Description of the problem:  I recently ran for Statesville City Council.  While seeking this office, I kept track of voter turnout throughout the contest.  After everything was said and done, I lost by two votes.  I believe that the younger voters turn out for the two-week early voting period, and the older voters show up on Election Day.  Since there are two weeks for people to show up without lines and waiting, prior to Election Day, it is expected that more people would turn out to vote early compared to Election Day voting.


Research question—if you could conduct a research study at your current or last place of employment in a criminal justice-oriented job, what would be your research question?  At least one of your questions must be phrased as “Is (variable) related to (variable)?”
What variable(s) would you need to address this research question? What level of measurement would the variable(s) be? What descriptive statistics would you calculate on the variable(s)?
Does the number of overall voters increase in Election Day voting compared to the two-week early voting period?


Are the voters in Election Day voting older than those who participate in early voting?


Is early voting more effective overall or less effective than Election Day voting?







·   # of Election Day voters

·   # of early voters


·   Average age of Election Day voters

·   Average age of early voters

·   # of early voters

·   #of Election Day voters

·   Metric




·   Metric



·   Metric





Mean of age of Election Day voters

Mean of age of early voters