Item 2: Written Assignment

Weighting: 40%
Length: 2000 words including in-text citations, excluding reference list
This assignment is an analytical report relating to managing a team in an Organizational Behaviour context.
This is an individual assessment piece.
The purpose of this assessment is to help you gain a deep and critical understanding of organizational behaviour theory, processes, and their practical implications. It will also allow you to extend your skills in independent research, critical thinking and academic writing.
The task requires you to:
i. Identify an organizational team behaviour problem where you work or have previously worked and write a paragraph consisting of 4-5 sentences to explain the context, the problem to be addressed, and the outcomes that have occurred to-date as a result of the problem.
ii. Choose three specific areas to focus on; one from each category within the Team Effectiveness Model (see model below) i.e., one area from Context, one from Composition and one from Process to address the problem.
iii. Search and understand the academic literature for relevant concepts and empirical findings.
iv. Write a report that provides an in-depth analysis of managing a team focusing on the specific areas you have chosen (at ii.) and using relevant academic literature (identified at iii.).
v. Provide three clear recommendations (one for each of the three specific areas you chose at ii.) on policies and practices to manage the team and that address the problem.
These recommendations need to be clearly derived from the in-depth analysis (identified in iv) and supported by references.
vi. Include a minimum of EIGHT (8) scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles published in the last 10 years as references. In-text references are required to support all
the arguments presented throughout the report and must be referenced in the reference list. You may cite the textbook and include articles dated prior to the last 10 years, but this does not count towards the minimum eight scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article references. Do not use other books or textbooks as references. Also, do not use website materials (including dictionaries, encyclopaedias, business magazines available online, and blog posts) as these are not scholarly, peer reviewed sources and should be avoided in academic writing.
Full information about the written assignment task and marking criteria will be made available in the Assessment 2 Written Assignment folder under the Assessment tab on the unit website.