Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper
Due in Week 10 and worth 300 points
Your new employee is going to be moving overseas! Develop a cultural information paper that will help
them understand how to make the transition. (NOTE: You are able to choose any country-please
make sure the county of choice is logical for the position.)
Include in this paper:
a short introduction to the country,
the local customs,
what to expect, and
a list of what is needed to work in the country .
o For examgle: Certain countries requir~ a work visa. Include the requirements for the
w.-or-k -visa .
Include country-specific information needed to live and work in that country such as:
• transportation availability,
• housing costs,
• union influence,
• work week,
• typical vacation time, and
• anything specific to the country we would not experience in the US.
o For example: Some countries the children wear uniforms and go to school all year
This paper should be 6-8 pages.
NOTE: The position moving overseas is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative
ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one.
professor or any a 1 1ona instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.————— – ——
Points: 300 Assignment 4: Cultural Information Paper
Criteria Unacceptable Fair Proficient Exemplary
Below 70% F 70-79% c 80-89% B 90-100% A
1. Provides an Did not submit or Partially discussed Satisfactorily Thoroughly
introduction to the incompletely an introduction to discussed an discussed an
country and customs, discussed an the country and introduction to the introduction to the
and what to expect there introduction to the customs, and what country and country and
country and to expect there. customs, and what customs, and what
Weight: 20% customs, and what to expect there. to expect there.
to expect there.
2. Gives details on what Did not submit or Partially discussed Satisfactorily Thoroughly
is needed to work in the incompletely the details on what discussed the discussed the
country discussed the is needed to work in details on what is details on what is
details on what is the country. needed to work in needed to work in
Weight: 30% needed to work in the country. the country.
the country.
3. Provides information Did not submit or Partially discussed Satisfactorily Thoroughly
about life in the foreign incompletely life in the foreign discussed life in the discussed life in the
country: transportation, discussed life in the country: foreign country: foreign country:
housing, schooling for foreign country: transportation, transportation, transportation,
children, and anything transportation, housing, schooling housing, schooling housing, schooling
unexpected housing, schooling for children, and for children, and for children, and
for children, and anything anything anything
Weight: 20% anything unexpected. unexpected. unexpected.
4. Provides information Did not submit or Partially discussed Satisfactorily Thoroughly
about the work culture in incompletely the work culture in a discussed the work discussed the work
foreign country: union discussed the work foreign country: culture in a foreign culture in a foreign
influence, work week, culture in a foreign union influence, country: union country: union
and typical vacation time country: union work week, and influence, work influence, work
influence, work typical vacation week, and typical week, and typical
Weight: 20% week, and typical time. vacation time. vacation time.
vacation time.
5. Clarity, writing More than 6 errors 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present
mechanics, and present
formatting requirements
Weight: 10%
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Fundamentals of

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What Do I Need to Know?
LO 16-1 Summarize how the growth in international business activity
affects human resource management.
LO 16-2 Identify the factors that most strongly influence HRM in
international markets.
LO 16-3 Discuss how differences among countries affect HR planning
at organizations with international operations.
LO 16-4 Describe how companies select and train human resources in
a global labor market.
LO 16-5 Discuss challenges related to managing performance and
compensating employees from other countries.
LO 16-6 Explain how employers prepare managers for international
assignments and for their return home.
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HRM in a Gl.obal Environment 1ots
• Most companies now function in global markets
• Exporting
• building facilities
• Entering alliances
• Trade agreements facilitate global activities
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HRM in. a Global Environment 2ots
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As companies in U.S. and
Britain cut software jobs and
outsource to other countries
in order to drive down costs,
-countries such as India
continue to see employment
HRM in a Global Environment 3ots
Employees in an International Workforce
– Parent-country- the country in which the
organization’s headquarters is located
– Host-country – country (other than the parent country)
in which an organization operates a facility
– Third-country – a country that is neither the parent
country nor the host country
– Expatriates – employees assigned to work in another
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Figure 16.1 Levels of Global Participation
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Domestic International Multinational
Increasing participation in global markets
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HRM in a Global Envi~ronment 4ots
Employers in the Global Marketplace
– International organization -sets up operations in one
or more foreign countries.
