Select between The Medical Model, The Psychoanalytic Model, The Social Stress Model, and The Antipsychiatric Model. Write a Toulmin argument to explain which one of the models you found to be the most convincing.
This Reflection Paper is based on information covered in Chapter 4 of our reading for this week. Complete the assigned reading then answer the question below. Refer to the relevant section on the Course Syllabus for instructions regarding how to write this paper, including the necessary instructions such as page numbers etc. Your completed paper should be submitted on BLACKBOARD by ATTACHING it via the link created for this assignment when you click where it says “Reflection Paper 2” above. This paper is due by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, February 1.
Q. Select between The Medical Model, The Psychoanalytic Model, The Social Stress Model, and The Antipsychiatric Model. Write a Toulmin argument to explain which one of the models you found to be the most convincing. (For this to be a true Toulmin Argument, it must include all four steps of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation as explained on the last page of the syllabus, including (i) your claim (here is where you identify the model you consider to be the most convincing), (ii) your reasons (give at least three reasons to support your claim), (iii) your evidence (give three evidences total – one evidence to illustrate or support each reason), and (iv) your counterargument (here is where you will need to acknowledge that someone who disagrees with you may argue that one of the other models you didn’t pick is the most convincing. You should identify which model that is and give the reasons why your critic would make this claim and the evidence they would cite to support themselves. You should then rebut their argument – this is your counter-argument (see the explanation of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation as explained on page 8 of the syllabus). You should make sure to provide specific references to, and provide specific examples from, the reading to support your answers, including specific page references.
A Modification of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation
The Toulmin Model of Argumentation can be considered as a guide to critical thinking which incorporates ones claim, reasons, evidence, and counter arguments as demonstrated below:
Four Questions whose sequential answers make an argument:
1. So, what are you advocating? (claim)
2. Why do you believe that? (reasons)
3. Do you have anything to back that up? (evidence)
4. But what about? (counter-arguments)