Write an abbreviated Subject and Topic assignment for your research assignment that is forthcoming. Select an area of interest, related to the present course’s subject matter.

Social Welfare Policy

For this week, the student will write an abbreviated Subject and Topic assignment for his or her research assignment that is forthcoming.
First, the student will have to select an area of interest, related to the present course’s subject matter.
Next, the student should go to: 1) MyMonroe; 2) click on Library Resources; 3) select one of the databases and after clicking on the database, enter some key words related to the area of interest (e.g., shipwrecks in the North Atlantic)

Examine the academic peer reviewed, academic articles. DO NOT USE NEWSPAPERS OR BOOK REVIEWS, they must be academic articles.
Select one article and read that for background information
Write the APA 7th ed. citation for the article
Write one sentence, the Subject

How would a constructionist view the author’s substance abuse issues? How would a positivist view the author substance abuse issues? Explain.


Answer the following three questions.

Read: Account: An Executive’s Substance Abuse pg 229-232

Answer the following Written Assignment questions. Click Write Submission and follow instructions.

1) How would a constructionist view the author’s substance abuse issues? Explain.

2) How would a positivist view the author substance abuse issues? Explain.

3) Do you think someone can perform their normal daily routines i.e. jobs and family, if they have the substance abuse issues described in the reading? Explain your answer

Explain the role of music, art, movies, and television as a motivating force in social justice issues. Demonstrate interpretative skills by analyzing song lyrics, art, movies, and television for meaning.

Racial justice

For this discussion, use liminality and rites of passage to analyze two works of artistic expressions focused on racial justice.

Be sure to provide and describe examples of each phase in the work(s) of art.

Explain how this work was effective in re-imagining and conjuring social justice, particularly in terms of race.

Explain the role of music, art, movies, and television as a motivating force in social justice issues.
Demonstrate interpretative skills by analyzing song lyrics, art, movies, and television for meaning.
Evaluate the role and effectiveness of music, art, movies, and television as a tool of political protest.
Identify connections between artistic expression and the broader social and political context in which that expression occurs.
Interpret information presented visually, quantitatively, and orally in diverse media and formats.

Write two paragraphs, indicating a subject and topic, in social welfare policyt that interests you that you will want to research this semester.


Based on the Professor Lecture II, Subject and Topic in Research.
Write two paragraphs, indicating a subject and topic, in social welfare policyt that interests you that you will want to research this semester.

Describe what data you will be using for your evaluation. Are these primary or secondary data? What is/are your outcome measures? Provide a brief description of each measure selected. Describe why you selected this measurement tool.

Educating Adolescent’s On Substance Abuse: A Program Evaluation

The program evaluation is the culminating assignment in this course. This assignment allows you to synthesize and apply your understanding of program evaluation to demonstrate your knowledge and skill to engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice and evaluate practice with organizations.

1. Introduction
a. Describe the problem/need to be addressed by the program
NOTE: You have answered/addressed this in your other two assignments. You are welcome to include the same information from those papers; please make sure to implement any suggestions provided.

b. Overview of problem/need
This assignment section provides the reader with a well-informed, well-researched discussion of the problem/need. In completing your Needs Assessment, you conducted a literature review; the literature review helped inform your understanding of the problem/need and develop relevant questions for your interview guide. You will draw on this literature and additional literature as needed to address the following areas (citational evidence is expected):
Identify the factors that contribute to the problem/need.
Provide the reader with an understanding of the estimated numbers of people affected or impacted by the problem/need. Consider using national, state, and local data to provide context.
Discuss the specific population (demographic characteristics) and the geographic area on which you will focus.

c. Proposed program/strategy for addressing the problem/need
Synthesize the research/theoretical material in the form of a detailed program plan. What program are you proposing to address this problem/need? What empirical and/or theoretical literature supports your proposal? (citational evidence is expected).

2. Evaluation Design Description
In narrative format, address the following:
Identify and describe the evaluation design (Formative or Outcome) and the rationale for your choice.
Describe what evaluation question(s) you are hoping to answer (specifically, what are your research questions)
Briefly define the type of evaluation you selected (Formative or Outcome) and why it is appropriate for the question you are asking. For example, if you want to know if your program works (is effective at increasing employment), you would propose to conduct an outcome evaluation.