– Multinational company-builds facilities in a number of
different countries in an effort to minimize production
and distribution costs.
– Global organization – locates a facility based on the
ability to effectively, efficiently, and flexibly produce a
product or service, using cultural differences as an
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~~——— ——–
Hans works for a company who’s headquartered in France
and has foreign operations in Germany only. Hans is a
citizen of the Netherlands. Which of the following is most
likely true?
a) Hans works for a domestic company and is from the parent
b) Hans works for a multinational company and is from the host
c) Hans works for a global company and is from a third country.
d) Hans works for an international company and is from a third
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HRM in a Global Environment sots
Transnational HRM system:
• Makes decisions from a global perspective
• Includes managers from many countries
• Based on ideas contributed by people representing a
variety of cultures
Decisions that are the outcome of a transnational
HRM system balance uniformity with flexibility.
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Factors Affecting HRM in lnternatibnal Markets 1ot6
Culture – a community’s set of shared
assumptions about how the world works and what
ideals are worth striving for.
• Greatly affects a country’s laws.
• Cultural influences may be expressed through
customs, languages, religions, and so o-n.
• Influences what people value, so it affects people’s
economic systems and efforts to invest in education.
• May determine effectiveness of HRM practices.
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Hofstede’s Five Di·mensions of Culture
1.lndividualism/Collectivism I Strength of the relation between an
individual and other individuals in the
2. Power Distance I Way the culture deals with unequal
distribution of power and defines the
amount of inequality that is normal.
3. Uncertainty Avoidance I How cultures handle the fact that the
4. Masculinity/Femininity
5. Long-term/Short-term
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future is unpredictable.
Emphasis a culture places on practices
or qualities that have traditionally been
considered masculine or feminine.
Suggests whether the focus of cultural
values is on the future (long term) or the
past and present (short term).
Factors Affecting HRM in lntern:ational Markets 2 ot a
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In Taiwan, a country that
is high in collectivism,
coworkers consider
themsel-ves more asg
rou p members instead of
Factors Affecting HRM in International Markets 3ot6
Culture (Continued)
-Organizations must prepare managers to recognize
and handle cultural differences.
• Recruit managers with knowledge of other cultures
• Provide training
– For expatriate assignments, organizations may need
to conduct an extensive selection process to identify
individuals who can adapt to new environments.
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Factors Affecting· HRM in International Markets 4 ot s
Education and Skill Levels
– U.S., has a growing need for knowledge workers.
– Spending on education is greater per pupil in highincome
countries than in poorer countries.
– Countries need to foster economic development by
expanding access to education, thus creating a large
trained workforce.
– In countries with a poorly educated population,
companies will limit their activities to low-skill, lowwage
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Factors Affecting HRM in International Markets sot 6
Economic System
• An economic system provides many incentives or
disincentives for developing the value of the labor
• In developed countries with great wealth, labor costs
are relatively high, impacting compensation recruiting
and selection decisions.
• Income tax differences between countries make pay
structures more complicated when they cross national
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F·actors Affecting HRM in International Markets 6ot6
Political-Legal System
• Country’s laws often dictate requirements for HRM
practices: training, compensation, hiring, firing, and
• An organization that expands internationally must
gain expertise in the host country’s legal
requirements and ways of dealing with its legal
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• Organizations will sometimes hire host- country
nationals to help in the process.
HR Planning in a Global Econom~ 1 ot~
• Relevant human resource issues: local market pay rates
and labor laws.
• HR planning includes where and how many employees
are needed for each international facility.
• Decisions about where to locate include considerations
such as cost and availability of qualified workers which
must be weighed against financial and operational
• Outsourcing may be involved.
