AVADO Learning Limited. Registered in England with number 06177616.
Registered office: Landmark House, Hammersmith Bridge Road, London, W6 9EJ. VAT Registration number: 918560018.
Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – Interim Permission Number 611566
5LMS ILD114001
CIPD Candidate Assessment Activity
Title of unit/s Developing Leadership & Management Skills
Unit No/s 5LMS
Level 5
Credit value 6
Assessment method(s) 1. Essay
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
1 Understand the distinction between
leadership and management.
1.1 Describe a range of meanings attached to
the concepts of leadership and
1.2 Justify distinctions drawn between
leadership and management.
2 Be able to explain different approaches to
developing leaders and managers and the
role of the learning and development
2.1 Evaluate a range of approaches for
developing leaders and managers.
2.2 Discuss the role of the L&D function in
providing leadership and management
3 Understand how to ensure the ownership
and success of leadership and
management development programmes.
3.1 Identify indicators of success for
leadership and management development
3.2 Justify methods to ensure the success of
leadership and management development
Assessment brief/activity Assessment
Drawing on the literature and/or current organisational practice, write an essay where
you should:
• Describe at least three interpretations (each) of the concepts of leadership and
• Explain and justify distinctions drawn between the concepts of leadership and
• Evaluate at least four different approaches for developing leaders and managers
• Provide at least five examples of how the L&D function can support leadership and
management development
• Identifies at least four indicators of success for leadership and management
development programmes
• Provide a rationale for at least three methods to ensure the success of leadership
management development programmes
AVADO Learning Limited. Registered in England with number 06177616.
Registered office: Landmark House, Hammersmith Bridge Road, London, W6 9EJ. VAT Registration number: 918560018.
Authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority – Interim Permission Number 611566
Evidence to be produced/required
A written essay of 3,000 words +/- 10%
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly, and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).