This assignment requires each student to prepare a case write-up to apply concepts and frameworks to a designated case study and to generate recommendations.

To be announced

Report format
• Each case write-up should range between 2,000 to 3,000 words (single space, 12 point font, with 1 inch margins all around). If you choose to include exhibits and appendices, please include them in the main text, make sure they are relevant to your analysis, and discuss them in the main text. Words contained in exhibits and appendices will not count toward the word limit.
• Please keep your write-up concise and focused on your analysis and recommendations. No need to repeat lengthy facts and descriptions provided in the case.

The following is a suggested guideline for preparing your case write-up:
• Cover page (include case study title, course name, student name, student ID)
• Introduction (Current Situation Analysis and pertinent Background including a brief synopsis of the relevant information from the case analysis)
• Strategic analysis (Key issues/goals/problems, decision criteria, assumptions, data analysis, alternative solutions, justification and evaluations, final recommendations)
(note: This part is really important and the topics of lectures learnt in class were External/Internal environment analysis, Business level strategy, corporate strategy.)
• Conclusion
• References (make sure you support your ideas with facts and figures). Please use APA formatting throughout the paper and in your reference list. For details on APA style, please see the following link: shop.html
• Appendices (all tables, figures, charts, financials, visuals, and exhibits can be placed here and referenced in the report)

Grading criteria
Your report will be graded based on the following criteria:
• The comprehensiveness and quality of your analysis;
• The quantity and reliability of the evidences that you presented
• The clarity and quality of your analysis
• The quality of your writing