Critical Assessment”–describe some competing arguments surrounding the issue of sweatshops. What do the authors argue?

Create a work place resource to support vulnerable families to include an instructive, “easy read” 1000 word document of possible challenges faced by an identified group of vulnerable families, and the impact this might have on the children/ young people in the family (with reference list).

Vulnerable Families

create a work place resource to support vulnerable families to include:
1 An instructive, “easy read” 1000 word document of possible challenges faced by an identified group of vulnerable families, and the impact this might have on the children/ young people in the family (with reference list).

2 A directory of local agencies / services that practitioners could signpost vulnerable families to for appropriate support. To be located in region of country you are planning to work.

3 A list of training providers / training courses available for teachers and other practitioners that could support their continued professional learning in working with vulnerable families. Again, this should be located in the area where you plan to work or be accessible within a few hours of travel.

4 An action plan template designed to provide information that could be shared across agencies that work with vulnerable families.

What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next? What was the most interesting thing that you learned studying this issue? Why was it interesting to you?

Regulating genetically modified foods

Appropriately cite any quotes drawn from the course texts and any website references. Inappropriate or missing citations are plagiarism.

Issue Review Paper
Issue Review Papers should not be approached like an essay for English class. Rather answer each question in order.

Make sure you fully address each question, but be concise.
1. (27 pts total) Position on issue
a. (5 pts) In a sentence, summarize one possible position on the issue. (Claim)
b. (18 pts) List three facts or ideas (Evidence) from the readings that support the position (cite readings). Explain your reasoning of how the evidence supports the position (Reasoning).
c. (4 pts) What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next?
2. (27 pts total) Conflicting position on issue
a. (5 pts) In a sentence, summarize another possible position on the issue. (Claim)
b. (18 pts) List three facts or ideas (Evidence) from the readings that support the position (cite readings). Explain your reasoning of how the evidence supports the position (Reasoning).
c. (4 pts) What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next?
3. (10 pts.) What was the most interesting thing that you learned studying this issue? Why was it interesting to you?
4. (20 pts total) Your position (may be similar but not exactly the same as Q1 or Q2)

Describe how you plan to integrate to specific cultural competency principles and how you plan to integrate to specific NASW Code of Ethics ethical principles discussed in class and from your own research into your research proposal.

Child Abuse

Design a Research Proposal on Child Abuse with a minimum of 15 credible peer-reviewed, scholarly articles cited. Paper should include:
• Title Page
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Literature Review
• Problem Statement
• Research Question and/or Hypotheses
 Develop a research question and sample variables. Develop a search strategy for books and articles that will accompany the research question, and provide a theoretical explanation to support it.
• Methods Section
o Research Design
o Sample
o Instrumentation
o Data Collection
o Data Analysis
• Discussion Section
o Limitations
o Significance
• Ethical and Cultural Considerations
 Describe how you plan to integrate to specific cultural competency principles and how you plan to integrate to specific NASW Code of Ethics ethical principles discussed in class and from your own research into your research proposal. Include a minimum of three ethical principles from the NASW Code of Ethics you would include in your study.

Demonstrate an awareness of diverse communities in Britain and effective social work practice with individuals from these communities. Explore the challenges and opportunities presented by migration in relation to social work in the UK.

Social work assignment critically examine an international model of social work practice.

2,000-word essay where you are asked to critically examine an international model of social work practice. You must compare and contrast with UK and another country of your choice throughout your assignment about the topic you have chosen. E.g. Mental health.

  • The focus is on an international perspective.
  • You can choose any country.
  • We hope to include contributions from some of our European partners at some stage in the teaching for you to ask direct questions but your not restricted to these

This task carries 70% of your final module grade. (LO4)(LO2)(LO3)

LO4 asks you to consider a range of international approaches. By ‘range’ I would suggest given the word count, you consider two to three if possible. It is likely that whatever area of practice you consider more than one model would be used.

  • I think it likely you will also comfortably consider Learning outcomes 2 and 3 as well.

The area of practice  you select and  how you devise assignment is up to you. It  can be drawn from any aspect of social work, but it will need to be sufficiently focused to justify an investigation.

  • It is up to you to choose an area that you are interested in

Some examples

  • Working with young people with eating disorders
  • Safeguarding vulnerable adults
  • Child Protection
  • Fostering and adoption
  • Working with adults with leaning difficulties
  • Supporting female (or male) survivors of Domestic Abuse
  • Working with children whose parents have experienced serious mental health problems

Module Outcomes

LO1. Critically reflect on their own knowledge and values regarding diverse cultures and the implications for their own social work practice

LO2. Demonstrate an awareness of diverse communities in Britain and effective social work practice with individuals from these communities.

LO3. Explore the challenges and opportunities presented by migration in relation to social work in the UK.

LO4. Understand and analyse a range of international social work models and make comparisons to UK social work practice

Explain: (a) How imprisonment adds to societal inequality . (b) how ignoring the victimization of black people being labeled criminals contributes to perpetuating negative stereotypes.

An image of blacks as presumptively criminal.

1) In the article “Slavery gave America a fear of Black people and a taste for violent punishment. Both still define our criminal justice system” by Byron Stevenson from the New York Times 1619 Project, a compelling argument is made that systemically this nation has fostered an image of blacks as presumptively criminal.

Considering this reading, course content, and discussion throughout the semester, explain: (a) How imprisonment adds to societal inequality and (b) how ignoring the victimization of black people being labeled criminals contributes to perpetuating negative stereotypes. (BE SPECIFIC and indicate each response by identifying and highlighting A and B)

Discussion of the relevance or usefulness of the article; how these references help an evaluator to understand aspects of the agency, treatment, etc.

Substance Treatment Annotated Bibliography


 These articles should be related to the focus of the agency (outpatient substance abuse treatment) , similar
programs or the population being serviced (persons aged 15 and up)

 APA format the reference for the article

 Follow the reference with a 150 word summary of the article

 The summary should include a discussion of the articles focus,
research methods, findings and recommendations for future research.

 Discussion of the relevance or usefulness of the article; how these references help an evaluator to understand aspects of the agency, treatment, etc.