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HR Planning in a Global Economy 2 ot3
Criteria for selection of employees for foreign
1. Competency in employee’s area of expertise
2. Ability to communicate verbally and nonverbally in
the foreign country
3. Flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity, and sensitivity to
cultural differences
4. Motivation to succeed and enjoyment of challenges
5. Willingness to learn the foreign country’s culture,
language, and customs
6. Support from family members
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HR Planning in a Global Economy ~~~ _
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Qualities associated with success in foreign
assignments are the ability to communicate in the
foreign country, flexibility, enjoying a challenging
situation, and support from family members.
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Figure 16.2 Emotion·al Stages Associated with a Foreign
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Test Your Knowledge _E_ot_3> ___ _
Rachel, an expatriate working in Japan is feeling very
uncomfortable in her surroundings. She often feels as
if she has said the wrong thing. Rachel is most likely in
which emotional stage of expatriation:
a) Honeymoon
b) Culture shock
c) Learning
d) Adjustment
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Training and Developing a Global Workforce 1 at 3
• Training and development programs should be effective
for all participating employees, regardless of their
country of origin.
• When organizations hire employees to work in a foreign
country or transfer them to another country, the employer
needs to provide employees with training in how to
handle the associated challenges.
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Training and Developing a Global Workforce 2 ot 3
Training Programs for an International
1. Establish the objectives for the training and its
2. Developers should next ask what training
techniques, strategies, and media to use
3. Developers should identify any other interventions
and conditions that must be in place for the training
to meet its objectives
4. Developers should identify who in the organization
should be involved in reviewing and approving the
training program
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Table 16.1 Effects of Culture on Training Design
Power distance
Time orientation
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Culture high in individualism expects participation in
exercises and questioning to be determined by status in the
company or culture.
Culture high in uncertainty avoidance expects formal
instructional environments. There is less tolerance for
impromptu style.
Culture low in masculinity values relationships with fellow
trainees. Female trainers are less likely to be resisted in lowmasculinity
Culture high in power distance expects trainers to be experts.
Trainers are expected to be authoritarian and controlling of
Culture with a long-term orientation will have trainees who
are likely to accept development plans and assignments.
Source: based on B. Filipczak, “Think Locally, Act Globally,” Training, January 1997, pp. 41-48.
Training and Developing a Global Workforce 3 ot 3
Cross-Cultural Preparation
1. Preparation for departure-language instruction and
an orientation to the foreign country’s culture.
2. The assignment itself-some combination of a formal
program and mentoring relationship to provide
ongoing further information about the foreign
country’s culture.
3. Preparation for the return home-providing
information about the employee’s community and
home-country workplace (from company newsletters,
local newspapers, and so on).
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Test Your Knowledge (3ot3J
Employees from a high-power distance culture
would feel most comfortable in a training class
a) Involved several group activities with classmates
b) The teacher was the expert and responded
definitively to all questions
c) The teacher acted as a facilitator of group
d) None of these
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Foreign Assi:gnments
• Would you consider taking a foreign assignment
for a 6 months to 1 year duration?
A=Yes B =No
• Before you took on a foreign assignment, what
would you want to know?
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Cross-Cultural Preparation
• Training to prepare employees and their family
members for an assignment in a foreign country.
• Covers all three phases of an international
1 . Preparation for departure
2. The assignment itself
3. Preparation for the return home
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Performance Management Across National Boundaries
When establishing
performance management
methods in other countries,
• Legal requirements
• Local business
• National cultures
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Differences may include:
• Which behaviors are
• How and the extent to
which performance is
• Who performs the rating
• How feedback is
Compensating an lntern.ational Workforce 1ot3
Pay Structure
– Market pay structures can differ substantially across
countries in terms of both pay level and relative worth
of jobs.
– Dilemma for global companies:
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• Should pay levels and differences reflect what workers
are used to in their own countries?
• Should pay levels and differences reflect the earnings
of colleagues in the country of the facility, or earnings at
the company headquarters?
Figure 16.3 Earnings in Selected Occupations in Three Countries
per Year
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South Korea Mexico
_ Bus driver
Kindergarten teacher
Electronic equipment assembler
Source: Wage and hour data from International Labour Organization, LABORSTA Internet, accessed June 20, 2016.
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