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Why do patients not adhere to treatments? Discuss in relation to sociological explanations, and apply concepts to a particular disease/condition.

  • Introduce the content of the essay: the topics you will discuss, with theories/authors/concepts you will use; how you will apply notions as part of your analysis. (Can you start the introduction with “ In this essay I will addressed…………..and then you write what you will talk about in the essay)


  • Critically engage with the theories and evidence: Start with key definitions, and key sociological theories in relation to your chosen question.
  • Apply concepts and theories to a specific disease, condition (Diabetes, high blood pressure, breast cancer) and/or healthcare contexts (NHS, patients/service users, services)
  • Include medications ( Why we take or don’t take medications for the disease, condition).
  • Argue about the topic from different perspective (what other authors think).
  • Include relevant statistical/demographic research data
  • The essay should include intext references of 5 original academic sources: you will write this as: eg ‘as defined by Goffman 1969, the concept of stigma refers to….’
  • You can include direct quotations by saying: ‘as defined by Goffman 1969, open quote [quotation you want to use] end quote’
  • Present key theory/concepts: 3 perspectives to understand doctor-patient relationship (consensus, conflict, negotiation) (Gabe, Bury, Elston, 2013) Concepts: adherence, non-adherence and concordance [Horne et al ,2005]
  • Develop non-adherence and concordance further: Explain intentional and unintentional non-adherence to medication-taking. Explain the challenges in achieving concordance.
    • Provide an example of a particular disease where adherence to medication is not good (use journal articles). Present some data/stats. [E.g. non-adherence with diabetes medication is 50%]. Identify factors for non-adherence for your chosen disease, and reflect on the concepts presented before (section b): which factors are intentional/non-intentional?; to which extent is concordance achievable?


Conclusion: answer the question in relation to your chosen disease: summarise key aspects analysed. You can also refer to implications for  policies/ interventions, or need for more research/or services.