Survey Questions:

  1. Did the school administration explained the importance of implemented change to you?

Yes                  No


  1. Did the school administration assigned capable teams to lead the change efforts?

Yes                  No

  1. Did the school administration create a vision and direct the change efforts toward it?

Yes                  No


  1. Did the school administration convince you through active communication and strategies to work toward the change vision?

Yes                  No


  1. Do you think the school administration have empowered you to act toward the change vision by removing the obstacles to change and encouraging risk taking and non-traditional ideas and actions?

Yes                  No


  1. Did the school administration plan for visible performance improvement and create short term wins?

Yes                  No                   I don’t know

  1. Did the school administration consolidate improvements and produced still more change?

Yes                  No                   to some instant

  1. Did the school administration institutionalize new change approaches by clarifying the correlated relation between change and success?

Yes                  No

Survey Answers:


No Yes they conduct meeting before implementing the change and clarify that this change will reduce students previous issues Yes they asked us if we think this way is better or before but after the implementation! Yes they did but we think it is in the benefit of the school administration not the teachers No

They pretended to do but not really

They listen to who don’t like it but later they make them suffer personally I agree with them because I don’t want problems

Yes to certain extent Yes but we can’t make objections because they will be against us no one want to upset the administration Yes they do but it is difficult to convince them with our opinions I feel they do not want to listen 1-Did the school administration explained the importance of implemented change to you?


Yes No No No No No No No 2.Did the school administration assigned capable teams to lead the change efforts?


No No No I don’t know No Yes they created however they did not direct the change efforts No I don’t know 3.Did the school administration create a vision and direct the change efforts toward it?


No No their decisions are almost impossible to be done No No they force us to agree on the implemented change by punishment or obstacles for those who refuse it, like asking us to come 15 mins earlier to school when we said the change from class to class makes students lose class time! No Yes No No 4-Did the school administration convinced you through active communication and strategies to work toward the change vision?


No No it happens with the administrative staff exclusively No No they surprise us with new rules. Only some staff knows about No No many obstacles they have not thought about and did not listen to the real concerns of teachers who at operational level No No 5.Do you think the school administration empower you to act toward the change vision by removing the obstacles to change and encouraging risk taking and non-traditional ideas and actions?


I don’t know I don’t know No No No Yes No I don’t know 6.Did the school administration plan for visible performance improvement and create short term wins?


To some instance To some instance yes Yes they do but only for the staff they like and inform with everything No Yes No yes 7.Did the school administration consolidating improvements and producing still more change?


No No No No No No No No 8.Did the school administration institutionalizing new change approaches by clarifying the correlated relation between change and success?