3. Research Design for your evaluation
In narrative format, address the following:
What type of research design are you proposing (SSRD; GRD)
Describe the type of design (SSRD; GRD). Provide a clear explanation and rationale for the kind of design you selected. How will this design help you answer your research question? Make sure to address or describe the collection of any baseline and/or outcome data (in SSRD designs) and pretest and/or posttest data (in GRD designs).
Describe the rationale for your design selection and identify the strengths and limitations of your design. What can this design allow you to do? What does it not allow you to do?
Why was a more rigorous design not feasible or appropriate?

b. Evaluation Sample
Describe the type of sample you are selecting and why. In other words, who will be participating in your evaluation? (Refer to Chapter 8)]
What procedures will you use to recruit participants for your study? How will you ethically recruit your sample?
What steps could you take to ensure diversity and representation in your sample?

c. Data Collection/Measures
Describe what data you will be using for your evaluation. Are these primary or secondary data?
What is/are your outcome measures? (Refer to Chapters 11 and 12)
Provide a brief description of each measure selected. Describe why you selected this measurement tool.
Make sure to indicate whether you are using an existing measure or creating your own.
If using a standardized measure, report the reliability and validity. Indicate what kind of outcomes or constructs this measure is specifically trying to measure.
If creating your measure, describe what process you will go through to design your tool. Make sure you include a description of how you will validate the instrument and/or improve its usability and face validity.

d. Analysis Plan
Describe what steps you will take to analyze your data. What statistics might you use?
What statistics, conditions, or attributes (e.g., outcomes) do we expect to see change due to the planned activities? How will you know when this is accomplished? In other words, what changes would you hope to see?

e. Conclusion/Reflections
Identify the strengths and limitations of your evaluation plan.
Are there additional surveys or measures you could implement to help demonstrate program efficacy (e.g., satisfaction surveys, analysis of expenditures, qualitative interviews, etc.)?
Your final presentation will ask you to reflect on the implications of your evaluation. Include any tentative thoughts regarding what information you think would be important to distill from this evaluation.
Why do you think program evaluations are an important tool to use generally in human service organizations? Your organization specifically?

Write an essay on why the justice system in the United States needs reform.

Justice system in the United States

Write an essay on why the justice system in the United States needs reform.

Using Kotter’s Model analyze concepts, processes, or methodology for solving the problem, implementing the vision, and determining success.

The 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team

– Make an assessment and identification of the problem

-Using Kotter’s Model (8-step Process for Leading Change) analyze concepts, processes, or methodology for solving the problem, implementing the vision, and determining success.
– Identify and prioritize the challenges within the brigade;
– Identify the process to improve the brigade;
– Determine how you will measure success.

Using one of the direct quotes and/or photos from Knight et al.’s study, analyze it by drawing up a tentative meaning. Discuss how this would specifically inform one intervention recommendation you would make for social work practice with the homeless.

Walden Week5 Qualitative Findings & Social Work Interventions

Evidence-based social work practice calls for the use of research data to guide the development of social work interventions on the micro, mezzo and/or macro-levels. Kearney (2001) described ways qualitative research findings can inform practice. Qualitative findings can help social workers understand the clients’ experiences and “what it may feel like” (Kearney, 2001). Therefore, social workers can develop clinical interventions that take into account the experiences of their clients. Qualitative findings can also help social workers monitor their clients. For example, if after reading a qualitative study on how domestic violence survivors respond to stress, they can monitor for specific stress behaviors and symptoms (Kearney, 2001). In addition, they can educate their client what stress behaviors to look for and teach them specific interventions to reduce stress (Kearney, 2001)

Given the increasing diversity that characterizes the landscape in the United States, social workers need to take into account culture when formulating interventions. Social workers can utilize qualitative findings to plan interventions in a culturally meaningful manner for the client.

To prepare for this Discussion, read Knight et al.’s (2014) study from this week’s required resources. Carefully review the findings, the photographs, and how the researchers wrote up the findings. Finally, review the specific macro-, meso-, and micro-oriented recommendations.

Then read Marsigilia and Booth’s article about how to adapt interventions so that they are culturally relevant and sensitive to the population the intervention is designed for.

Finally, review the chapter written by Lee et al. on conducting research in racial and ethnic minority communities.

Post the following:(Be very detailed in response and expound on the information being requested.)

  1. Using one of the direct quotes and/or photos from Knight et al.’s study, analyze it by drawing up a tentative meaning. Discuss how this would specifically inform one intervention recommendation you would make for social work practice with the homeless. This recommendation can be on the micro, meso, or macro level.
  2. Next, explain how you would adapt the above practice recommendation that you identified so that it is culturally sensitive and relevant for African Americans, Hispanics, or Asian immigrants. (Select only 1 group). Apply one of the cultural adaptations that Marsigilia and Booth reviewed (i.e., content adaption to include surface and/or deep culture, cognitive adaptations, affective-motivational adaptations, etc.)(pp. 424-426). Be as specific as you can, using citations to support your ideas.


Kearney, M. (2001). Levels and applications of qualitative research evidence. Research in Nursing and Health, 24, 145–153.

Knight, K. R., Lopez, A. M., Comfort, M., Shumway, M., Cohen, J., & Riley, E. D. (2014). Single room occupancy (SRO) hotels as mental health risk environments among impoverished women: The intersection of policy, drug use, trauma, and urban space. International Journal of Drug Policy, 25(3), 556-561.

Lee, M. Y, Wang, X., Cao, Y., Liu, C., & Zaharlick, A. (2016). Ceating a culturally competent research agenda. In A. Carten, A. Siskind, & M.P. Greene (Eds.), Strategies for deconstructing racism in the health and human services (pp.51-65). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (PDF)

Marsiglia, F.F. & Booth, J.M. (2015). Cultural adaptations of interventions in real practice settings. Research on Social Work Practice, 25(4), 423-432.


Cigarette smoking remains a concern as related to a public health issue. In your opinion after reading this chapter, why do people continue to smoke and/or vape?

The Science of Addiction: Drug Use and Abuse Week #7

The use of smokeless tobacco products among youths is a concern. Cigarette smoking remains a concern as related to a public health issue. In your opinion after reading this chapter, why do people continue to smoke and/or vape? Your response should include at least one resource to support your position.

Using the agency’s mission and/or vision statements and other pertinent material, describe and critically assess the merits and drawbacks of your potential professional work in that setting. Is this agency a fit for you? Why or why not? Do the values fit within your own personal value system?

Your Role as Social Worker within the Organizational Context: Self-Reflection/Preparing for Practice.

Social workers working within human service organizations are often challenged to apply their skills to many different worker-client environments/settings. Choose a specific agency/organization among public (governmental), non-profit (voluntary) or private (for-profit) types of organizational settings.

our reflective paper should first provide a brief overview of the chosen organization/agency and its service offering. Using the agency’s mission and/or vision statements and other pertinent material, describe (include who the client is and how services are delivered) and then critically assess the merits and drawbacks of your potential professional work in that setting. Is this agency a fit for you? Why or why not? Do the values fit within your own personal value system? What are some of the challenges here? How might different ways of knowing influence services provided by this organization and what might your role be in promoting and advocating for change for gaps in services? For example, are indigenous ways of knowing considered? Supports and resources for newcomers? Francophones?
This paper should be referenced with attention to organizational structure and functioning and other relevant exercise informal leadership as a new social worker. This paper should be no longer than 4-6 pages in length excluding references; double spaced. Standards of writing will be a factor in grading assignments. Complete your writing submissions in a style of formatting consistent with APA (7th Edition) style/format. Information on APA can be accessed via the American Psychological Association (2001), Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Other APA style resources can be accessed via the U of C Student Success Centre website at http://www.ucalgary.ca/ssc/APA. Completed essays must be submitted to the D2L course drop box no later than 11:59 p.m. Please include at least three references from scholarly texts (e.g., journals, texts, community-based policy documents), in addition to the course required readings to support your discussion of a chosen agency/organization.